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VF-2 John Banks

Changing the cockpit view angle

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Hi folks,


i know there a "fix" to raise the horizontal view angle for all planes but i forgot how and where. By default the pilot view in the F-15 is too low, i.e. you are looking directly at the upper edge of the front panel, instead to the center of the HUD. Having installed 1.1 it seems that the old trick (which i applied but can't find it anymore) doesn't work. All tips are appreciated.



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Yes there is in the Config/Views/Snapviews


you will find a long list.. no 8 is the F-15, the views are no 1 - 13, no 7 is the A-10.. the default view is


iSu_27 = 1,

iSu_33 = 2,

iSu_25 = 3,

iSu_39 = 4, -- Su-39 or Su-25T

iMiG_29 = 5,

iMiG_29K = 6,

iA_10 = 7,

iF_15 = 8,



Snap[8][13]["viewAngle"] = 52.727844238281 (F-15 default view)(my values)

Snap[8][13]["vAngle"] = -13.6784505844116

Snap[8][13]["hAngle"] = 0


Snap[7][13] = {} ( A-10 default view)

Snap[7][13]["viewAngle"] = 59.737544213773 (not the original value, I changed it)

Snap[7][13]["vAngle"] = -12.5

Snap[7][13]["hAngle"] = 0


View angle is how close you are to the Hud

vangle is verticle angle...

h angle is horizontal angle.


you can play with these.....no need to make a copy.. they are in defaultsnapview folder.


If you use Track IR, changing these values will not change anything. :good:

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Using the snapview commands in new and a featue of 1.1 i guess. The trick i mean simply used a line in the cockpit.lua file IIRC.

But if your trick works, then that would be just great! And reading the values there makes sense, cause in all plans, you are sitting too low by default. In real life, the pilots eyes have to be level with the center of the HUD, otherwise the HUD becomes unreadable, as they weren't built with a high degrees of view angle, like TFT monitors.


Btw, the view angle is the FOV, i.e. like 60 degrees field of vision? Thereuse to be a FOV setting in the ingame options, which dissapeared.


I will give it a try. Thanks alot.

Edited by VF-2 John Banks

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