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Is There A problem With The JAS39E?

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I start a CAP mission, and take off, 4 plane flight.

And on the way we hear the radio calls of a fight going

on a head. By the time we get there the fight is over and 

we get the call that the mission is over. We haven't seen

a single bandit. Any call to command for vector to target

is meant with area clear.

I have flown this mission 5 times and its the same old thing.

Have I screwed something up?

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Tried a mission with the JAS39E, for the second time I shot down one of my

own men because he shows up with a red square and a yellow diamond just

like an enemy plane. Two Different JAS39s, two different problems.

So I am deleting both until their problems are fixed.

Nice planes, don't fit in the game so well.

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Hello there! I too have experienced your first issue, albeit with differing aircraft. It's an issue with the game engine, more than your plane itself. After a couple of flights and battles it sorts itself out! Just make sure you're patched to the latest level, just in case! (I've patched to the latest level, and no problems to report!)


On your second issue, are you sure it's a friendly? Have you clicked the "Y" key (selects friendlies) and they still show up red? Or do they show up as red when pressing the "T" key?

In any case, I think you might be slightly confused! If you have installed the JAS-39C or any other versions, you have to remember some are flown by the "Red" side (ie. Czechoslovakia).

I've flown my own flight of Swedish Gripens against enemy Czech Gripens! 


Can you recognize the markings on them?

Screenshots could be really helpful!

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I use the next enemy keyed to my throttle and not the keyboard keys.

It happen twice that it targeted my own planes, I got the check fire warning

both times. But it seems to have fixed itself, no problems lately. This is on the E

model. I deleted the C model because no matter how many times I tried, it always

fought the battle without me and then gave me a mission over call.

I will reload the C and try it again.


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