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A different kind of calling card......

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I had a Line Division Officer, when I was in VFA-83, who gave me his calling card. He had been prior service with the US Air Force, and had been trained as a Russian Linguist. Keep that in mind, as you read the card. What a comedian, that guy....hehehehehehehe....


Chief W.

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Well, I don't know if his wife knew about the card or not. I remember that he told me he and his wife first met, while working together as Russian linguists.


Lt. "Dave" was the best Div. O. I had the pleasure of serving with. He always listened to my suggestions, and never interfered with the way I ran things. My LPO was an AT2, named McHale. He viturally ran the division for me, and made my life so easy, the year before I retired.


Chief W.

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