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P-3C Orion Armada Argentina SF2 -DAT

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P-3C Orion Armada Argentina SF2 -DAT

For the Dev A-Team's P-3

New re paint in Blue for P-3C Orion Argentine Navy

Put this folder in the appropriate place: Documents and Settings or My Documents\StrikeFighters2...


\ Objects \ Aircraft \P-3C, for SFP2.


and P-3C folder that is inside "Decals ARA" in: Documents and Settings or My Documents...




This repaint is more complete than the previous skin, because that was one of my first skins.

The serial numbers are all in decal and decorations now, while the first version were painted.


Feel free to modify as you like this painting,

just give me the corresponding credit. Since I do.


Good flight.Ariell






Nueva repintura Azul para P-3C Orion de la Armada Argentina.

Ponga esta carpeta en el lugar correspondiente: Mis Documentos\StrikeFighters2...


\Objects\Aircraft\P-3C, para sfp2.


y la carpeta P-3C que esta dentro de "Decals ARA" en: Mis Documentos...




Este repaint es mas completo que la anterior skin, por que aquella fué una de mis primeras skins.

Los seriales estan todos en decal, así como las decoraciones ahora, mientras en la primera version

estaban pintados.


Sientase en la libertad de modificar a su gusto esta pintura,

solo deme el correspondiente credito. Ya que yo lo hago.


Buen vuelo. Ariell


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