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EAF No.51 Sqn Sukhoi Su-7BMK Ramadan War

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EAF No.51 Sqn Sukhoi Su-7BMK Ramadan War

Campaign EAF No.51 Sqn Ramadan War(Sukhoi Su-7BMK)

For Wings over Israel.

This campaign with 36 missions for the EAF No.51 Sqn(205th Fighter-Bomber Brigade)cover the periode from Oct 6, 1973 to Oct 24, 1973.
Historical accurate with the main units and bases deployment by and after October 6, 1973. Revised ground forces and add tank Su-100, BTR-50PK infantry transport, FROG-7, Scud-B(three launched on Oct 22, 1973)and three type of Bofors AAA.

EAF No.51 Squadron and Sukhoi Su-7BMK

By the Ramadan War, No.51 Squadron was one of three units of the EAF equipped with Su-7BMK. The more experienced No.55 Squadron was equipped with the new and vastly improved Su-20.
The Su-7BMK was a simplified export version of Su-7BM, manufactured 1967-1971 with 441 built.
The three Su-7BMK squadrons(No.51, No.52 and No.53)formed the 205th Fighter-Bomber Brigade with bases at Bilbeis, Bilbeis Qutamiyah and el-Mansourah. Full complement of the Brigade was 48 Su-7BMK.
From the first days of the entry in service of the Su-7BMK, the EAF was dissapointed with the type.        
The powerful Lyuka Al-7F1 turbojet, was a thirsty engine and occuped almost two thirds of the fuselage increasing vulnerability. Range was limited and drop tanks were mandatory. Despite Sukhoi brochures "as capable of self protection from enemy interceptors", combat operations over the Sinai proved the contrary. However, with a skilled pilot this two 30mm with 70 rounds each can give devastador results.   
Other problems were the weapons and the limited number of tyres and drop tanks(six for each aircraft)supplied by the Soviets. Rockets S-3K proved incapable of penetrating even the relatively thin top-side armour of the Israeli tanks.
Despite a good number of the requests of the EAF for improvements, Sukhoi only acceded in instaling the requested mirrors.
The EAF was in his own and with the colaboration of Helwan factory, the type was continued improved from 1967.      
To increase the range, Helwan took the 500 liters drop tanks, cut him, inserted a strech section between and increase the capacity to 1050 liters. 
Because the Soviets refused to deliver enough replacement weapons, Helwan produced the bomb Kaakaa-100-105(based on the Soviet FAB-100-105), the Kaakaa-250(FAB-250M-54)and later the Nasr-250(FAB-250M-62). 
With Six Days War recovered and no exploded French bombs, Helwan developed one anti-rwy penetration bomb of 250 kg. The factory produced also the fuel-air explosive(FAE)of 200 kg, as well retarding fins for other GP weapons. 
By 1973, the Su-7BMK was vastly improved but pilots were only full satisfied with the arrivals of the Su-20s in the same year.  
EAF No.51 Squadron began operations in the Ramadan War by 13.48 hours on Oct 6, 1973. CO LtCol Hazem al-Gharby led 12 Su-7BMK and attacked Refidim AB and surrounding installations. 
Approaching at a very high speed and minimal altitude, the attack took the Israelis by surprise and the Su-7BMK holed the rwy in 10 places and destroyed the control tower. 
The third flight failed to find the HAWK site a Refidim and attacked as alternative the CP at Umm Qashiba. 
No.51 Sqn suffered no losses in his first mission of the war and Refidim, repaired was back in operations two days later.     
On Oct 11, 1973 four Su-7BMK of the No.51 Sqn destroyed the Israeli HAWK site near Baluza, opening the way for 12 MiG-17s in strike against tanks and vehicles, forward Israeli HQ and observation post at Um Hashiba.   
EAF´s Su-7BMK were used intensively by the Ramadan War suffering heavy losses with 20 jets downed(17 by IDF/AF interceptors, 2 by AAA and one by accident).
In comparation SyAAF loss 14, the IrAF 15 and the QJJ one.
Despite this limitation, some 50 Su-7BMK were still in service at the end of 1986.


Campaign need the following extra aircrafts:

MiG-17F "Fresco-C EAF mod(by Paulopanz)
Aero L-29 Delfin "Maya(by Paulopanz)
Campaign included a Su-7BMK ready to use.(Cockpit MiG-17. Sound default).


Follow readme instructions and aditional informations 


MiG-17F "Fresco-C EAF mod(by Paulopanz)
Aero L-29 Delfin "Maya(by Paulopanz)
Spillone104 for the GP-9 Gunpod.
Team of the SF2 tank pack.

Sources: Several but mainly, "Arab MiGs" October 1973 War Vol 5 and 6 by Tom Cooper and David Nicolle.


Happy flights


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