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IL-2 Sturmovik: Flying Circus Volume I Announced

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Never was able to get ROF running in WineSkin on a Mac - WOFFue and FE2, and RB3D, on the other hand, work just fine in WineSkin. I doubt that I'll try running ROF at this point especially (since it's no longer being developed or modded), or even that IL-2 Flying Circus stuff in the future considering that I'm very happy with FE2 and WOFFue, although competition in the small WW1 flight sim market is a good thing (for us too: greater user awareness of alternatives like FE2 and WOFFue, especially if users don't warm up to ROF/FC). I think with ROF/FC you also need to keep up with the latest technology regularly, otherwise frame rates suffer with every upgrade of the sim. Mid-range rigs on the other hand can run FE2 fine, also WOFFue on lower graphics settings.

Happy flying in FE2 gents',

Von S :flyer:

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The visual improvements alone are really tempting, but most Ukrainian/Russian sims lack mod tools.  Plus, as VonS pointed out, the planned releases appear to require the latest, very expensive, technology.  Consequently, I won't hold my breath - but I would love to be proven wrong!  :biggrin:

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