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Finally got a HOTAS...but how are you doing this week?

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I mean I know it's no big deal ... but I'm just super stoked that I finally have a HOTAS...It's the Thrustmaster T.16000M FCS

I read some reviews here on CombatACE about some HOTAS systems but I couldn't see myself spending that much money on the $300-$500 variety. Even if they did have all the little switches and things. I haven't configured the controls yet for DCS A-10 but I love how it feels and even though my Logitech got the job done. Using a HOTAS gave me the same feeling I had when I switched from mouse and keyboard flying to joystick controls. Makes sims that much more fun. All I'm doing now is waiting on DCS F/A-18 to go on sale and I'll be set :D, seriously there are other more important things in life but those have freaking hectic ... FUBAR on top of FUBAR with a little extra FUBAR on the side, and oh, why not, some insanity here and there as well.

Anyway how are things going with you guys? I hope things are going well for all of you or if you have any new sims in your sites that you'd like to get and talk about.

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I can remember when I got my first HOTAS, a Saitek X-36 USB back in the fall of 2000, not long after I got my first PC. I can't imagine playing flight sims all these years without one. T.16000M should get the job done very well. Enjoy! I hope you get the DCS F/A-18, it is incredibly fun to fly even with it being a feature incomplete early release will should be the perfect complement to your new HOTAS :)

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Just got my first as well, a freaking Thrust-master Cougar.. thank you Ebay...

It really doesn't like anything beyond Win-Vista though so getting it to work has been ... interesting...

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