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MIG-29 formation question

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Some MIG-29 , for SF1, act weird when they are in formation. They look like they have a higher speed than the leader so they can't align and they are zigging left and right ? How can I correct that ?  Does anyone know how please ? I suspect it's something in the [FlightControl] section. Thank you.

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Solved it. Took a while but I discovered where  the problem laid. There was an [AI] section very, very down in the data.ini file and those values influenced their behavior. I deleted them and now the planes fly into formation as they should have.

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Happens in SF2 also; so what did you fiddle with?

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I just erased the [ai] section from inside the plane's data.ini file. The reason the [AI] section was there in the file , in the beginning, has to do with with the way those MIG-29 behave in flight and when they are in formation. My guess is that they were old, as changes, when the TK game's engine was a litlle different (did things in a different way. See the big change, in WOI in 2008, with the AI planes when they are attacked, they start to dodge the missile, flying low etc). For those times they probably worked fine in formation, but with actual engine (WOI) they won't. So the logical correction was to reset them to the "today's" default, a sort of speak.

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