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Hi, is there a way or doc about to editing the campaign .sav files for the pilots?

I was thinking of running a campaign with a Dead is Dead type of thing, but where the campaign continues and we can switch pilots and units during the same campaign.


Is it possible? How can I edit the contents of the sav file or understand how it works? I know that being a binary file I would need to be carefull with the sizes of bits but maybe an editor can be made.



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I do not believe there is any way to edit saved games. A quick perusal through the Knowledge Base shows nothing for that. Also, if you are having an issue recommend you check out the KB here https://combatace.com/forums/forum/268-thirdwire-strike-fighters-2-series-knowledge-base/ before posting any new threads. There is a wealth of info on there. 

edit: hope I'm not stepping on any toes/backseat modding here

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