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$1,000 Flight in a Phantom II

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Dice sent me this great story of his experience of taking an "unusual" incentive ride in an F-4E at Clark AB Philippines back in 1989. It's a great read! Here's a snippet:


We leveled off at (I’m guessing here) around 50-100 feet off the runway headed down the centerline. At this point I'm trying to absorb everything I could, the passing flightline full of Phantoms on my right, and the sounds and feelings of being in a F4 in full blower! I knew we were reaching the end of the runway because I could see the road which ran by EOR coming up fast. All of a sudden I’m pushed back in my seat and the G-suit inflates around my legs and stomach. All I could do was put my head back against the seat and look straight ahead, or into the rearview mirrors. I don’t know how many Gs we pulled but with the Gs suit, helmet and survival vest I was pretty much pined to the seat. I could look in the mirrors and I remember how quickly the ground resided as we climbed.


You can read the story in the Special Articles/Flight Stories section here at Biohaz. Thanks go to Dice for giving me the honor of hosting this! =)



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Most excellent story, almost felt like I was riding with you. You lucky bastard major...sir.




Ps. Definately a memory worth holdn onto.

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