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I've been busy

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I've been busy with other projects and real life for a very long time. I hope to get back to EAW once the snow falls.
I still modify my site from time to time just to correct errors and links.

I don't see many posts about EAW users anywhere, so I figure the game has died out or everyones happily getting along with the game and support. :)

I'm still planning on continuing and going threw the lenghty list of files and tools I have for DL. There are files in files that should be located else where for DL and easily missed. Plus duplicate files, which I like to weed out.

Okay hope all are doing well, miss actively supporting the game and friends....until later.


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There's still a pulse. There seemed to be an opportunity during the pandemical social restrictions, but it hasn't been taken.

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Hi Mark,

we're still actively flying in the Launchpad every other day, with just a few diehard pilots. I'm still trying to be creative too but it's usually just a new terrain tile or UHR skyset. Got a bit stuck with programming but occasionally I'm stil trying new ideas. Italy and PTIV are on hold for now but the plan is still to finish it using proprietry file formats. So the game isn't dead and I hope nobody else is either. Just hang in there, I have faith that better days will come sooner or later, preferrably sooner!


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Well I do want to get back to EAW asap. I'll admit once I got stumped on the tool descriptions, usage and tips, I turned to other activities.

But I should be able to regain interest once my other obligations are over.

I'll ask my question for you in the EAWPRO thread.....


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