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Some of my favourite reads: Barker VC- Wayne Ralph

                                                    Manfred Von Richthofen- David Baker

                                                    The Black Flight: The Memoirs of Raymond Collishaw- Ronald Dodds/CEF Books

                                                     Red Baron: The Life and Death of an Ace- Peter Kilduff

                                                     The Red Baron Combat Wing- Jagdgesschwader Richthofen in Battle- Peter Kilduff

                                                     The Royal Flying Corps in World War 1- Ralph Barker 

                                                     The Royal Flying Corps in France: From Mons to the Somme- Ralph Barker

                                                     Billy Bishop VC- Lone Wolf Hunter- Peter Kilduff

                                                     Mud, Blood and Poppycock- Gordon Corrigan (non aviation)

                                                     At the Sharp End- Tim Cook ( 2 Volume set) Covers the Canadian Corps during WW1.

Many, many more books to purchase as those listed here by others. Cheers!

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I would just add 'Wings of war' by Rudolf Stark, as I don't see it mentioned above - this is a very readable first-hand account by a staffel-leader from one of the non-elite German fighter units.


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