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I have just purchased Strike Fighters all in one bundle which installs it on the computer.

I put it on C drive everything works ok apart from when i run the game it does not put the mod folders in my saved games folder, but strangely it puts the North Atlantic in the save folder but none of the others

Does that cause problems if I install mods into that folder as the others do not appear


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No, you still have access to the other game content. I use SF2 Complete and use one executable and I have access to everything with one Saved Games folder

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Thanks for the reply I am 71 so a bit out of touch

Are you saying if I open Strike Fighters 2 the original I have access to all the others such as North Atlantic etc

Finally if I download any mods can I put them in the North Atlantic mods folders and they should work

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22 hours ago, mysticbrave123 said:

I put it on C drive everything works ok apart from when i run the game it does not put the mod folders in my saved games folder, but strangely it puts the North Atlantic in the save folder but none of the others

Is by any chance your saved games folder in a different place than the default location (c:\Users\<your username>\Saved Games)?
North Atlantic will create the mod folder here, but (because of a bug?) the other games will create their mod folders in the default saved games folder location.


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When you’re in-game, which stock aircraft can you fly? Also, which terrains are available?

How many SF2 exe icons are on your desktop?

If there are more than just the one for SF2: North Atlantic have you tried opening the game with the others?

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I don't know if this will help, but here is a tutorial from the Knowledge Base about running the game from another disc or disc partition (I've never done this as I go in for HUGE single drives....) If it doesn't, we'll think of something else (grin).

We've got a lot of smart people here; ask the questions somebody will help figure it out!

(and welcome to CA!)


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22 hours ago, mysticbrave123 said:

Yes my saved games folder is on my G drive and it put North Atlantic in there but no others

Yes, as I wrote, (because of a bug) the other games ignore the non-default saved games folder location on drive G and put the mod folder always in the default saved game folder location, i.e. C:\Users\<your user name>\Saved Games\Thirdwire\<game name>.
If you want the mod folders of the other games also in the non-default saved games folder location, you can use a workaround by modifying C:\Users\<your user name>\Saved Games\Thirdwire\<game name>\Options.ini:

Directory=G:\<path to non-default saved games folder>\Thirdwire\<game name>

After running the game, a new mod folder will be created at the new location. At the old mod folder location you only need to keep Options.ini and Version.ini, all other files can be deleted here.

Edited by mue
Removed pronoun 'your' from 'your non-default saved game folder'
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One other thing I have noticed is if I start the game using SF 2 and click on campaigns it crashes to desktop, however if I try this with any others the campaigns are there.

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