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Posts posted by WitchyWoman

  1. I have been saying for years the cold war never ended and that the red scourge was still out there. We are witnessing "Red Dawn 1985" real life. Its ironic that those who taught the germans a lesson in 42 are now learning that lesson themselves and that's as far as I will go without getting political. Has the clock ever been this close to midnight (Iron maiden song rings in my head) Seems it hasn't been updated since this all started but it was already short before all this. (shakes head)

    It is insane, criminal, and very sad. Bless those behind the lines and those poor people and furry family members in the crossfire.

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  2. Soviet doctrines always been that single units cant act alone, often platoons of tanks have to fire on same targets, same with aircraft. Would explain why Ukraine has an advantage, its always been a downfall of Russian tactics.

  3. On 2/9/2022 at 12:17 AM, RustyKurnass said:

    Which B-17 you use?

    I done the skins for the '48 and Suez for my personal use based on Veltro Fortress, If tou want I can send you


    Please do send me them! ty in advance

    All I did was a fast IDF decal change to the USAF paint to get it flying in suez, yours are perfect.

    • Thanks 1

  4. On 2/5/2022 at 3:38 PM, trotski00 said:

    I love the fact that there are Girls/Ladies, who love flight sims, and get stuck in with modding, I wish more gals would join in, as it is great when they do. As with the modelling community, there are some superb scale moddelers who are Female, and I love to see it. Keep up the great work !!!  :pilotfly:

    I have loved aviation most of my life, We are out here even if we are a rarity in the combat flight sim genre. I used to be a member of hovercontrol.com back in the day and I flew with several other gals who were using FSX to train for helicopter licenses on the flight servers. I have been finding it fun to add planes that were missing in some campaigns here. So far I have made the halifax, mentor, beaufighter, a-26, b-17g, sterling, and lancasters flyable in the campaign suez crisis of course with the help of skillful people who made the planes to begin with here


    If I find the time, I may attempt a campaign of my own here. The hard thing would be the time needed to place ground units all over and what not. Making squadrons, things flyable, editing loadouts, adding weapon inventories, and designating their bases has proven fast and easy.








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  5. Ok so I been messing around with Suez Crisis 1956, I started by replacing aircraft with newer models of the vampire, meteor, and even added the missing torpedo loadout to the Wyvern and I was successful in that.

    So just to mess round I added the Sea Vixen to the campaign to see if it would work, I know it wasn't around at the time but Im just learning how to mod things.


    The jet does show up on HMS OCEAN which is where I put it and it works in campaign, but it has no loadouts at all in arming. I did add the weapons loads to the SuezN_data.ini here,


    and Suez.ini here



    Thanks for any help in advance....Witchy


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  6. 3 hours ago, Janzen said:

    Yes indeed the Bloody April- Air war over Arras 1917 and the Eagle of Lille was a good purchase & find.  It had good reviews from what I recall.  I played a start up mission for both when I first received the games and it was very fun/immersive as board games go.  The instruction/ rules for either are well laid out and the campaign’s for the RFC & Luftkrafftkreit appear to be quite immersive.  Should be fun when I eventually roll out the Maps, counters and dice to have a full go playing it albeit solo.  

    I’ll probably spread out the game maps on the dining room table as it is wide and long enough to accommodate everything much to the chagrin of my better half…lol…Dawn Patrol I played half a dozen times with one of my friends whom I worked with when we were off on rest days pre-children.  He had kept the game since his teens and was a military board game enthusiast like myself.  When our families were young spare time was non existent between work and parenthood.  That was over 25 yrs ago and we’ve both retired since.  He also moved several hours away so no chance we can link up to give Blood April a go.  

    You may want to have a look at this site, there is several free updates to download and mods for the game and many others. Its a wealth of info for board games.



  7.  I have it bu barely use it other then when I am forced to update a mod for some other sim like DCS. 99% of the time I leave it off. I prefer forums and steam for communication. I find most people I know on discord seldom use it either. Its just another thing to install and monitor.

  8. Its funny you mention Phantom leader because I bought Apache leader (pilot ah-64's, ah-6, OV-10, etc) earlier this year which uses the same kind of rules but enhances them for helicopter combat. Got it during a Covid sale, plus two of the expansions. Was really happy to see some women in the pilot cards in the mix. I have yet to put some time into it and learn the system.

    I think my dad had piles of GHQ minatures. His tanks and halftracks an stuff came in blister packs, like platoon size (4-6 vehicles). That stuff cost a fortune and it was tiny.

  9. What did that aircraft fleet cost? The old blister packs of ral partha and other branded  metal miniatures were not cheap.  I'm sure there was a lot of repetitive painting but it pays off. I used to volunteer time at a game shop, painting War hammer and DUST miniatures. I've seen a few places that offer 3d printed stuff, I may have to look into that for some of my needs. I been thinking about investing in a 3d printer as well. I have a few friends that make models and DIY household stuff with theirs, pretty handy. They aren't that expensive.

  10. On 7/28/2021 at 11:19 AM, jerhear said:

    Sandbagger has hosted/posted version 3 of User skins and Alternatives.


    Pack 3 has 193 new skins/all the older skins have had an image quality upgrade and some rework.  Some misplaced skins were removed from Pack 1 to Alternatives or deleted.  So now there are 279 in there and 149 in Pack 2 and 124 in Alternatives.


    There are skins for Kest 1 and 3/some Fokker DVII {Alb) with five color wings and fuselages and t here are skins to fill in the BH&H2 gaps in  Jastas 4/5/10 15 and 18.  I made some early Pfalz DIII factory camouflage crates for Jasta 10 and put some in Kest One, just for Fun (poem).


    More pictures are posted in the screenshots thread here and on the SimHq forum.

    J10 Kuehn Pfalz.jpg

    Thats an awesome paint scheme.

  11. 5 hours ago, mandrews_2 said:

    I've been wanting to get back into some of the WW1 air war board games (I played Richthofen' War a lot in my earlier years) , and I've recently gathered a few more I want to try.  Unfortunately, my wife's cats make game play bit of an issue.  I have a small collection of Wings of Glory models, joined the kickstarter for Age of Dogfights, and picked up a copy of Knights of the Air.  There are also some Print and Play games out there.

    LOL My dad used to get so pissed off having a week long squad leader battle all over the dining table, huge battle 100's of counters, only to have one of the cats get up on top and nuke the table.

  12. Oh no TSR made quite a few war and sci fi games, they remade a lot of SPI games. Made the counters more colorful, upgraded rules, etc. Its nice to know we got some board gamer's here, I thought we did.Me and  few other women here in my state get together at a few gamecons (before the pandemic ruined everything) and on some weekends for a glass of wine and gaming. Its far from a  dead hobby,  Felicia Day is a big board gamer. Whil Wheaton from Star Trek fame hosts a board game show called tabletop which can be found on popular video sites and sometimes Felicia appears on the show. Simulators and video games are great but they don't give your brain as much of a workout and nothing beats a table of friends so I still do it.

    Here is another solitaire WW1 tactical air war game coming out soon that I have had my eye on. If you haven't got people to play those two player board games, there are tons of solitaire ones out there now for one player. Also battletech is going stong, Fasa was bought out and the new company has made modules and streamlined some bad rules. Multiman bought out Avalon Hills ASL system and continues to make modules.



  13. I am just curious if anyone else is a geek here and played any of these games?

    I may be outnumbered by the boys here but you can thank my dad and older brother for getting me interested in military history many years ago. I have fond memories of my older brother john playing Squad Leader or Mosby's Raiders. My dad was into Avalon hills Air Force and Richtofen's War. My first board game experience was with RPG's like Shadowrun and Battletech in the FASA days but I got  into Dawn Patrol which is a WW1 air war board game and RPG. I even rolled up a Snoppy flying Camels. (laughs)

    Dawn Patrol is so much fun that it can still be seen played at many Gamecons. I also got into several  games like AMBUSH!  and a WW1 Zeppelin solitaire game that came out a few years ago called

    Zeppelin Raider........... https://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/256939/zeppelin-raider-imperial-german-naval-airships , this company is also working on a WW1 aircraft version of this game as we speak.


    There are a few women out here who appreciate these board games and simulators.


  14. If you look on SimHQ for a thread by me several years ago about joysticks in WOFF. You will see I had a problem with the Saitek X56 throttle not being recognized in WOFF. I was able to do a workaround and got it to work. It may be helpful to you or someone else in the future. Even though your using a Thrustmaster product it could be a similar issue.




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