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Everything posted by charlielima

  1. Bitchin! where do we get it? How about a Roadrunner? The AP-2H neptune. In one form or another the Navy, Army, USAF, and the CIA flew this bird. I bet some marines even flew this as summer help. My system or what is not letting me copy and paste imagery, but check out these links. Gobs of this group will be stoked. http://www.vah21.org/ http://www.verslo.is/baldur/p2/vah21.htm :ph34r: V/R, CL
  2. The F-16 and C-130 pilots conversation

    The relief tube on the H-3 was right behind the cockpit. A nice place to hang a helmet bag was right beside it. A couple of times the pilot would induce turbulance while I was using that. " I'm sorry petty officer L&@*$%$*o, we hit some pretty wierd turbulance". Sierra Mr S%&@$s! I'm sorry about your helmet bag! V/R All :ph34r: CL
  3. AAFG_Sturmo

    Hey Sturmo I feel your pain. It's the nature of the beast tho. This is the reason the gun has tracers. Give it a quick squirt, compensate, another shot. "SHACK" Roll off get airspeed and altitude and either bug out or find another target. When the gun is empty It's back to building 43 parked in the Tonkin Gulf, Sea of Japan, or Gonzo Station for ahh..... a glass of bug juice. I hate it when they run out of ice tea! :ph34r: CL
  4. a F-4U Corsair training video...

    Oooh, Aaah! Thanks! :ph34r: CL
  5. Hey thanks. This is good info Arf And Cedric. Instead of flying single missions in my favorite skins I could fly them as a campiagn? Bitchin! Will this work with add on aircraft? Cedric you may think you don't speak english well but your words are clear. English is my native language. Until I get a couple cups of black tea or coffee in me my english is not as good as yours. Thanks again guys! :ph34r: V/R, CL
  6. Night time is the right time.

    :ph34r: CL
  7. Well Doggies! the gomers are going to have a long night! :ph34r: CL
  8. the unwelcome guest

    And the rest of the story! :ph34r: CL
  9. Bravo Zulu

    Bravo Zulu Mig Killer. :ph34r:
  10. Thanks for the good gouge on Hercs. Do we have a mod were we can dump a pallet or two of CBU's or even a MOAB out the back? Great! I'll probably to have snivel for a straight and level bomb site to make it bitchin now. :ph34r: CL
  11. The F-16 and C-130 pilots conversation

    My dad drove P2Vs. His jokes and yarns about fast movers are no way suitable for posting here. When my parents bought an Osterizer (first on the block) there was no shortage of navy and marine SPAD, Scooter, FORD drivers, and a handfull of seriously senior Fleet Marines, who without concern for there own personnel safety displayed heroic levels of airmanship and valour, gratefully consumed the margeritas and some other green cocktail from this wonderfull acquisiton. It's too bad a skinny 8 year old kid in bermuda shorts, keds and a Hawaiian shirt, didn't have the technology and means to record the first person verbalization of Korean and cold war history I heard. AaahH! The Martin Denny music was so loud we probably couldn't make sense of it anyway. :ph34r: CL
  12. Skyray Please! V/R :ph34r: CL
  13. No good will come of this.

    Don't pickle your load. I GOT HIM ! :ph34r: CL
  14. What the, Oh Sierra!

    The amazing more technologicly advanced A1 SkyRaider utilizing the heinously unfair tactic of straight and level flight in A2A warefare to defend itself :ph34r: CL
  15. I'd be happy enuf with a BUFF with It's rightfull cockpit! :ph34r: CL
  16. The Start Of A Crudy Day

    :ph34r: CL
  17. My Class Mate

    My classmate doesn't miss a chance to remind me that his branch traded thier piston slappers for jets almost 10 years before we will. :ph34r: CL
  18. Hunting Sams Up North

    You Bet! Sluffs and shrikes go together like peas and carrots. V/R :ph34r: CL
  19. File Name: f84fdhimar File Submitter: charlielima File Submitted: 17 Apr 2006 File Updated: 12 Feb 2007 File Category: F-84 Early work by Whiteknight. National ensignia works with SF, not my WOV. :ph34r: CL Click here to download this file
  20. SPAD Over Indian Country

    I hauled all that iron up here just to get in a gunfight? :ph34r: CL
  21. RTB

    And its back to the Coral Maru for a glass of bug juice. :ph34r: CL
  22. Distracted Bronco

    Hey skipper, since we forgot to pickle the ordinance we brought for the gomers do you think we can go to our primary now? :ph34r: CL
  23. Crud Happens

  24. Hey group. I attempted to build a VMFA-333 pilot skin and I failed miserably. I thot all I had to do was paste a shamrock or two on a white helmet and call it good. No Joy and Negetrons! I figure if I'm going to snivel to the group for a pilot skin I should go big. a dark blue brain bucket with the grey ghost skull, lightning bolts, and stars would be most splendid. :ph34r: V/R all. CL
  25. What a co ink a dink! I to am looking for a soviet carrier. :ph34r: CL

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