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Baron von Blutwurst

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Posts posted by Baron von Blutwurst

  1. Hi folks,


    Blutwerks has released their Fokker EV/DVIII package for FS9 today.


    The package features 4 models, Full animations, animated hi-detail pilot,fully functional VC with hard-coded guages, 17 paintschemes,(Historic and Fictionally Historic),custom soundset by J.Andrew Banks.


    it can be found at Blutwerks


    here's a few screenies of it in game. Hope you dig em.












  2. Bf 109F-4 "Yellow 3", 6./JG27, Franz Schwaiger

    Bf 109F-4 "Yellow 3", piloted by Unteroffizier Franz Schwaiger, 6./JG27, Castel Benito/Libya, February



    place the bitmap in your IL-2/paintschemes/skins/Bf 109F-4 folder and try to beat back the Allied assault.


    Skin,Template, and Cockpit Detail by Baron von Blutwurst


    engine,gun,gearleg by FlyByShooter...thanx m8!!


  3. Messerschmitt Bf 109G-2 "MT-212" 1./LeLv34, Tuominen

    Historical Messerschmitt Bf 109G-2,"MT-212 (W.Nr.14753, RJ+SW)",of 1./LeLv34 Piloted by Adjutant Oiva Emil Kalervo Tuominen.June 1943. With this plane Finnish fighter ace No.1 Eino Juutilainen (94 1/6 victories) shot down 24.3.43. a Soviet Pe-2 over Gulf of Finland. On June 2 1943 Tuominen had to make a forced landing in the Gulf of Finland after a dogfight. Tuominen ended the war with 44 victories, 8 of these were claimed during The Winter War.


    Place the bitmap in your IL-2/paintschemes/skins/Bf 109G-2 folder and have a great flight.


    Skin,Template,and Cockpit detail by Baron von Blutwurst


    engine,gear-leg,gun by FlyByShooter...thanx m8!


  4. Bf 109F-2 "Yellow 1" piloted by Oberleutnant Gerhard Homuth

    Bf 109F-2 "Yellow 1" piloted by Oberleutnant Gerhard Homuth, 3./JG27, Martuba/Libya, February 1942.


    Place the bitmap in you IL-2/paintschemes/skins/BF 109F-2 folder and tear it up..:)



    Skin and Template by Baron von Blutwurst


    Cockpit by Baron von Blutwurst


    engine,gun,gearleg by FlyByShooter


  5. Messerschmitt 109K-4 "Red Tulip" II./JG52

    Historical skin of Messerschmitt Bf-109K-4, W.Nr 332529 in active service with JG 52, May 1945. Pilot unknown.


    Place file in your IL-2/paintschemes/skins/Bf-109K-4 folder and defend the Fatherland to the last...



    Skin and Template by Baron von Blutwurst 2006


    Cockpit detail by Baron von Blutwurst 2006


    Thanks to everyone at 1C.Maddox games for providing the void file.


  6. Bf 109F-4, II./JG3 "Hauptmann Karl-Heinz Krahl"

    Bf 109F-4 "White Chevron/Triangle" piloted by Hauptmann Karl-Heinz Krahl, Gruppenkommandeur II./JG3, San Pietro/Italy, April 1942.



    place the bitmap in your IL-2/paintschemes/skins/Bf 109F-4 folder and try to beat back the Allied assault.



    Skin and Template by Baron von Blutwurst


    engine,gun,gearleg by FlyByShooter


  7. Bf 109G-2 4/JG54 "Grunherz"

    Bf 109G-2 of 4/JG 54 "Grunherz", Siverskaya, northern sector of the Eastern Front, summer 1942.

    The aircraft is finished in RLM71/72/76 with a field applied scheme of RLM79.


    Place the bitmap in your IL-2/paintschemes/skins/Bf 109G-2 folder and and tackle the "Red Menace"


    Skin and template by Baron von Blutwurst


    Engine/Gun/Gearleg by FlyByShooter


  8. Bf 109K-4 III/JG53 "Ernst Dieter Bernhard"

    Personal mount of Lt. Ernst Dieter Bernhard of III/JG53 April of 1945..


    place the bitmap file in your IL-2/paintshemes/skins/Bf 109K-4 folder and have a great time.



    Skin and Template by Baron von Blutwurst

    Cockpit detail by Baron von Blutwurst


    Engine,Gun,and Gearleg by FlyByShooter


    Thanks to 1C.Maddox games for providing the void file.


  9. 1/JG11 Bf 109K-4 "Frankenstien's 109"

    Messerschmitt Bf109K-4 of 1/JG11 recovered by the Allies in May 1945. This Aircraft is presumed to be a Staffel Furher's personal mount and was assembled from various unservicable airframes.


    Place file in your IL-2/paintschemes/skins/Bf109K-4 folder and have a great flight.


    Skin and Template by Baron von Blutwurst


    Engine,Gun,and Gearleg by FlyByShooter


    Thanks to 1cMaddox games for supplying the void file.


  10. 7/JG53 Bf 109G-6 "Georg Amon" 1943

    Personal mount of Unter Offizier Georg Amon from 7./JG53 based in Sicily in June 1943.


    Place the bitmap in you IL-2/paintschemes/skins/Bf 109G-6 folder and have a great time.


    Skin and Template by Baron von Blutwurst


    Engine,Gun,Gearleg by FlyByShooter


  11. 9/JG3 Bf 109G-6 "Alfred Sarau" 1943

    This skin represents the colorful mount of 9/JG 3 pilot Alfred Sarau in fall of 1943, as it would appear just before a mission. This plane represents a fairly early G-6 model. It carries a simplified camouflage splinter of RLM 74 gray-green, RLM 75 violet gray over RLM 76 Blue. It carries the FuG 16 zy antenna mounted under the fuselage, rather than out on the wing as seen in many later examples. It is also equipped with the FuG 25a antenna just under the cockpit.


    Place the bitmap in your IL-2/paintschemes/skins/Bf 109G-6 folder and have a great flight.



    Skin,Template,and Cockpit Detail by Baron von Blutwurst


    Engine,Gun, and gear leg by FlyByShooter


  12. P-47D-22 Lt. Col. Wayne K. Blickenstaff

    350th FS P-47D-22 #42-74647 piloted by Lt. Col Wayne K. Blickenstaff. The artwork on the aircraft was the Colonel's own handy work which he named "Soubrette"


    Place file in your IL-2/paintschemes/skins/P-47D-22 folder and have a great flight,


    Skin and Template by Baron von Blutwurst 2006


  13. Lt Ed M. Niebinger's P-47 "Superbolt"

    P-47D-22 of the 360th FS piloted by Lt. Ed M. Niebinger, Aircraft named "Miss Ginny"


    Place in your IL-2/paintschemes/skins/P-47D-22 folder and Liberate Europe again!


    Skin and Template by Baron von Blutwurst


    Aircraft Profile by Nick King



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