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Everything posted by GwynO

  1. Joining U.S. Navy as a foreigner

    The cynical view of it i guess is that the Air Force don't want people applying, at least not unless they are already well switched on to it and committed from their teens. I wonder just how many pilots in the RAF started off in the cadets aged 13 up? At least in our RAF, there just isn't enough positions for all those that would show an interest or aptitude, the chances of getting the top job in a fast mover if you're in the UK is pathetically slim. As far as the FAA having less stringent criteria, the only thing I could think is that perhaps less people would look into it. So did you get in Fallenphoenix? All the best with you Hide!
  2. Joining U.S. Navy as a foreigner

    Big Gulp! I only wish I had done something sooner in some ways, then again I'm now in the part of my life starting a family of my own, a teaching career and well it just wouldn't be the best time for another couple years at least. Never mind, I guess I can always go in for a civie flying career later on down the track.
  3. Caption this

    Canadian's don't do cat flaps
  4. Skeen, kind of like how in most of Wales, there are more English people than Welsh :ph34r: que corrections from aggrieved invaders, sorry English gentlefolk :tomato2: We love them really My friend went on holiday to Florida, loved every minute, brought back shedloads of cool stuff like a yard long tube of pogs and a 2 litre Coke cooler, we had never seen such things in Wales before, at least not outside of a milking parlour.
  5. Yo that site is class, "rummaging for discarded aluminium" put in mind the wierdos that hang outside the methadone dispensaries. Truely :lmaosmiley:
  6. Joining U.S. Navy as a foreigner

    This set my nerves tingling, for all of my childhood my ultimate dream was to become a USAF or USN fast jest pilot! Had worked out a plan aged 8 to hitch a ride to Scotland, get on a trawler and somehow live in the States long enough to become naturalized and get in that way! Yes I know, dumb ass kid I was I didn't do it. So 26, too old? Meh the way my life turned out, I have a wonderful GF/Fiancee in all but ring, and she wouldn't be strong enough to make the adjustments to it but even though, my nerves are tingling. Hide 86, sorry if I interjected your thread somewhat but just wanted to say, if you think you can make the commitment to that path, Dude! Do it and you will Rock!!! If not, what's wrong with the Italian Air Force? Here in UK I am too old already
  7. Airliners.net

  8. So that's 1400 for us GMT+0 types! I can't wait! Should be sleeping then as have got a 14 hour night shift tonight but for that I will be setting an alarm call!! Ba ba ba bomb Saddam oo oo e ooo!
  9. Just read a bit about Texas on the interwebs now, it's confusing! 6 flags over Texas and all that, but either way it's put me in mind for TEX-MEX tonight!! :drinks_drunk: Think I will put on that Johnie Cash mariachi song in the meantime.
  10. So even though Texas is in the South, it isn't southern? Like Miami? I'm confused, always pictured those J.R. Ewing Cowboy types as Southern brothers.
  11. If paranoia makes you live longer I think I should take up playing the bong again. For ears I reconmend shaping the wax from a baby bell to fit, wala, instant ear protection add on to standard cone shaped foil hat!
  12. Rgr. Thanks for confirming that info as tinfoil sourced.
  13. Brilliant!! I have been searching the net but found nothing. "Can do anything", I like that So the green bars were in addition to the red part, so in theory because the gunsight is part of the optical glass, it can stay red and the bars if part of the "hud" could be green, but am not sure that would work because they wouldn't follow the gunsight... unless. hmm thinking to do.
  14. Thank you for that info Crusader, I noticed you upped the radar range in the avionics too, I was wondering to do that myself. One day, maybe we could have provisions from the game engine to build a truely representative hud for this most awsome of aircraft but in the meantime the one you made is just great! Thanks Do you have any pictures of the real hud sight by any chance?
  15. Fatal crash

  16. Some pictures ilustrate better what I mean, the first shows final adjustment getting inline with the target (extra low and close for dramatic effect) you can see the gunsight wandering up towards the hud. Second shot I have pulled level to get a better spread of bombs and to leave time to pull up (only just still), at that point you are in a bit of a bother because you wont see the target as it will be below the field of vision of the cockpit which is where imagination really comes into it, I toggle cockpit off for that part and watch the pipper walk up to the target as I overfly the target or more often start the pull up thereby taking on the role of the fire control computer myself seeing as we don't have them modelled into the game yet. Granted my approach may involve a bit of a fudge but I just feel better having at least some kind of bombing assistance than none at all! The USAF certainly didn't waste billions of dollars on aircraft like the F-4 and F-111 so they could dive bomb with them! The last picture for me is the reason Thirdwire games are still after 5 years, my favourite. For me it's like one of my all time dreams come true to feel like I am flying in a F-111 and doing the business, of course there are limitations to any game that attempts to simulate anything from real life be it tennis, chess or arm wrestling, but all in all I am just so very happy that at 26 I have the chance to play out in these sims the dreams I had as a little boy. So kudos to all that help and support these sims and may the haters next tyrds be as hedgehogs.
  17. Personally I have recently decided to use the games ccip hud function as a stand in for the myriad real life accuracy aids that are not yet modelled. I really enjoyed the MF approach with the ARN101 Phantom so decided on a similar set up for the F-111A, using MJ's latest gunsight works well, however I decided to add a custom flightpath indicator and centerline marker to aid with flying below three figures. I am not at all sure if there would have been provisions for such in the real thing, but for me it kind of stands in as a harder alternative to auto terrain following radar.
  18. Just merged the new stuff into my jerry rigged ccip version, I like it even more!!
  19. Very nice gun sight Crusader!
  20. I really really really love what you guys did with this mod! I can't get enough of it! It got me thinking as well, if you could get the pipper to move with the ccip, but forgoe the usual green fall line and so on, why not add that to the equally stunning MF F-111A and FB-111, so I did. And now I am having triple the fun out of this series than I was last week. Thank you Mirage Factory! Keep it comming! And I am soo not a sycophant
  21. The problem with the ARN 101 accuracy was that it computed the ccip in statute miles when the data being fed to it from the aircraft was in nautical miles. Why wasn't it ever fixed though is another question. This is a good link for info from an ex wcs group on what the Vietnam era Phantoms had to help get dumb bombs on target. http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/3227/jargon.htm and http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/3227/index.html
  22. Champagne! Champagne for eve1ry one! I'm winking darling If I complain at times for the lack of fire control computations, that is not to say that these sims and the CA forums continue to bring me a lot of fun and I love you all, and gosh my ovaries are really hot today. :ghey:
  23. And I'm not rivet counting, quite the opposite, I'm amazed by the visual quality, truely a work of art. But like Jarhead, I tend to prefer being in the office when moving mud, so for me, it's not what it looks like that clinches it but what it does. Having said that, I still think the (real) super bug is fugly.
  24. You know what would be a great Aha factor? A ccip to stand in for the lacking systems. Before the reality police rain down on that idea with calls of "it wasn't like that irl" maybe not but it defintley wasn't a case of dumb bombs, dumb gunsight, dumb dive bomb run precision calculated and non negotiable to within 10kts, 10ft and .01 of a nautical mile, it just would help in my mind to make this already great model much better. The visual work on the model is fantastic, the flight model was and still is great to fly, I only wish we could do so much more with the plane than hope the bombs hit, surely the real Vark crews had more faith in the machine than to work out/guess their pickle point manually?

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