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Posts posted by ArturR

  1. I love MiG/Su fighters too. I spend many times in Woe to take out Western fighters ;-) I have few questions.

    How add missile rails (like apu-23?) to MiG-23 pylons? This is old MiG-23mf model from Mirage Factory.


    I take him because stock MiG-23 from Thirdwire have some bugs.

    Second - Are there any properly fuel tanks for this MiG type. MiG-23 (and 27 too) carry 800litres fuel tank in center pylon and another 800litres tanks (another model) under wing pylons. Stock weapons and weapons pack does'nt have it. Can someone model this tanks?

  2. I notice that russian planes (MiG-21/23/27/29, Su-22) didn't have few external fuel tanks:

    MiG-21/23/27 can carry 800 litres tank in center fuselage pylon and wings (but wing tanks have different model than fuselage tank) in Wings over Europe we didnt have it :search: same the Su-22/25 (Mig-29?) can carry 1150 l tanks under the wings and 1500 l under fuselage in MiG-29. Can someone make this tanks?


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