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Posts posted by ArturR

  1. Because the size of the sun in EDs world is wrong, it's too big. But i dont think that's the answer you're looking for.


    Basically the now 70 Pages (?) of whining about FC3 makes DSCW/LoMAC look like they are having issues too,


    but the whining is mainly because the Western Fighters Look better, even though the weapons (Particularly the AIM120) is neutered.


    Maybe because many people came from old Flanker 1 & 2 and for them its one of the most important fighter in this series. Heck for me Flanker 1 was one of the best sim ever.

    • Like 1

  2. Wait so the track and shoot from the NA works only with F-14avionics.dll which in turn does not support ground map?

    Because that would be really freakin' hilarious...


    Generating shooting list working only in F-14avionics.dll, and yes unfortunately TK cut ground map in it.

    Ugh I dont know why he did this, more funny is that other new things from F-14avionics are integrated in avionics70.dll



    Sounds cool ArturR, but I don't even use ground mapping that much at all, not even to target ships, since it (I believe) uses the weapons seeker as opposed to the radar so it's not even missed. Unless NA has that feature and I just don't realize it (would be nice).


    Ok after all its just one entry in main aircraft data.ini. I was referring to searching ships and other ground stuff. When using Harms or other ARM missiles its easier to calculate range.

  3. Everyone, I just ran an exparment. I took the latest F-22A and changed the AvionicsDLL from "Avionics70.dll" to "AvionicsDLL=AvionicsF14A.dll" in the F-22A.INI file. I then flew an intercept mission. I set the radar to TWS mode and selected the AIM-120C. I then followed the procedure outlined for F-14 in the manual, no shootlist number apeared on the display, however I ripple fired 4 AMRAAMS anyway. Each of the 4 hit a separate target!


    yeah, but Map mode doesnt work now :(


    but good thing is that in Avionics70 we can now freely shooting Amraams in TWS (without going to STT)

  4. anyone noticed you can now turn the HUD OFF?


    on A-7E that is, caged turns the thig off



    Yes in Tomcat there is ILS submode in caged mode HUD which turns on after reaching the penultimate waypoint before landing.

    Tomcat avionics sits on a new AvionicsF14A.dll


    In 3rd party aircrafts it also doesn't workg but I noticed that avionics70 has the same new entries like avionicsF14 so I think it need just avionics.ini work to fix.

  5. On the first pic with the Corsair and the ship only the central radar seems to be hit and damaged, but I can be wrong :grin:


    Edit- correcting typeo


    That could explain why this Corsair is so close and no one doesnt shoot to him.


    Do you think that ships will have possibility to shooting down smaller a-s missiles (Harpoons)? Maybe there will be new entry in weapons editor, something like "detectable" by surface and air radars...


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