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Posts posted by ordway

  1. I am getting to work again on a "South African terrain" (Angola and Nambia [sW Africa]). I've been working on it for four years off and on.


    The vast terrain variety and vast kilometers/miles needed for an Angolan terrain from orange desert, to white sand, to pink bush terrain to white bush terrain to orange bush terrain, to green river land to dense forest to mountain terrain has been a bugaboo for many modelers (including myself) I believe.  There just does not seem to be any easy way to model all this massive variety even half-way well. 


    However, I am going at it again and it feels much better this time around-my third attempt. My Photoshop/Gimp skills have much improved.


    So, that's what I have to offer in the future.



    • Like 2

  2.      The MIG-23's combat record is also an indication of how effective it was. Unfortunately, it will likely never be known.  The record is sharply disputed depending on whether you were from from the Soviet Bloc or the  American Bloc.  Reports exist of it gaining complete air superiority against the South African's Mirage F1s over Angola.(F1 fighter pilot Dick Lord).. Soviet Bloc people claim that although it got slaughtered against Israeli F-15s and F-16s in the Becca Valley, that it still got a few kills against the superior F-16's and F-15s.  However, no confirming wreckage was ever presented.

         When the MiG-23s were working,many had a working  IRST (infrared search and tracking system) that would let the MiG-23s engage without using radar to give themselves away. Apparently,  a standard Eastern Bloc joke went something like "the cheapest way to get a MiG-23 was to buy a plot of land and wait for one to crash on it."  At the very least, the MiG-23 was an effective fighter against the South Africans around 1986.

          An interesting comparison is with the MiG-25 which almost certainly shot down a US F-18 and disrupted some American air operations during the Iraqi Wars.. The MiG-23 could not claim this and so you could definitely make a case that the MiG-23 was not effective for the time it was operational.

  3. Just me, but I find many Warsaw pact fighters have better radar and all aspect missiles (read MIG-23 and MIG-25).  I have only rear aspect missiles.  If I approach them at 50 feet AGL(above ground level) and beam their radars (Turn 90 degrees to them and their missiles so losing their lock) when (if) they even lock on me, I can get close and use my small size and good climb to get on their tails.


    It is also quite fun to plan a pincer movement with four F-5s.  Put two high up approaching the MIGs from far on my side and I and my wing man stay at 50 feet AGL.  When my poor wingmen act as decoys, I can stay undetected and completely get on the MIGs tails undetected while they are messing with my other flight. Also I can use close to the same tactic and dive to the ground while applying afterburner and lose my wing men and flight and approach at 50 feet undetected while the rest of my flight stays higher and distracts the MIGs. It is also called a hi-lo tactic.


    If you are at a higher altitude and get  detected by MIGs, you can also dive straight down and beam them that way and then hide in ground clutter at 50 ft AGL and ambush them that way.

    (EDIT- added more description on beaming)

  4. >Hi guys,


    >I don't know if some managed to, but I made my Yak-38 flyable with Lift engines etc.... I added RCS for hover control (from AV-8A, with no tweaks)


    >I know that there are still some tweaks to do but it flies lovely now !


    >I don't know how to post the YAK-38_DATA.ini, but here are the sections I changed :



    Nice job! I am wondering what cockpit you decided to use and how that is working out?






  5. I'm getting a crash whenever I click fly with the SMB2. It gets to 90%, then the jet engine loading sound abruptly dies and it freezes until I eventually get "SF2.exe has stopped working".

    I'm using a merged SF2 install, what did I do wrong?



    Have you tried extracting and putting all the F-100 files (especially the .lod files) into the new Super Mystere folder? Sometimes for me, this will solve all problems.




    There's so much legal stuff, that I hesitate to do this for a download for the public. But you, of course, can.





  6. Hi:


    I was curious as to the size of this download -- almost 80 mb. The download package includes:


    - two different copies of the featured aircraft, one in nested folders;


    - a host of apparently unrelated files in the cockpit directories of each aircraft, including what looks to be a complete set of files (LODs, BMPs, INIs, texture folders, etc.) for the AV-8A, as well as a large number of INIs, LODs, BMPs, and TGAs from the cockpits of other aircraft including various F-4s, the Harrier3, the Jaguar GR, the A-7E, the A-10A, and the Super Etendard.


    Two questions:


    1. What is the difference between the various copies of the main aircraft featured in this package?


    2. Are all these other files really necessary? (I find it difficult to believe, for example, that the cockpit directory really requires a complete copy of the AV-8A, aircraft LODs and all.)


    Thanks for the feedback. (EDIT: I have reduced the size without changing anything else...I hope). Making the two versions of the F1Az and CZ simultaneously and making them as accurate as possible was literally a nightmare of six months work of mishing and mashing many aircaft together..a feature would not work and then with one change would suddenly start working. Then I would take a feature to Abobe to make it more realistic and it would not work. I would take an exasperated break and work on the as-messy skin with up to three meshes clashing on a skin edge and not knowing where any of the meshes ended or began and then taking a break from that and going back to the as-messy cockpit HUD and weapon features which would start working with one tiny change, etc. Half the time a new feature I wanted, I could not get to work and I would have to arrange a work around that would suddenly stop working.


    Notice in spite of our extremely talented community, no one has released this sand and green SAAF complex F1 skin, aircraft or SAAF cockpit before (I was the one who released the orignal low res F1CZ cockpit thats been out for a while). To put it mildly, this has been a complete bitch. I do not have the talent to start an aircraft from scratch so I have to work with what I was given.


    Finally after six months, I did not know anymore which item would turn on a feature in any single aircraft and which would suddenly stop it from working which made me hesitant finally to erase anything. As it was, I tried to lighten up the number of extraneous files even before the current release!


    But yes, you are right. I will try to erase uneeded files and re-release a cleaned up version without messing up a feature...it might take a while.



    2) As to which aircraft are different from one another in the same big folder...I believe if they are in the same folder there should be no differences...but with the complex spider web of relationships between different files and meshes there could be some differences...but I think not.




    Basically, I did this as a labor of love, because during the cold war as an American stationed there, I lived (and almost died there several times) in Africa and part of me still lives there I think.







    Edit: Thanks, I have reduced the file size, but kept everything else the same as far as I can tell.











  7. Any hope for an SF-2 coversion?


    Please .....






    Yes, I have been mulling it. Right now I am trying to work on the terrain for it to fly over! I know (or think) that TK is working on a Mirage F1CZ...so I don't want to spoil his thunder...however, I don't think he is working on a Mirage F1AZ (radically different cockpit than the CZ fighter version).

  8. I just released both the flyable SAAF Mirage F1CZ and the SAAF Mirage F1AZ available here:




    I just released both the flyable SAAF Mirage F1CZ and the SAAF Mirage F1AZ available here:












    Resized to 68% (was 1024 x 768) - Click image to enlargeF1CZ.jpg





    Resized to 68% (was 1024 x 768) - Click image to enlargef1best7.jpg

  9. Very nice drawing the drawing above is I think, of a later Az with the RWR in the round format in the upper right section. I could add that round RWR, however I think it is a later addtion than most if not all Bush War Azs had. I am going by Dick Lord's descriptions. However, I might be wrong.


    I just released both the flyable SAAF Mirage F1CZ and the SAAF Mirage F1AZ available here:












    Resized to 68% (was 1024 x 768) - Click image to enlargeF1CZ.jpg




    Resized to 68% (was 1024 x 768) - Click image to enlargef1best7.jpg

    • Like 1

  10. nice skin :ninja:




    I just released both the flyable SAAF Mirage F1CZ and the SAAF Mirage F1AZ available here:













    Flyable SAAF Mirage F1CZ 3 Squadron No. 213 Johan Rankin (sand and green camouflage) Thirdwire's SFP1 at combatace.com





    Flyable SAAF Mirage F1AZ No. 229 (Sand and Green camouflage) Thirdwire's SFP1 at combatace.com

  11. Mig Fighter SAAF Mirage F1AZ Fighter/Bomber (SAAF Modified) SFP1

    View File

    Mig Fighter SAAF Mirage F1AZ hyper-accurate Fighter/Bomber (SAAF Modified) SFP1





    This download includes a complete SAAF Mirage F1AZ fighter/bomber aircraft based on the Mirage Factory's stunning Mirage F1.- including the aircraft:

    1. SAAF Bush war weapons,

    2. Bush war sand/green Mirage F1AZ skin of No. 1 squadron No. 229

    3. Nigel's later Bush war grey ghost skin,

    4. SAAF two external tank skins of sand/green camo skin and aluminum 5. A dedicated Mirage F1CZ cockpit (the F1AZ and F1CZ have radically different cockpits befitting their dedicated roles and from reality).


    It has been continually modified over time as newer equipment came in and older equipment broke down and needed to be replaced.



    This was the SAAF's major fighter/bomber in the Angolan Bush War ("border war") in the mid 1980s against Mig-21s and Mig-23s.


    The SAAF Mirage F1AZs fought numerous dogfights and at least damaged two Migs (but might have killed some). Rumors persist of other possible air-air victories much deeper into the politically sensive Angolan territory.








    Update to the latest version of WOE...or just download a new WOE version and update it to the newest version.


    Make sure you have the recent weapons pack downloaded such as Weapons Pack 2.52 named from 2%2e52 combat ace located at http://combatace.com/files/file/7791-weapons-pack-252-by-the-wosfp1-community/


    if not download the weapons pack, make a folder named "weapons" in SPF1/Objects/ and add the contents od Weapons Pack 2.52 to it.


    1) Copy and paste the RP35 and RP35a SAAF camo and aluminum external fuel tank skins (which is in the folders) into the SFP1/Objects/Weapons folder...overwrite when asked...you can always go back to the original Pave Penny Pod color by using the original "HTS PODS" folder included in this folder in this folder.


    Almost all of the SAAF weapons are named "Bushwar" in some way in the loading screen.


    2) Copy and paste the "HTS-POD" (which is in this download folder) into the SFP1/Objects/Weapons folder...overwrite when asked...you can always go back to the original pod color by using the original HTS POD folder included in this download.


    3) Copy the contents of the weapons.ini file in this folder and paste (many were indigenously made in South Africa) in sequential order at the end of your weapons.ini in SFP1/objects/weapons.


    4) Replace each XXXX with the next number sequentially. IE. if the last number in your weapons.ini before adding the below weapons was [WeaponData1652] then make the next number [WeaponData1653].


    5) With the weapons editor open up the weapons.ini and open the last weapon and save. (The weapons editor is located at Thirdwire at

    http:www.thirdwire.com/downloads_tools.htm. You probably need the one made after 2008 version if you have fully updated your sim.


    6) Copy and paste the included whole SAAF Mirage F1 folder into your SFP1/objects/aircraft folder.It should work in all versions of SFP1 such as Wings Over Vietnam, etc.


    Tested in WOE (but it may work in other versions as well).





    Mirage Factory-for the original Mirage model, external fuel tanks and flight model.

    You can download their original Mirage F1 here (it is not required for this download). You should visit their extraordinary site.








    Foxmonter- for the base Mirage F1 cockpit based on the Dassault Super Etendard.



    Mirage Factory for the base cockpit for the Mirage F1AZ from their Jaguar.



    Nigel "ndicki" DickinsonFor the optional later grey ghost skin.


    Bravo2009 for collecting weapons pack 2.52.



    The SFP1 community for the HTS Pave Penny pod.


    If I forgot anyone, it is not intentional and please tell me.


    Ver. 1.0


    Not for payware.




    Richard "Pitts2A" Ordway


  12. Mig Killer SAAF Mirage F1CZ (SAAF Modified) SFP1

    Mig Killer SAAF Mirage F1CZ Fighter (SAAF Modified)





    This download includes a complete SAAF Mirage F1CZ aircraft based on the


    Mirage Factory's stunning Mirage F1.- including the aircraft:

    1. SAAF Bush war weapons,

    2. Bush war sand/green skin camo skin of Mig killer No. 213 Rankin,

    3. Nigel's later Bush war grey ghost skin,

    4. SAAF two external tank skins of sand/green camo skin and aluminum


    5. A dedicated Mirage F1CZ cockpit (the F1AZ and F1CZ have radically


    different cockpits befitting their dedicated roles and from reality).


    It has been continually modified over time as newer equipment came in


    and older equipment broke down and needed to be replaced.



    This was the SAAF's major air superiority fighter in the Angolan Bush


    War ("border war") in the mid 1980s against Mig-21s and Mig-23s.


    The SAAF Mirage F1CZs are credited with at least two Migs (but up to


    12 possible). Rumors persist of other air-air victories much deeper


    into the politically sensive Angolan territory.








    Update to the latest version of WOE...or just download a new WOE


    version and update it to the newest version.


    Make sure you have the weapons pack 2.52 named 2%2e52 (or equivalent)


    located at http://combatace.com/files/file/7791-weapons-pack-252-by


    -the-wosfp1-community/ (This is for many SAAF weapons).


    To download this weapons pack, make a folder named "weapons" in


    SPF1/Objects/ and add the contents of the Weapons Pack 2.52 to it (you


    don't need to do anything else for the new weapons to work).


    1) Copy and paste the RP35 and RP35a SAAF camo and aluminum external


    fuel tank skins (which is in the folders) into the


    SFP1/Objects/Weapons folder...overwrite when asked...you can always go


    back to the original Pave Penny Pod color by using the original "HTS


    PODS" folder included in this folder.


    2) Copy the contents of the weapons.ini file in this folder and paste


    (many were indigenously made in South Africa) in sequential order at


    the end of your weapons.ini in SFP1/objects/weapons.


    3) Replace each XXXX with the next number sequentially. IE. if the


    last number in your weapons.ini before adding the below weapons was


    [WeaponData1652] then make the next number [WeaponData1653].


    4) With the weapons editor open up the weapons.ini and open the last


    weapon and save. (The weapons editor is located at Thirdwire at

    http:www.thirdwire.com/downloads_tools.htm. You probably need the one


    made after 2008 version if you have fully updated your sim.


    5) Copy and paste the included whole SAAF Mirage F1CZ folder into your


    SFP1/objects/aircraft folder.It should work in all versions of SFP1


    such as Wings Over Vietnam, etc.


    Tested in WOE (but it may work in other versions as well).





    Mirage Factory-for the original Mirage model, external fuel tanks and


    flight model.

    You can download their original Mirage F1 here (it is not required for


    this download). You should visit their extraordinary site.












    Foxmonter- for the base Mirage F1 cockpit based on the Dassault Super





    Mirage Factory for the base cockpit for the Mirage F1AZ from their





    Nigel "ndicki" DickinsonFor the optional later grey ghost skin.


    Bravo2009 for collecting weapons pack 2.52.



    The SFP1 community for the HTS Pave Penny pod.


    If I forgot anyone, it is not intentional and please tell me.


    Ver. 1.0


    Not for payware.




    Richard "Pitts2A" Ordway


  13. Holy...! This is awesome! Been looking for this aircraft for a long time.




    Yes indeed, and despite their heavier loadouts (with the 'clean' MiGs out-performing them in the acceleration), the F1s usually came on top:




    Here's the layout of the -AZ's cockpit, with the moving map display in the centre:



    Great project!

    Very nice drawing the drawing above is I think, of a later Az with the RWR in the round format in the upper right section. I could add that round RWR, however I think it is a later addtion than most if not all Bush War Azs had. I am going by Dick Lord's descriptions. However, I might be wrong.

  14. Here is a screenshot of the basically finished SAAF Mirage F1AZ ground attack fighter with its working laser range finder/designator under the nose and includes its skin. Reportedly, they were as accurate as F-16s in the dumb bomb drop mode. It also reportedly had dogfights with Angolan (Cuban) Mig-23MLs. It also intercepted a Mig-17. It is for SFP1






    The mostly finished SAAF Mirage F1AZ ground attack fighters cockpit based on the Mirage Factory's superb Jaguar cockpit. It has the equivalent of a CCIP. The SAAF basically designed this cockpit. It had a moving map and a laser that made its bombing incredibly accurate with dumb bombs.





    Just for kicks, here is a screenshot of an updated hires SAAF Mirage F1CZ fighter cockpit based on Foxmonters great Dassault Super Etendard cockpit.



    I'm going to Burning Man and then to buying conferences, so these will be on hold for at least a month.

  15. Finally got SF2E and immediately went and downloaded NATO Fighters IV+. Flying the '62 campaign in the F-102. I'm two missions in with one KIA, a damaged plane, and one kill (granted he was an ace). I've already been nearly hit by MiG-17s more times than I can count on fingers alone and got chased half way into West Germany by a MiG-19 after losing my wingman. And that was just in the first mission. Second one was a recon flight so I just flew low and fast(ish).


    How does one survive in the Delta Dagger? The AIM-4s suck and the FFARs are useless. Can't accelerate past mach 1 outside of a dive either. I've only been up to 20,000 feet so I don't know if flying low is the problem. Is the trick to use slashing attacks and the vertical?



    Mako69's advice is pretty good. However, I have had sucess in using the F-102 by using the hi Yo Yo against Mig-17s and Mig-21s like the Israelis did in their underpowered Mirage III deltas during their wars (They called it the "stitch"). Basically, you conserve energy and outturn him in the vertical. Always keep your speed high. At the merge, get as close head on to the Mig as you can. Just before the merge pull up (not too hard) into a climbing turn in his direction of turn. As he is turning horizontally, you can literally cut across his turn. Dive back down to his level and and repeat the climbing turn in the same direction.




    Eventually, you will be able to come into his rear quadrant from below. He will panic and turn harder until he is out of speed. Then he is a sitting duck.




    A second alternative is the "rope a dope". Being a Mig, they will bleed off energy pretty badly in a turn. So at the merge, again get as close to him as possible. Start a gentle early turn but maintain your speed. Let him do a hard speed-bleeding turn behind you. Keep enough speed to do a loop. By the time he has come almost to within firing range, you can now zoomclimb into the Sun. to behind you in a turn, you go vertically up enough to keep his nose away from you into the Sun. He should run out of speed and stall and his nose will fall. You are maneuverable down to almost zero airspeed in the F-102. So now you can come down and zap him.



    A third alternnative is to try to do a turn at above 450-500 knots and keeping your speed at this amount. Often Mig's don't turn well at these speeds due to heavy controls and you will slowly out turn him

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