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Posts posted by ordway

  1. Wow, looks great ord. Another one I missed...(yeah I know cos I never asked)



    (AWHAT) ?


    Ah an old fave (the Database)... http://www.acig.info/CMS/ I always make sure to push links on souls.





    Okay, I finished the skin after a month and a half. It was a real bugger as the meshes began and ended all over the place. I might include it with a complete SAAF Mirage F-1CZ as the mods make it almost a new aircraft compared to the other Mirage factory Mirage F1 versions.





    SAAF Mirage F1CZ skin.

  2. Very nice! Well done.


    Couple of minor hitches - the Springboks always face inboard or to the fore, and technical markings, for example on the control surfaces, are in Afrikaans or English, not French (admittedly, I can't read them, but they appear to contain three words - NE PAS MARCHER - rather than the two of BLY AF or NO STEP). I can't remember precisely how this was managed. I think it was English port side and Afrikaans starboard side on aircraft with an even-numbered serial, and vice-versa... Don't quote me because I could very probably be wrong. Lloyd might know.


    Sweet! Thanks for the info! I'll work on it.





  3. SAAF Dassault Mirage F1 ( Mirage F1CZ) (No. 213, 3rd squadron) green and brown camo skin almost ready (SFP1). This is a skin of the 1980s SAAF (South African Air Force) Major Johan Rankin at the time of his two confirmed Angolan Mig-21 kills (probably Mig-21MFs).



    According to the website ACIG, he may have had more kills (http://www.acig.org/...ticle_193.shtml). Generally, the SAAF Mirage F1s had three months of front line duty before being rotated back south (SAAF fighter pilot Dick Lord in the book Vlamgat). The aircraft were generally kept very clean (although sometimes they were mortared on the ground and suffered AAA damage while in the air- not to mention being exposed to the harsh tropical sun and blowing sand).



    The green and brown camo was the standard SAAF Mirage F1CZ camo for most of the bush war. It often had a distinct yellowish/orange hue.








    SAAF brown and green Mirage F1 (Mirage F1CZ skin) over Angola landscape.




  4. any word on any SAAF F1 skins? The cockpit is great BTW!




    Yes, on the skin. It is creeping along and quite a feat to do due to the meshes which appear and dissapear almost seemingly at random...but this is not a put down of the makers...they did a good job...it just takes extreme trial and error on my part to get the areas to meet. You almost have to work backwards/upside down in a mirror and guess the starting and ending points. The SAAF skin (Rankins), I'm doing, is of the original orangish-tanish/ dark green variety with one Angolan kill marking.

  5. To me both look great!


    I just can't wait xD


    Here is a flight model which was reportedly made with the help of actual former Swedish Saab Draken pilots. It is for Microsoft FS 2004.




    For roll characteristics, it shows that the Draken was limited to only about a 90 deg/ second roll rate in almost all flight regimes (a very slow roll rate). It could roll much faster, but limitations meant that it was not faster in actual flight. Basically, if I understand it right, if you rolled faster, it would be fatal to your mission as your external stores would be "jettisoned" as well as perhaps other damage resulting to the airframe could result.


    This is represented in the FS 2004 flight model which I downloaded and flew. The Draken would only roll about 90 degress per second in the FS 2004 model and apparently, this is what the actual Draken pilots approved of as the most realistic for a PC flight simulator.


    BTW, the bookmark Draken's cockpit is outstanding in my opinion...almost more realistic than photos.



  6. The second set of engine instruments is just as important .... Any progress on that ?





    The second instruments are messy. I am trying to find them in the mesh...however, so far it seems to be "both or nothing." as they are both attached together, I think. I'll keep working on it.


    I am making fast progress on the seemingly infinite versions' cockpits...the Finnish seem to have at least three separate major versions with and without radar. I have added placards to the crash pad in front of the non- radar version which meant working upside down, inside out and with mirror images on a mesh within a mesh.

  7. You may have to find a 3D modder to make a rod LOD with simple skin, and hang two of them as weapons or bpao's on the external model so they are visible...while the models' nose or fus are not visible. A more advanced step might could be a Draken Canopy LOD -- not cockpit -- to hang on the airplane, with the F-4 cockpit inside.




    That's one thing that could be done, make a library of 3d geometric objects of various sizes that can hold a simple skin. That would clutter up the SF-1 Aircraft folder, so maybe its a better idea for THE SF-2, if the new game does "pilot" and "weapon" additions differently.



    Good idea. Any takers? Perhaps Derk is already working on this?

  8. [media][/media]

    Still like the one without the opaque frames better. Maybe a little darkening of the HUD glass will make you feel less naked :grin:







    Hi Derk,

    If you look at this you tube saab cockpit (simulator) in flight, the two front window frames are extremely prominent to the pilot while in flight and definitely are part of the front view that a pilot has to deal with.




    The movie's title is "Saab j35 simulator" 0:49 seconds playing time


    I'll probably include both versions with and without frames.

  9. Greetings,

    I just installed the new SFP1-3.2 patch on an up to date and quite clean installation and I got a crash to desk top. I keep 2 separate installations of Strike Fighters and usually try official updates on the clean one. Anyway, the CTD happens after selecting a single mission and hitting the fly button. I get no loading screen and it goes straight to desk top. Futher investigation revealed my graphics card was not being recognized in the Graphics Options, the Display Device box was blank and so was the Resolution Box.

    I also noticed in the Options.ini file that the DisplayWidth, DisplayHeight, and Display Depth were corrupted. Tried a reinstall on the patch and checked the Options.ini file again and it looked OK. Ran the game again and got the same CTD as before. Checked the Options.ini file again and now it was corrupted again. I compared the system files between the two different installs and noticed lots of changes in the file sizes after the 3.2 patch , so a lot of work has been done on this upgrade. In order to get the game up and running I copied the old system folder into the newly patched game and was somewhat surprised when it worked. [This game is quite forgiving in a lot of respects!] So now I have a game patched to about 3.15.

    I am wondering if anyone else is having problems with the patch. My system is an Intel 2.4GHZ with an ATI 9600SE. Also, I downloaded the patch twice, once from here and once from Third Wire, and had the same problem with both. Looking forward to some assistence for this issue. Regards, Baffmeister.



    To fix a crash to desktop (CTD) when you press the escape key or the ALT-Q key, disable the shaders effects of the water and terrain in the terrain data file. Its probably a problem with Vista, as usual.





    1) Decompress the terrain file with the.SFP1 cat extractor decompress utility. The terrain file will be called VietnamSEA or equivalent in the terrain folder and will be called a security file.




    2) Find the terrain xxx.data file. such as GermanyCE.data file in the terrain folder with the decompressed terrain contents you just decompressed.


    Replace the following in the data file :



    ///// rem causes the CTD UseEffectShader=TRUE


    ///// rem EffectShaderName=TerrainEffect.fx






















    ///////// rem crashes and causes the CTD UseEffectShader=TRUE


    ////////// rem EffectShaderName=WaterEffect.fx





























  10. ordway I dont know if its any use to you or not but I tried the two enteries in the cockpit in in one of the F-4 and got the same

    results showing a opaque image of the frame so I tried the F-4ES cockpit and hud update in the Viggen as it dosent have a front

    frame and added the two edits and it worked fine with this cockpit



    Thanks! Good job. Thanks to both of you and Derk, I now I know how to do it without any frontal frames at all. I am seriously thinking of using just the opaque/see through frames as a compromise as shown in the photo immediately below.. Any thoughts anyone?


    It looks like a possibility. It looks different than the F-4 and gives a nod to the coclpit framing as if light is reflecting off the two slim frames.













    Here is the no frame...it looks a little naked to me.




  11. >

    >Tried it out but there seems to be no separate possibility to remove the front frame only, leads to the F16 style thing. Felt rather exposed :grin: in a Hawk 127.....


    Yes, if you look at the outside front cockpit framing from an outside view, it is one clear piece in the front. This does not lend itselft to dropping in a cockpit into the external frame and seeing the two frames of the cockit canopy front. It is just clear.

  12. >

    .>Never Enough came up with the thing I forgot (which one of the two items to use) and said it all: use the FrontFrame item only,:good: . AD's trick was originally deveoped for the very early F 16's and indeed later used again for the >MiG 29. It's probably a lot of work to find out how to implement this trick on for instance the F104 pit or some others, but interesting just the same. Lots of single engine jets around with or without radar with one piece >windscreens and (if I remember it correctly), very late in the career of the F4 in the USAF, some of them were tried out with new single piece windscreens too ........





    Okay by moving the front frame and writing the following in the cockpit.ini, in an early Danish ground attack Draken, I get the following cockpit for the window frames. Comments anyone? To me it doesn't look too good and it looks like something trying to be something else...But is an interesting experiment. Thanks!












  13. Thanks, I tried this with your imput. It worked. However, it now has an F-16 view without any cockpit framing whatsoever in any view whatsoever and has a wickedly good F-16 view like you are sitting on the tip of a telephone pole..


    I guess if every plane had no cockpit framing shown it might be okay.





    Very interesting! Yes please send me all the files you have.


    Try out this for a start, (only thing is, don't remeber exactly which one of the two additions moves the windscreen frame but it's easy to find out..)




    I didn't try very hard but never succeeded in pulling the same trick with for instance the F104 pit or maybe the Mirage pit or the F105 one (has nice vertical indicators like the Draken) and it would save you the trouble of removing the instrument set for the second engine.. A classic Western radar equiped single engine pit with a one part windscreen would be a nice addition.......:good:





  14. notape.jpg

    >Great news Ordway, an old wish coming true .:drinks: Remember there is also the trick to get rid of the windscreen framing (the Draken basically had a single piece screen, I'll >send it to you if you like) and would there be a possibility to get rid of the second set of engine instrruments? The only problem that would remain is the F35 pit of the Danish >Drakens which had no radar, but then only a small number of then were built....



    Very interesting! Yes please send me all the files you have.


    1) So the Draken had two thin windscreen frames. So how would I replicate this? Any input from anyone is welcome.


    2) Are the grey round knobs on the left side of the F4E gunsight imbedded in with the gunsight mesh as a whole? I could not find individual left side knob meshes to eliminate...


    3) Does anyone know how to get rid of those extra engine instruments in the F-4E? They seem to be all or nothing.

  15. SFP1 J-35 Draken cockpit candidates WIP based on Gepard's F4E Draklen cockpit. The Draken had the radar high up on the instrument panel, not buried down between the pilot's knees. As Gepard points out, the F4E has this feature.


    I am also working a bit on refining the flight model, particularily the roll characteristics based from a computer flight model made with actuall Draken pilots imput.





    Actual late model Draken cockpit with tape instruments.








    Saab J35J candiate







    Mid to late series Saab Draken cockpit

    • Like 1

  16. I test WOE's orginal terrain with TE's TexturelistWOE.ini. It works. that means TE has no problem.

    So I fix some part of Texturelist of Korean terrain. but It didn't works. Same situation.


    What should I do...? Plz somebody help me...


    You need to read the tutorials (Gepard's) in the help section on the TE.


    I am working (have been working on an Angola terrain for 2 years) with the TE and am still learning how to make it work. If you keep at it, you will eventually finish your terrain.


    It sounds like (but I may be wrong) that your texture list of the Korean terrain is not complete. It is extremely tricky. If you are missing some tiles or if the Korean texture list is missing even a little, it will not work.


    First, may I suggest that if the Korean terrain is based on the WOE terrain, that you start with the WOE terrain just like Gepard suggests in his tutorial (but first add (import) the sea tile or it won't work). Then run the TE. Then start adding Korean tiles one by one, testing it in the TE, saving it in the TE and keep adding Korean tiles one by one until it all works.


    Secondly (or maybe firstly), you can email the Korean map authors and request their Korean texture lists and trying that in the TE.

  17. Nice! :good:


    I'm looking forward to the Bushwars mod, it's a war that has always interested me (I've always been interested in "Forgotten" wars), and I was thoroughly impressed by the ingenuity of SAAF tactics I read in the ACIG article; for anybody who hasn't read it I highly reccommend it.


    I've been working hard on the Angolan/Southwest Africa terrain for six months. I just had to start over again last week for the fifth time. It is quite a bear with vast terrain changes over the area covered.

  18. Vampire cockpit -single-engine Egyptian-modified (combat veteran)

    This is a single-engine Egyptian-Modified Vampire jet cockpit for SFP2 with single engine gages based on the Thirdwire Meteor cockpit. You need SFP2 Israel and expansion pack.


    It is a combat veteran and fought air to air combat against Israeli Meteors, Dassault Ouragans, Mystere IVAs and later against Pakistani F-86 Sabres according to sources.



    It has gages moved, and BMP gages and bitmaps added from multiple Vampire color cockpit photos and the DH Vampire cockpit manual.






    First Middle East jet combats occurred in 1955.


    September 1, 1955, - 2 Egyptian FB.52 vampires were shot down by an Israeli Gloster Meteor.


    Another Egyptian FB.52 Vampire was shot down by a Dassault Ouragan April 12, 1956.- Shlomo Aloni, Arab-Israeli Air Wars 1947-82, p23.



    Israeli victories -acig


    29Aug55 117 sqn Meteor F.8 M.Lavon 20mm Vampire FB.52 EAF


    1Sep55 117 sqn Meteor F.8 A. Yoeli 20mm Vampire FB.52 EAF


    1Sep55 117 sqn Meteor F.8 A. Yoeli 20mm Vampire FB.52 EAF


    12Apr56 113 sqn Ouragan D. Kishon 20mm Vampire FB.52 2 sqn EAF




    31Oct56 101 sqn Mystere IVA S.Egoziz 30mm Vampire FB.52 31 sqn EAF


    31Oct56 101 sqn Mystere IVA S.Egoziz 30mm Vampire FB.52 31 sqn EAF


    31Oct56 101 sqn Mystere IVA A. Shavit 30mm Vampire FB.52 31 sqn EAF


    31Oct56 101 sqn Mystere IVA A. Shavit 30mm Vampire FB.52 31 sqn EAF




    By 11:00hrs also four Vampires strafed the Israeli column near al-Thamed, causing even more damage. They were followed by more Vampires and also Meteors of the 5 Sqn EAF, all of which were escorted by the MiG-15 and hit the Israelis very hard.


    The Israelis claimed destruction of four Vampires






    On September 1, 1965, during the Indo-Pakistani War, IAF Vampires saw action for the first time with India. No. 45 Squadron responded to a request for strikes against a counter-attack by the Pakistani Army (Operation Grand Slam) and four Vampire Mk 52 fighter-bombers were successful in slowing the Pakistani advance.


    However, the Vampires encountered two Pakistan Air Force (PAF) F-86 Sabres, armed with air to air missiles; in the ensuing dogfight, the outdated Vampires were outclassed. One was shot down by ground fire and another three were shot down by Sabres.[17] The Vampires were withdrawn from front line service after these losses.





    The Vampire had a lower wing loading than the Meteor and therefore should be able to out turn the Meteor in a turning fight all other things being equal. The Meteor being much faster, faster climbing and more powerful will dominate a vertical fight.


    1. Keep fast against enemy prop fighters...you are faster than them, but you lose energy fast and can't regain it easily.


    2. Try to out turn enemy jets...you usually have a lower wingloading. The enemy Meteor is much more powerful than you, much faster than you, has a much higher climb rate then you and he can dominate a vertical fight.


    The Vampire reportedly had beautiful handling qualities but was extremely underpowered.





    REQUIREMENTS: SFP2 Israel2 and expansion pack.



    1. Download folder

    2. Backup everything in Vampire52 folder (This has new Egyptian loading and hanger screens, and newini. and cockpit.ini as well as a new cockpit).

    3. Download this into your aircraft folder usually located at C:\Mydocuments and settings\yourname\My Documents\Thirdwire\StrikeFighters2 Israel\Objects\Aircraft

    4. Say yes when asked to overwrite.

    5. Done.



    Credits: TK and Thirdwire for the sim and their beautiful Meteor cockpit.


  19. MiG-27K Cockpit with complex working HUD- Ultimate ground attack fighter version of the MiG-27 series

    Mig-27K (Flogger-J2) ground attack fighter cockpit (SFP1 series) made by Ordway, Starfighter2, lindr2 based on color cockpit photos and cockpit diagrams.


    Original cockpit made by Armourdave and Sal.

    Avionics and optional advanced flight model by Nele.


    You need avionics 70 and the latest patch updates from Thirdwire. Tested on Windows XP and not Vista. However it might work on Vista too.


    This is the cockpit for the ultimate Soviet MIG-27K ground attack fighter in 1980. It was the ultimate MiG-27 version.


    It has a different cockpit from all the rest of the MiG-27s with more complexity and by far the most complex HUD. The MiG-27K added a laser designator and compatibility with TV-guided electro-optical weapons. Around 200 were built.


    It would probably have been one of the first attackers against NATO in a NATO versus Soviet block confrontation in the 1980s (under the tense relations of the American administration of "Ronney-the-Ray Gun". It is referenced from color photographs and original cockpit diagrams.


    The real TV screen will appear as usual, in the upper right hand corner when using many guided bombs/missiles. No one I knew could figure out how to make it work on the instrument panel in the correct area....



    MiG-27K History:


    Initial flight of the ultimate MiG-27K prototype was in December 1974. It was finally accepted into service in 1980. Its avionics were so state-of-the-art (for the Soviets), that it took quite a while to work out all the bugs and make it operational.


    The MiG 27, had superb low altitude, high speed capabilities and could out run many other fighters.


    The MiG-27K could carry all the "smart" munitions including the KAB-500L LGB.






    1) Download Lindr2's Mig-27 series at



    2) Back it up just in case.


    3) Just download the contents of whole filefolder Mig-27K intact into your aircraft folder as one folder.


    4) When asked to overwrite say yes.




    Thanks to Lindr2 for all his sustained hard and dedicated work.


    Thanks to Armourdave and Sal for the original cockpit. Thanks to Lindr2 and Epizikl for help with the cockpit research and photos. Thanks to Lindr2 for the various TV (optical) cockpit images.


    Thanks to Armour Dave and Sal for the cockpit.

    Thanks to Starfighter2, lindr2 for the Mig-23P HUD which has stymied modelers until now that I know of.

    Thanks to the Mirage factory for the Mig-23ML downloadable as a pack from combatace in the pack called Mirage Factory MiG-23 "Flogger" Series.


  20. SF2 MiG-23MF fighter- Cockpit, working Mig-23MF HUD, and aircraft

    Included is the fully working MiG-23MF 'Flogger-B', cockpit and working Mig-23MF HUD cockpit converted to SFP2.


    This MiG-23MF swing wing fighter saw much combat and claimed multiple kills over the years. The Mig-23/Mig-27 was the most important Soviet fighter type from the mid-to-late 1970s. It was designed to replace the famous MiG-21.


    The MiG-23MF was a first generation MiG-23 and was not designed for close-in maneuvering. This would come with the later second generation MiG-23ML ("L"  for lightweight).  However, the MiG-23MF was still formidable if used as a hit and run fighter.


    Short takeoff and landing was a major consideration in the case of a NATO vs WARSAW Pact confrontation. Also, the Mig-23 was designed to be able to be able to accept or decline combat against western fighters using hit and run tactics- maneuverability being a secondary consideration. As a result, it was designed to be faster in speed, faster accelerating and faster climbing than most western fighters...in which it mostly suceeded. It was much faster climbing than the F-4 Phantom with a reported initial climb rate of 45,000+ feet per minute.


    However, it reportedly had an even higher wing loading than the Phantom of about 94/lbs per sq feet at normal takeoff weight and normal wing sweep. One of the contributing results was reportedly a very poor instantaneous turn rate of 11.5 degrees per second at Mach .9 at 15,093 feet and 8.6 degrees per second at Mach .5 at 15,093 feet (Mike Spick-Illustrated Directory of Fighters). The Mig-21 reportedly had a much better maximum instantaneous turn rate of around 18.9 deg/sec. in some configurations. Although a lot of factors are involved in instantaneous turn rates, it does give a general idea.


    It equipped more Soviet fighter and attack regiments than any other Soviet fighter then in service in the 1970s. Over a thousand were estimated to be confronting NATO from both Soviet and WARSAW Pact nations.


    This is from the original Mirage Factory (although it has been modified by so many people over the years that it is basically a new aircraft).


    This Mig-23MF was a major production model after 1978. It could fire beyond visual range (BVR) missiles even for foreign countries and had a standard internal 23mm gun. Its radar was thought to be broadly comparable to the McDonnell Douglas F4J Phantoms' radar...formidable indeed.


    Mig-23s emerged victorious against maneuvering Western-trained Mirage F-1s over Africa on 27 September 1987, so the Mig-23's weapons systems could be effective.



    You can download the original Mirage Factory Mig-23 SFP1 package here:



    The Mig-23MF was the first major production version and also used largely for export. It saw combat in the Middle East with Syria and reportedly had some F-4 and F-16 kills.


    It was a much improved export version after the previous MS version. The Warsaw pact, India, Lybia, Syria, Egypt, Cuba and others used the MF version. It fired radar-guided missiles and so was a BVR threat with its AA-7 Apex missiles.


    Pilot report http://www.warbirdso...87/Default.aspx


    This was so complicated to make work in SFP2, that I had to end up just making it one complete download. If it wasn't loading or blowing up on the runway, then the HUD was not visible, the pilot was out of his seat, the plane was invisible, or the cockpit was invisible, pieces were flying permanently along side you in flight blocking your view, you were flying sideways, and you could not pick weapons. It took pieces from endless airplanes and projects to finally make it work including parts from SFP2.


    To my surprise, -the jewel-, the extremely complex Mig-23MF working HUD from Starfighter in SFP1 actually started working!




    1) Back up your Mig-23MF folder.


    2) Just download the whole filefolder Mig-23MF intact into your SFP2 aircraft folder as one folder....ie into the C:\mydocuments\thirdwire\SFP2\objects\aircraft


    3) When asked to overwrite say yes.






    MiG-23M 'Flogger-B' First production fighter

    MiG-23MF 'Flogger-B' Improved MiG-23M with a new radar and an infrared sensor pod, major production model after 1978



    For strengths, it had incredible acceleration that reportedly equalled the later F-16 and F-15s. It also had an incredible climb rate and almost unmatched speed at low altitudes.


    For weaknesses, it had a terribly slow turn, slow rate of roll and high angle of attack limitations and vicious stall characteristics in certain situations. Better keep it fast.


    Good tactics in the MF are to sneak in fast at a low altitude, shoot and then run or use your fantastic rate of climb and acceleration in a vertical fight.


    FLIGHT NOTES FROM A MiG-23 PILOT: The Mig-23 had incredible strengths and incredible weaknesses.


    WEAKNESSES: For weaknesses, most Mig-23s never could turn or roll very well compared to its enemies and had very heavy controls. Its roll was hurt by its control system (spoilers and a diferential tail and the disconnection of spoilers at any but 16 degrees).


    In close combat, the earlier versions in particular were a deathtrap because unless the pilot stayed within certain tight maneuvering limits, it would often lose control and simply crash. Its cockpit visiblility was one of the worst of any fighter. Visibility is life in a dogfight.


    It had slushy controls in many areas of its flight regime and its nose would often hunt back and forth. Its unpredictable accelerated stall was often taking ones life into ones hands if attempted. It also had the typical Soviet disadvantage of a very short range. There are reports of its radar not working much of the time and it often not being mission ready.


    It is hard to use an aircraft if it is not working.


    Red Eagles, Steve Davies "Flying the Mig-23"




    It is true that later versions had much improved handling/systems. However, I understand that maneuvering limits still existed.









    Thanks to


    -The Mirage Factory for the original Mig-23 in SFP1.

    -Lindr2 , for the new external model and for armament options.

    -Armourdave and Sal for orignal SU-17 cockpit.

    -Nele for the superb flight model that shows that the Mig-23 goes straight and up like an arrow, but is a bear in the turning and rolling department and accelerated stall department.

    -column5 Previous Flight Model:

    -Pasko Pilot

    -USAFMTL, Crab_02, Sony Tuckson

    Testing, etc:

    -Starfighter2- for the incredible avionics HUD

    -Wrench- helpful hints on moving around the SFP1 cockpit gages and hints on converting aircraft to SFP2.

    TK and Thirdwire - for SFP1 and the armament and options in the SFP2 version.


    Not for payware in anyway. If you develop this more, please quote the authors.






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