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File Comments posted by comrpnt

  1. INI changes - The What and Why


    As requested, here is a breakdown of the INI changes required to get this mission pack installed and running successfully.



    • Date specific definitions required to setup the mission briefing text for the U-2 and VPAF missions. These defns. disappear from the terrain after the specified date so as not to contaminate it for dates outside the range of the mission pack.
    • Target defns. for SAM sites at most of the VPAF airbases, with accompanying AAA protection nearby. This is to enhance the realism of the missions, especially the U-2 grand tour. Despite little effectiveness above, say 50k feet, it's still quite unnerving sitting in a U-2 waiting for multitudes of SA-2s to pass harmlessly by. Even at 70k feet, these SAMs will exceed the U-2 ceiling.



    • Enhanced detection values for EWR and SAM radar units, and SAMs - to improve the chance of detection and cause many more SAMs to be fired as the U-2 flys overhead.
    • Introduction of dummy enemy position type, for use with mission text _Targets (see above).



    • Adjust default [MissionData] ceiling value to enable it to reach 70k feet. Without this change the U-2 model will only reach ~65k feet.
    • Adjust [FlightControl] values to enable it to climb quicker to max. altitude and cruise slightly faster to avoid near stall characteristic, which under AI control looked strange with constant pitch-up and correction.
    • Engine emitter change - obvious - given how 'clean' the J57-P37A was (not!).



    • The [RadarStation] and [RadarStation] x,y,z changes bury the two fake pilot objects inside the fuselage so that they don't appear in external views of this add-on. This was a cosmetic bug left in by the original developer. My changes simply fix the bug without changing the operation of the model.
    • The [LeftWingStationOutboard] and [RightWingStationOutboard] changes enable the aircraft to attach infra-red missiles. Otherwise the Atoll-As will not be permitted to attach, even during manual loadout.



    • Changes are made to the [AirToAir] weapon points used to attach air-to-air missiles, replacing the stock defns. This ensures that the Atoll-A is used. Loadouts are defined in the mission files, so there should be no need to manually load the aircraft before each mission. This change helped to automate the loading process.


    The remaining add-on aircraft and stock aircraft changes have similar effects to those described above. i.e. to raise the ceiling altitude and provide fixing points for A2A missiles.


    Hopefully that explains everything.


    Regards, comrpnt (Southampton, UK)

  2. Vulcan B2

       1567    23

    Thank you Russ, you work is, as always, top class. I have been using this model for many years, since the original Falklands mission pack days, and it's nice to see you now being properly associated with it. All the best to you. Cheers.

  3. Korat RTAFB for DRVv14

       2162    4

    This mod totally dosen't work in WOV. Please check it.this.gif

    I disagree - this is good work and can easily be ported to WOV. I got this working in WOV patched to October 2008. Please re-check your definition files and compare them to the latest style used in the October 2008 version. You may need to upgrade the supplied content here to that later 'patched' level, but after a few INI tweaks this should work fine.


    Regards, comrpnt.


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