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Posts posted by Peeppu

  1. Schlissefahrt and Peepu,

    That must be due to the basic engine or programming of CFS3, and would surely be difficult

    to change.


    If so, I understand this now.


    But what about the new AI, and the challenge of all this? I must say, I'm stunned!


    New AI? I don't need it!


    And "stunned" Olham? Look Olham, BHaH is splendid (for me OFF3 stands for fulfilled noble dream!), but that doesn't mean, that I can't raise a question and objections reagarding couple possible positive improvement!

  2. Please, can be change in weapons commands (in OFF: Esc-> Controls) common gun trigger into every one gun separately? In S.E.5a, Fokkers etc. is gun trigger (two levers-e.g. in S.E.5a one for Vickers and one for Lewis), but in weapons command i am able to choose only between "fire only guns", "fire only cannons" and "fire guns and cannon"...no "fire machine-gun 1" and "fire machine-gun 2" option... or?

  3. I thought so, thanks Red-Dog. Hopefully this can be changed in the future. Oh well :)




    I agree with you! I wish my own skin for for myself. All in my RFC 56. squadron have at this time the same skin - whole 2. flight has the same plane marked "B" and identical serial number... :sorry:


    I hope this can be changed in the future!

  4. Pánové, musím říct, že česká komunita odvedla skvělou práci, cos e týká modelů letadel z první svět. války. Mám dotaz-neuvažoval jste někdo o vytvoření nějaké malé kampaně, v níž by - dle skutečných událostí - každý začal jako pilot začal jako pilot buď za rakous-uherské letectvo (k dispozici jsou rakouské Albatrosy Oeffag i nepřátelé- italské Hanrioty, dokonce i italské Pomilia...) nebo za francouzské letectvo (Breguet 14, Nieuporty, Spady 7 a 13 - nepřátelé prakticky všechna německá letadla) a poté by pilot po ukončení váky přešel do česlkoslovenského letectva, kde by létal (dle historických událostí v roce 1919) s československým Fokkerem D.VII, Breguety 14 proti maďarským Fokkerům D.VII a nějaké té maďarské dvousedadlovce.


    Byla by to skvělá kampaň pro českou komunitu hráčů tohoto skvělého simu.


    P.S. Ještě jednou díky všem, co přispěli svými programátorskými kouzly do této hry!!!

  5. Peeppu,


    You need to read this thread, http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=26873 particularly the second page.


    People are prohibited from sending these files to each other by the agreement they sign up to.


    This is perfectly fair, as we are benefitting from someone else's hard work.


    Assuming you get accepted for permissions to download, there are plenty of A-Team models there, including those you are looking for.





    OK, sorry.

  6. Hi Peeppu,


    Its still a WIP. Laton is away for some weeks, but seems like he will have a lot on his plate (and in his lap :)) when he gets back, so ???


    see this thread.........Click me!




    Ahh, not sure if link works...buts on page 2 started by laton, titled "Some WIPS"



    WIP? I see... :mellow:

  7. Some nice Austro-Italian front terrain and a few austian aircraft will be most welcome in this new year.




    Yees!!! Modders, PLEASE, Hansa brandenburg D. I, Phönix D. I, Albatros D.III Oeffag and Aviatik D.I Berg and Austro-Italian front terrain would be... :clapping::good:


    Please, DO IT! For all austro-hungarian planes (and czech aviators)-fans!

  8. Can anybody "skinnen" the Luftwaffe late war pilot with full-leather jacket and full-leather tights out of Ritterkreuz (with and out of yellow life jacket), please??? That skin not exist, but would be very useful for any Luftwaffe campaign in 1944 and 1945, especially for DFLion´s "Focke Wulf Long Nose pilot campaign"... I send number of a pictures.


    Thank you very much and i am sorry for molestation, but i don't know create the skins...


    Thank you, i would very grateful.




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