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Posts posted by Crab_02

  1. He will be missed greatly.

    Was a shock to all who work here with me in Iraq - when I read this and announced his passing...

    My Dad listened to him everyday... grew up with him on the radio, as am sure everyone else did.





  2. mmmmmmmnnnn oorrrgggg *drool* (Homer voice)....


    re: Column5


    salt and vinegar chips.


    had my parents LAPES in a few bags last week.... talk about a lifesaver!!!!

  3. think is due to the fact that SF2 uses some new code with the LODs - as I and others tried to import SF2 models back to WoV etc - and the fact that the MF model does not have the same mesh names as the new SF2 models... most likely the former reason - try the SFG lods and see what you get.




    just edit:




    Distance=8000 <---------- here


    and delete the rest of the LOD entries.

  4. there are a few decal sets out there:










    and the Dragon kit: (some issues but no more work than updating the old Hasegawa kits)




    I have several Hasegawa 1/32 kits and the Eagle Editions decals above but in 1/48. (IIRC).

    I to have has issues finding decals for 1/48th scale kits... some are OOP.

    (I would dig into my stash... but I am deployed at the moment)

  5. genau!!!

    not only:

    VF-96 200 - 155800

    but also by timeframe and operation.

    With my VF-92 skin - I was missing info on 3 aircraft so I used some later BuNos to fill in the blanks - not to late as I am making skins for mid 1972.

    Mytai had some excellent F-4B skins with info included - these skins and SDs skins are used as basis.

    Did you see the differences in the F-4J skin mapping in the Oct2008b patch? Esp the _5.bmp with the chin intakes and canopy frame area....

    Or am I thinking of SF2 .... I am not on my comp atm... will check when I am off work.

    bis dann.

  6. Who (unit) was at Grand Forks in the late '80s?

    I remember visiting GFAFB in the early '80s and watching 52s take off and land.

    Later, watching the Bone on one of 3 landing/holding patterns from the GFs farm... ah those were the days... and having 3 Minuteman silos less than 5 miles from the house.

    Trying to keep up with a Bone while they flew parallel to Hwy 18 in my '73 Pontiac... wings swept @ a few hundred feet!!

    I was fortunate to get a personal tour of 'Vanna White' in 1988 w/2 friends of mine - did not know that we could have got clearance to take pics if we would have asked prior.

    Also we 'flew' an instrument simulator and crashed @ Edwards!!!

    This model is excellent! Brings back alot of memories.


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