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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Yeah, I'm far more interested in NTTR for tanks than planes. Let's face it, the Black Sea terrain we have is miserable for them. Odd flat planes and impossible geography. You generally don't notice it unless you're in a helo and have to set down somewhere away from a base due to damage, or you'll see a target in an unbelievable position as a result of it.


    First thing I'll do with NTTR is set up a big tank battle. :grin:

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  2. From what I recall, it's LITERALLY a dual drive, not a hybrid. So this one drive appears as two separate drives in the OS ie C: and D:. You can't combine them unless there's some sort of software-based striping, but then the standard HD will slow it down to make the SSD pointless.

    I think it's mainly a space-saver for systems with room for only one HDD. Pop it in, load the OS on the SSD side, apps/data on the standard side.


    The ones that use SSD and HDD together for improved speed (like striping but with far more intelligent logic about where to place things) are called hybrid drives.

  3. The reason there's a Typhoon and a Rafale is that the two groups couldn't agree on the size of the fighter. France wanted smaller, the rest wanted larger. To say they should've just compromised is an understatement given how similar the two are.

    35' wide, 50' long, 21k lbs vs 36' wide and 52' long and 24k lbs...except the Rafale actually has a higher max TO weight despite being slightly smaller.


    A 35.5' wide, 51' long, 22.5k lbs plane should've been ideal for both.

  4. Actually, we left a country for being taxed without representation, a say in how those taxes were being used. They never complained about the amount of the tax, they complained that their money was being taken the same as those who lived elsewhere but that in all other respects they were persona non grata. THAT is what is still happening today. You vote people in but they do what the groups that funded their election want them to do, not what the people who voted for them want. Yet for some reason people now seem to think that means it was for being taxed at all.


    I propose a newer simpler system. No more campaigns with funding. No more voting. No more personal taxes. The companies that previously spent a ton of money on lobbying and campaigns simply pay those same funds as taxes. They buy the candidates anyway, might as well formalize it. We're paying the gov't to do things that these companies pay to get the candidates elected to do. So instead of the companies paying for them and us paying for the gov't, let them pay direct. The companies pay the same amount, the gov't gets the same funding, but no tiresome elections that are rigged by gerrymandering (so only one party ever wins 95% of districts) and are just a rubber stamp on foregone conclusions anyway.


    They never do what we want anyway, they do what the companies want, so let them pay for the privilege and leave us out. Make taxes based on revenue or profit, however they want to do it. If they make X, they pay Y. No more stupidity about "Well if you cut our taxes we can hire more people" when they NEVER hire more people when their taxes are cut, they only fire more when the taxes go up.


    We have a gov't not of the people, by the people, for the people, but of the corporations, by the corporations, and for the corporations.


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