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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Well, it's still brand new. I don't think OFP reached its full potential until Resistance came out, a year later.


    Oh, the other thing is this isn't the "real" sequel. This is OFP 1.5 as claimed by BIS themselves I think. Whatever OFP 2 may be is still in the works.

  2. The important part of all these sims is FUN. I think some people let their quest for realism over shadow that at times.

    That said, I admit I've had OFF myself since its release but I've really not done too much with it. I'm looking forward to their upcoming Phase 2 release to see how that fares.

    I also love FE and should get to try it coop this weekend for the first time. :happy:

  3. I think it's the best fighter ever. I also think that in the future we're going to be glad we have it.

    And I think right now it may get screwed because it can't do much for the fight we're involved in today. However, people are notoriously bad at predicting the fight of tomorrow.

  4. From what I understand, the 1.05 patch is due out this week and is supposed to fix a LOT. The changelog goes for pages.

    That said, when I first got OFP it was the American release a few months after the Euro release and it had already been patched a lot. I know the Euro release was referred to as the "beta test" because of the bugs. It was eventually brought up to snuff after a short time period. I see no reason to doubt they'll do the same with ArmA.

  5. So, the question then is would you rather hear about:

    1) Britney's hair/rehab exploits

    2) the latest Anna Nicole Smith...whatever this is

    3) crazy astronaut lady wearing a diaper and driving 12 hrs straight because she had the hots for some guy?


    I'd like stuff with more meaning to be raised in coverage myself, but I think I'm wishing into the wind...

  6. Hey, if this is a Pub, where's all the beer?


    someone please let me know.


    by the way, where does the beer come out? Do I put my cup here?



    There are no shortage of people out there who are so clueless as to think that. I've had to deal with some real winners in my time who'd bring in horribly abused PCs and wonder why they failed!


    My favorite was the one with the crushed mouse. He said his wife seemed to have broken "the foot pedal". :blink:

  7. There's a MiG-29C? I don't appear to have it...where is it available?

    The Su-22 is nothing more than an Su-17 on steroids, but I eagerly await more Fitters, as well as the Fencer.

    I also left out other planes like the La-9 and 15, the Chinese copies and native planes such as the J-8II, and Yaks.


    Now, for the planes I'd like to see more of--Soviet/Russian bombers! We of course have the Tu-22 Blinder, Tu-16 Badger, and Tu-4 Bull.

    We could use a Tu-22M Backfire, Tu-95 or 142 Bear, Tu-160 (and the B-1B to go with that :) ), Myasishchev 'Bison', etc...

  8. List of flyable MiGs:




    MiG-21 (lots of them)

    MiG-23 (also quite a few)

    MiG-25 (ditto)

    MiG-27 and 27D

    MiG-29A and G (E German A model)


    So we're basically only missing the 31, which historically speaking has done the least of any MiG ever to enter production. :)


    For Sukhoi:

    Su-7 (variants)

    Su-9 (variants)


    Su-15 (variants)


    Su-27 (just released)


    Hardly a small selection.

    Of the missing Su's, the 24 and 25 are important planes, but as dedicated ground attack didn't get the priority the AA planes get.

    As for the Flanker variants 30, 33, 35, and 37, the last 2 don't count (not in service) and the first 1 is coming in a couple of variants. The 33 is also coming.

  9. The F-111B was cancelled and the F-14 was indeed the plane acquired to replace it. The F-111B would've had the same AWG-9/AIM-54A combination the F-14A carried. It also used the same engine, which led to many problems for the F-14 for 20 years until the A+/B was introduced with the F110 engine.


    In the SF games, the F-100 has a hook which like the other USAF planes mentioned is one-way only--you can drop the hook, but you can't retract it. Only the USN/USMC planes have that feature.

    I've never tried it, but do the runways in SF/WoX have arrestor cables, or is it purely cosmetic for all but the naval planes?

  10. Although it CAN take off vertically, the Harrier is truly a STOVL plane--short t/o, vertical landing. I have the best luck starting my roll with nozzles fully aft, then when I reach 100 kts with flaps extended I rotate to 45 and LEAP off the tarmac. ;)

    However, landing vertically requires coming to a stop and then hovering and that is VERY hard.


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