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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. The manual will mostly apply. There are a few changes in procedures and keys here and there, so you do need the new one from time to time. However, things like the training missions are brought over from the old F4 and F4:AF's manual doesn't talk about them! So people who do not have the old F4 manual are at a disadvantage there.

    I'm one of the people who bought the binder edition of F4 back in 12/98 and I never got rid of it. :)




    The Jedi Master

  2. If you're connected, you should see "Cancel" or "Stop" at the bottom of the MP connect screen instead of "Start".

    Then, click the button that has two arrows going around corners to point at each other along the top. That lets you choose red or blue side. Once you do that, click the airplane icon on the far left and you can pick a plane slot for that side. Then click the payload on the right side and set that up, finally you'll be able to click fly in the lower right.

    The problem is the UI isn't user friendly and takes some getting used to.

    Keep in mind that the knob on the right will toggle you between the client/server MP settings and the ability to name your pilot and change payloads.




    The Jedi Master, veteran of many a LOMAC coop flight ;)

  3. My first helo sim was DI's Apache, back in 1994 I think. Then came the sequel, Hind and EA released Jane's Longbow and then Longbow 2. LB2 is still considered the "benchmark" of helo sims.

    The Enemy Engaged series (Apache/Havoc and Comanche/Hokum) were less complex but just as fun.

    EECH came out in 2000...the last helo sim released!

    (I don't count NL's Comanche series)


    I can't wait for this one.



    The Jedi Master

  4. WoV is great if you want to focus on the Nam era planes. If you have interest in the earlier or later ones as well, grab SFP1. It's better at a broad spectrum of planes and eras, but not as good in focusing on that era as WoV is.




    The Jedi Master

  5. I think I enjoyed F-19 far more. Partly because if I remember right, F-117 came out around the time of Falcon 3 and was overshadowed by it. Also, I never liked the Lockheed version because I was used to the F-19/MPS version where you could do AA missions. Like you said, too, it was too easy to tool around all day without getting spotted. Of course, the carrier ops was fun if wildly inaccurate!


    Favorite mission: bombing Typhoon pens in the Kola peninsula! :)




    The Jedi Master

  6. The new place at Dulles is AMAZING. I was there back in May of 04, but they hadn't opened the space hall yet. All you could see was the Enterprise (the shuttle).


    I was so hyped to finally get to see an Ar 234!



    The Jedi Master

  7. Hi Mate


    I use to run a Radeon 9800pro,The 6800GT pissers all over it.

    Long Live Nvidia

    The 6800GT Runs Pacific Fighters so smooth & glitch free it makes shooting down the japs a real pleasure.


    Cheers Pete



    Well, seeing as the 9800 is a contemporary of the 5900, and the 6800GT is the same generation as the X800, it's not surprising at all. Also, the nvidia cards have historically been better in OpenGL games like Doom 3 and Il-2, while ATI are better in D3D games.




    The Jedi Master

  8. Having been through 3 'canes last year, as well as living at ground zero for Andrew back in '92, I know how you feel. I can't really think of anything to tell you, honestly. You're sort of at the mercy of forces far greater than you.




    The Jedi Master

  9. I'd say nearly every website that I've visited has at one point or another "changed" in a way that more people than not will agree was not for the better.

    From SimHQ and Combatsim all the way back to the pre-www days of CIS, Delphi, and Prodigy. Unfortunately, nothing stays the same forever, and people that are used to a particular way will often drift away when that happens. Nothing to do about it but hope the changes will be minimally disruptive.




    The Jedi Master

  10. The quick and dirty of it is:

    Yes, there's a no CD.

    It's not a new .exe, it's a .dll replacement.

    You can patch just fine with it installed, the CD isn't needed for patching.

    One lasted all of Il-2. When FB came out, it needed a new one that lasted through AEP and its patches. When PF came out, it required yet another one. That has lasted through all of its patches.


    Actually, I'm glad it's not an .exe type, because that would mean each patch requires a new one.

    As for where to get it, I can't remember where I got mine, it was a link on a forum somewhere as it never showed up at the standard no-CD sites I visit.


    For the record, I HATE CD-based CP and support keys/codes/whatever instead so you can leave the stupid things in their cases and still be just as secure. I have them for about 50% of my games, where it was easy to do. Some have real tough CP (like the Starforce-protected ones) or are too big a PITA to do (like the BF42/BFV ones) or screw up MP file checks (CFS3 and F1C 99-02 are among those) so I'm forced to use the CD there.




    The Jedi Master

  11. Ideally, there shouldn't be a "max" for the game, just for the plane you're flying. That said, there's no WAY a Viggie should have been able to get over 100k! :blink:

    You should've have a flame out much lower, but I can't recall if SFP1 simulates that or how it handles max altitude. Maybe one of the FM modders could step in and describe it.




    The Jedi Master


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