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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Well, for "old ones" I'll nominate the Longbow series. The first game had, with its addon, 2 campaigns that were linear but branching and very well done. LB2 had a great dynamic campaign and added Blackhawks and Kiowas.


    I also played both Iran and Iraq campaigns in Jane's F-15 to their finish, and I believe that may be the last flight sim I played every campaign included to the end. Never got very far in one in F4, SFP1, WoV, LOMAC, and many others. Completed a few in EECH/AH, but never did them all. Granted there were a lot of them. :)




    The Jedi Master

  2. I installed over the top without reinstalling and it worked fine, BUT!


    If you've extracted .ini files from the .cat files, the patch won't touch them, only the .cat files. So you'll need to REextract those .ini files and alter them again. Don't just try and get away with the older .inis as I noticed there are differences. The F-104Gdata.ini, for example, has more lines than it did before.

  3. Ah, good, I was waiting for one!


    Another short SP game, eh? It seems chronic in FPS games nowadays...


    So the consensus seems to be that this game is good for MP coop players, but no so much for others. I have a group that I play with regularly and some of them have got FtF and some haven't--I'm a fence-sitter and I STILL don't know if I should get this or not!! :dry:

    I guess I'll put it on my "eventually" list!




    The Jedi Master

  4. The website now says Armed Assault, so I'm guessing that is indeed the new name. Some screenshots make it evident that it's a heavily reengineered OFP1 engine, but those new solider heads have to go. Looks like they have some kind of hypoencephalitis going on...





    The Jedi Master

  5. Only bummer is it's the console only version. MOHAA and MOHPA were the PC versions. Not sure when the next PC version will come out, but they seem to alternate years--2002 was MOHAA (PC), 2003 was MOH Rising Sun (consoles), 2004 was MOHPA (PC), 2005 will be MOH EA (consoles), 2006...?






    The Jedi Master

  6. Well, I have SC:Chaos Theory with SF installed and it's a BIG PITA to get the game to load. Can take upwards of 15 mins sometimes with one or more reboots. :diablo:


    I don't remember when I last tried burning a DVD or CD, so I hope it still works for me. :threaten:





    The Jedi Master

  7. Your question begs the question "define better".


    Fact: Falcon 4 was made on a multimillion dollar budget by a large team that worked over 5 years.


    Fact: JT has a, um, considerably smaller budget and shorter development time.


    Fact: Falcon 4 in its current state has had an extra 5 YEARS of 3rd party work with both leaked source code and simpler hex editing behind it.



    Conclusion: To expect JT to compete with F4 in sufficient areas to call it "better" strikes me as unreasonable. JT will be what it will be, and an F4 "replacement" is not it.



    The Jedi Master



    PS Many in the industry consider the virtual death of the flight sim genre as attributable to the unrealistic demands of simmers for new products, and the "if it's not better than XYZ I won't buy it" position responsible for the lack of sales and hence abandoning the market.

  8. You know, I watched Envy yesterday, featuring our favorite actor, Christopher Walken.


    I'm continually amazed that no matter the film--serious drama, comedy, thriller--the guy pulls off the roles while at the same time being himself. Crazy Chris, Deadly Chris, Funny Chris, whatever! Even when the film is forgettable, he isn't.


    A bum in Envy. A semi-warlord in Rundown. An assassin that doesn't do his own work in Nick of Time. A freakin' EVIL angel in Prophecy. A former specfor guy in Man on Fire. A dying psychic in Dead Zone.


    About the only thing he hasn't done is appear in a Star Wars, Star Trek, Jurassic Park, Indiana Jones, or other major film franchise. He's always in the one-offs (unless you count the direct-to-video Prophecy sequels), but he's ALWAYS good.


    To that guy in Suicide Kings, S! :fan_1: :pioneer:




    The Jedi Master

  9. The amazing thing is I can't remember the last time I won ANYTHING. I mean, $5 on a Lotto ticket or a handful of quarters in a slot machine, but that's it.


    I actually won something worth a decent amount of money that I really WANT this time! :clapping::biggrin:



    The Force was strong with me for once!



    The Jedi Master

  10. For those who don't know, the CD version, with Starforce but no activation limit, is now available for preorder at naturalpoint.com, makers of TrackIR.


    The bad news is it's $40 plus S/H which is $8 minimum. I hear to Canada it's $30, which really sucks for them. :huh:


    Anyway, since this is NOT an addon but rather the entire LOMAC 1.02 with 1.1 changes integrated, this is priced the same as the game was at first and I'm guessing may require a total uninstall/reinstall instead of patching? Not sure on that.


    Anyway, it's scheduled to be shipped out in early May, but Jason said quantities were limited, so if you're on the fence, you'd better preorder now. If you're leaning more towards "too much for an addon" or "I hate Starforce," then I guess you'd better not! :)



    The Jedi Master


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