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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. A-4 Skyhawks get upgraded

    Skyhawks forever!!

    I am so stealing that one! and yea, permanent kitchen duty..............
  3. I think he's full of BS and pursuing this for his own marketing purposes. Accessing the flight controls and/or engine controls from the Inflight Entertainment Network does not sound at all plausible. and even if he did, making the plane "fly sideways" because he changed one engine's thrust reveals a gross misconception of basic aerodynamics!!
  4. Ah yes, lets revisit some old friends

    RODLMAO brought tears to my eyes......
  5. F-14A+



    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | GRUMMAN F-14A+ TOMCAT | | The F-14A+ Tomcat the best fleet defender. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ With the gracious permission of; The Mirage Factory and Olivier ANGUILLE (BPAo); This update includes the avionics upgrade by Sandmartin and Batman1978 which uses the avionics70 file to provide improved HUD and air to air radar and tracking capabilities and the TCS mod. This TCS mod provides a boresighted view only and does not (yet) track selected targets. The Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) has been updated and includes the implementation originally developed by wpnssgt. This variation of the original F-14A in one of the later operational configurations to guard the fleet; the F-14A+. This is a minor tweak of the ini files to update the engines and radar. The F-14A+ included the same engines for the F-14D but this version did not include the air to ground capability of the F-14D. This is not the pre-production development mod but the fleet operational version which was also later referred to as the F-14B. Both the F-14A+ and the F-14B were employed in the fleet at the same time, with the F-14A+ generally deployed to the Pacific and the F-14B deployed to the Atlantic (the principle difference between the two aircraft being whether the squadron was in the Pacific or the Atlantic Fleet). This aircraft was withdrawn from fleet service in 2006 and replaced by the F-18F in the air to air role. All F-14's received air to ground capabilities in 1995 which are included in this model with the addition of conventional air to ground bombing capabilities. The squadrons which deployed with the F-14A+ were VF-11, VF-24, VF-32, VF-74, VF-102, VF-103, VF-142 and VF-143. Those skins are not included in this file and must be downloaded and installed separately. The squadron skins included in this model are the original ones in the Mirage Factory F-14A. I recommend deleting the squadron skins in this model and loading the others. Since permission to include those skins was not given, those skins are not included here. export : None Just unzip this entire folder into your WOE/Ojects/Aircraft folder. Note -1. The avionics upgrade by Sandmartin and Batman1978 uses the avionics70 file to provide improved HUD and air to air radar and tracking capabilities. This avionics70 mod does NOT work in a Wings Over Vietnam (and possibly not in Strike Fighter) only install. So if you are using a WoV install you will need to use the alternate cockpit using the avionics60 version. The TCS mod works in both versions. Note; the missile stations are designed to pick up Active Radar Homing missiles and will employ the AIM-7 and AIM-54 series air to air missiles. The model here will also pick up the AIM-120 series in the sim, but the aircraft was never wired or certified to carry that missile. So if you want the realism, don't load that one. Good hunting! Typhoid +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ SFP1 Model Plane 3D : BPAo Textures : Column5 (templates) FM : Column5 Sounds : Aaron Swindle Camos VF1 : Column 5 VF2 : Sundowner VF154 : USAFMTL VF31 : Sundowner VF84 : Sundowner VX4 : Sundowner Cockpit 3D : based on JT's from Thirdwire public cockpit, modified by BPAo Textures : based on Thirdwire, news BPAo, HUD from ArmourDave team (Sal, Lansen, Rafael et AD himself) Effects : Deuces, JSF_Aggie Pilote Texture : Pappychecksix Weapons 3D : Crab_02 Textures : BPAo Tank 3D : Crab_02 Textures : BPao Original F-14A Test Team Manetsim, Sony Tuckson, Nico, Column5 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  6. heh heh I read somewhere that India bought the Mig-29 carrier version?
  7. Nice E-2 scheme.

    that is pretty awesome!
  8. The right place, at the right time

    that is an excellent site by the way. I've a couple of articles on there myself.
  9. Jetmen over Dubai

    I want one!!
  10. New T-14 tank breaks down on Red Square

    very good point!
  11. The right place, at the right time

    it does look like it, but no. As powerful as the muzzle blast is, or was, the physics of heaving nine 2200lb shells in one direction isn't going to move 45,000 tons of steel in the other direction through the water displacement very much. Standing on the Flag Bridge when the Iowa fired one of those was pretty impressive! It kicked the air out of your chest and it felt like it was burning all the hair off of every exposed piece of skin. Real Artillery is 16"
  12. the catapult crew "shooting" the plane before the pilot was ready, the pilot "forgetting to buckle in", the SU-25 carrying "two massive anti-ship missiles" - no, it doesn't only the latest versions of the SU-25 can carry the Archer - questionable that the Iranian version can he's on burner on a vector, the bogies are 15 miles out and he picks them up at 5 - and this is all close enough to the ship that they can all see the "airshow"? not buying that one good read but kissing the blarney stone more than just a little. He claims there is video, I would like to see it!
  13. Entertaining story, but BS on several points in it.
  14. it would be whatever the 89th Airlift Wing callsign is. It would not be a Special Mission callsign because that is carrying someone. "someone" could be any of the huge list of dignitaries authorized to use VC aircraft of the 89th. such as; Cabinet Officers Members of Congress Cabinet Officer deputies and key staff DoD key personnel and key staff Members of City Councils are not currently on the list........
  15. Its Silverbolt's birthday!

    Happy Birthday!!!
  16. it depends. When the President goes on board anything - that becomes AF1, Navy1, etc. When he came aboard the NEACP, we became AF1 and when he left, we went back to Nightwatch. When he came aboard USS Belknap, we became Navy 1, and when he left, we because Belknap again.
  17. "Much like how "Air Force One" uses it's Callsign when the President is aboard and is not aboard." Air Force One, Navy One, Marine One are only used when the President is embarked. When he is not, those units revert to their normal callsigns.
  18. Interesting newcomers

    I didn't watch the whole thing, long on marketing but short on some important details. Like payload... I am reading into this but I think the "launch breakthrough" is more a payload breakthrough on miniaturization. Micro satellites can do the job now that it took very large satellites before and THAT is why a launch company can advertise such reduced launch costs. basic physics are still in play here - it takes so much energy to put a payload into orbit.
  19. When I flew with them (two hops with VF-126 in the aggressor role (TA-4J)) it was weapons system lock within the system parameters or gun kill as verified in the gun camera. They were just then (late '70's early 80's) getting the range equipment in that provide a complete record of all aircraft in the fight. The ACM pod (I don't recall the name of the system) linked back to the ground system and recorded everything. There was no more of the fighter pilot BS "there I was at your six". The system now records everything and a kill is only if within the selected weapon system parameters.
  20. Happy Birthday Wrench

    Happy Birthday!!
  21. Cessna 152 Heavy

  22. Jug Has Passed Away

    I am very saddened to read of his passing. He was truly a gentlemen and a warrior. My heartfelt condolences to his family. We will all miss him. "Hand Salute" "Two"
  23. Afterburner vs. Snow test run a J79-J1E with afterburner

    just the thing for city street snow removal!!
  24. US Navy F-16N

    of course, the USAF also flew their F-15's until one of them broke up in flight!!

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