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Posts posted by scrapper

  1. Bunnie.zip

    Pilot - Captain Roscoe Brown with the 100th FS, 322nd FG, also know as the

    Tuskegee Airmen. He shot down two German aircraft, including an Me.262 on

    March 24, 1945 during an escort mission to Berlin.


    Cool paint job - $30.

    150 rounds of .50 Cal Cartridges - $3.

    Never lost a bomber while on escort duty - Priceless!!!


    Note: aircraft was named 'Bunnie' in honour of his daughter.


    Thanks to suhsjake, for his good template.


    This skin is for Wolf257's P-51d-30. Enjoy!




  2. Nice campaign, Scrapper, thanks. It gives plenty of good action, both air and ground.

    I have one correction, and one suggestion.


    The correction is that the name of the Spitfire Vb Trop in the sim is "SpitfireVBT", not "Spitfire5BT", and those references should be changed in the campaign Data.INI file.


    The suggestion is to add the Henschel Hs-129 to the unit mix. This aircraft was used quite a bit in Tunisia, and there is a good desert skin for the release version. I have changed a couple of the Ju-88A4 squadrons to Hs-129s in my install of this campaign (and changed the mission assigments to exclusively Strike, CAS and Armed Recon), and have them showing up fairly often.


    Thanks for trying my campaign. The real life version was the VB Tropical, but the version downloaded from CA shows as the Spitfire5BT. It works fine on my system with this reference. You are right about the HS-129s. I couldn't find what German unit operated it in North Africa 1943, otherwise I would have included it.


    With Regards,



  3. Operation Torch V2.0

    Operation Torch V2.0 for use with Edwards Tunisia terrain.


    Welcome to the air war over Tunisia. There are a lot of mods required for

    this Campaign, so make sure you get them all. Its is Dec 1942, and the

    Axis forces have just counter-attacked west. Help defeat the German and

    Italian forces, by destroying their air forces. All mods needed are listed

    in the readme.


    ***Changes from V1.0***

    - 2 HS129B2 squadrons added.

    - 2 Free French squadrons added(One p-40 and one spitfire).

    - fixed unit numbering

    - Added Torch skin for the P-40E.

    - Added France skin for the P-40E.

    - Changed A-36A to Wrench's A-36 mod.







  4. Have just downloaded the campaign and am having trouble finding the British and German squads, yhe jagdtiger and the PzKwIVj. Can you point me in the right direction. Thanks.


    jagdtiger and the PzKwIVj can be downloaded right here, under the object mods section. As for the German and British squads, try downloading the Soloman islands campaign complete package. I think it was in there.





    Soloman all-inclusive



    If not, try avsim.




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