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Posts posted by littlesmoke

  1. Hi, I'm getting this error message with some files.  I sent a message to the automated help but got no response.  Hopefully it can be fixed as i have some new files to upload.  thanks in advance.


    Sorry, there is a problem


    REASON CODE: User type is not permitted to view files.

    Error code: 2D161/2



  2. "...The United States just plain doesn't like Cuba. And it's easy to see why: It just hangs out down there, suspiciously close to Florida's personal space, looking like it's about to reach out and touch America's Dong at any minute. That just doesn't sit right with us, man..."



  3. 'Dear Sir, I write this note to you to tell you of me plight

    and at the time of writing, I am not a pretty sight;

    me body is all black and blue, me face a deathly gray

    and I write this note to say why Paddy's not at work today.


    While working on the fourteenth floor some bricks I had to clear;

    now, to throw them down from such a height was not a good idea.

    the foreman wasn't very pleased, he being an awkward sod

    he said I'd have to cart them down the ladder in me hod.


    Now, clearing all these bricks by hand it was so very slow,

    so I hoisted up a barrel and secured the rope below.

    But in me haste to do the job I was too blind to see

    that a barrel full of building bricks was heavier than me.


    So when I untied the rope the barrel fell like lead

    and clinging tightly to the rope I started up instead.

    Well, I shot up like a rocket till to my dismay I found

    that halfway up I met the bloody barrel coming down.


    Well, the barrel broke me shoulder as to the ground it sped,

    and when I reached the top I banged the pulley with my head.

    Well, I clung on tight though numb with shock from this almighty blow

    and the barrel spilled out half the bricks fourteen floors below.


    Now, when these bricks had fallen from the barrel to the floor

    I then outweighed the barrel and so started down once more;

    still clinging tightly to the rope, I sped towards the ground,

    and I landed on the broken bricks that were all scattered round.


    Well, I lay there groaning on the ground, I thought I'd passed the worst,

    when the barrel hit the pulley-wheel and then the bottom burst.

    Well, a shower of bricks rained down on me, I hadn't got a hope

    as I lay there moaning on the ground, I let go the bloody rope.


    The barrel then being heavier, it started down once more,

    and landed right across me, as I lay upon the floor.

    Well, it broke three ribs and my left arm and I can only say

    that I hope you'll understand why Paddy's not a work today.'

  4. The Ballad Of Ronnie Drew


    by U2, The Dubliners, Kila, and "A Band of Bowsies"


    Here's to you, Ronnie Drew.

    And as usual, the drinks are on Ronnie.


    Here's to the Ronnie, the voice we adore

    Like coals from a coal bucket scraping the floor

    Sing out his praises in music and malt

    And if you're not Irish, that isn't your fault


    Raise up our voices like dogs in a pack

    Thankful for honest men we never lack

    We got 'em by twenties, we got 'em by ones

    Them and their daughters and all of their sons


    Here's to you, Ronnie Drew

    Here's to you, Ronnie Drew

    Ronnie Drew, we love you, yes we do

    Here's to you, Ronnie Drew, here's to you


    And what's it to any man whether or no'

    Whether I'm easy or whether I'm true

    As I lifted her petticoat easy and slow

    And I tied up me sleeve for to buckle her shoe


    Get up and go at it, five until five

    When the whistle says budge it we come back alive

    He'll sing to the heavens, he's stormy as hell

    And wherever he goes, we'll be wishing him well


    Here's to you, Ronnie Drew

    Here's to you, Ronnie Drew

    Ronnie Drew, we love you, yes we do

    Here's to you, Ronnie Drew, here's to you


    The dawn and the dust, the wise, the unjust

    Kids in gambling games

    The unheard, the unseen, the unwashed and unclean

    Where the streets all have names

    Baggers, street masons, street wagons to Stevens

    With lovers and loners who can hear all intoners

    The goths and the ravers, invalids and traders

    Sing out Ronnie Drew


    A life for a life or a hand for a hand

    Trust in the music and strike up the band

    The more that we sing the less that we fight

    Time and again this is proved to be right


    Build you a statue on St. Stephen's Green

    No fairer monument ere to be seen

    The statue of Ronnie Drew holding the hand

    Of a girl with her hair in a black velvet band


    Here's to you, Ronnie Drew

    No stranger to devils or angles to tell

    Here's to you, Ronnie Drew

    A friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend to you

    Ronnie Drew, we love you, yes we do

    Here's to you, Ronnie Drew, here's to you

    Here's to you, Ronnie Drew, here's to you, Ronnie Drew

    Here's to you, Ronnie Drew, here's to you, Ronnie Drew


    And what's it to any man whether or no'

    Whether I'm easy or whether I'm true

    As I lifted her petticoat easy and slow

    And I rolled up me sleeve for to buckle her shoe




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