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Posts posted by Arrigo

  1. Yes, I agree!! It seems to be a "Great" game and well worth the price.


    I hadn't been aware that all parts were not downloadable.


    Even the map in Cyberboard and Vassal is graphically great to look at!


    The map has been done using the actual game map (that once unfold on the table is simply awesome...). Also check the various scenario... in one you have even a 120 planes B52 raid... scaaaaary


    One of my favorite games (Ok I am biased I was a playtester) and if you need a middle east fix... look forward to "Elusive Victory: air war over Suez" going out this month! Same system, new scenarios, Mirage and more! (1967 to 1973).

  2. Here is one I noticed




    You are farther ahead than me Viper ha ha. I have been reading history books on Linebacker so I haven't read all the rules yet.


    I will look around to see if I can find more cards


    Here is the GMT magazine download section



    If you want the aircraft card you have to buy the game. The game itself is not downloadable. The VASSAL and Cyberboard modules are, and are meant to allow people who LEGITIMATELY owns the game to play via those PBEM applications. The game is reasonably priced so...

  3. Column 5,


    I have looked at the map and I think you have Bologna completely out of place, it must be on the same "diagonal" line with Rimini (btw until the 90' Rimini was a military airfield) and parma. You would also want to put Piacenza with the San Damiano airbase (now home of the Tornado ECR of AMI). you have forgot Verona Villafranca airbase and I think Aviano is not in the right place. It must be a bit more southwest.



  4. how can someone be soo stupid?

    in case of a war, the soldiers will run to the border asking for food leaving the army behind....



    He is only ramping up (it is an english word? :biggrin: ) the stakes... he want to seems really meaning and then extort a bit more for the rest of the world... business as usual I fear, with a en entire country payng the price. This is sad.

  5. Hello ladies and gents




    I am slowly starting on a campaign project... the basic idea is well nailed down and I think to have understood the basic of campaign editing to the point I can proceeed from tutorial to trial and error (but having a referenced map of Dhimar and Parani with grid coordinates would be good...I haven been able to find one), but still I have some issues that will benefit from other people inputs...


    The basic assumption is a new flare up of the tension between Dhimar and Paran in 1996... the US, UK and some samller NATO countries send an expeditionary force to support Dhimar, but thanks to woefully divided western government a an unwillinginess to commit units to direct operations the NATO forces are kept in the defensive. The burden of the cross border operations in this first stage of the war is put on the dhimar air forces... now...


    except from some elite F15A units the rest of the Dhimar squadrons are unbelievably poor, undersupported, understaffed and underfunded notwithstanding years of US and western backing. So for day to day operation several Combat Support Squadron are created with western pilot and machines to ostensibly support the Dhimari (they are reprensented as auxiliry or training units, but are mixed combat forces...) staffed by a lot of NATO and Allied pilota seconded to the Dhimari Arir forces on temporary assignement... now the idea is cool... but...


    What planes the actual dhimari are flying? I have settled for the 1st and 2ns Fighter squadrons (1st Royal Dhimari TFW) equipped with F15A, and a detachment of E3A to gave AWACS support... but of the run of the mill attack and multirole ( :blink: big word for the dhimari)units what I can use? any suggestion I want to give them an almost obsolete look... but not soo old at the moment I am thinking on Hunters, Lighthing (UK), maybe A4, F105 or F5... suggestions?


    Remember the CSS flown a mix of F4, A7 and early marks F16 in the beginning of the campaign.




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