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Posts posted by Atreides

  1. The question is does it compare to Silent Hunter III ? which I just by sheer luck found a brand new DVD copy at a store. I doubt the U.S sub's are as much fun as the German's ze german's did have the coolest tech and sub innovation's juno :biggrin:

  2. Guys, can anyone of you please help out, I'm trying to run the XvT and BOP game's on XP but am unable to even run the installation process !! I've even gone into the folder's located the setup icon and adjusted it to run in compatibility mode but to no avail. Last but not the least could it be possible that I'm running into this issue due to my DVD CDR ? :dntknw::sad:

  3. If and when they do decide to introduce this game for the PC, I really hope they don't do a god awful port job that was done for Splinter Cell:Double Agent. To make matter's worse UBISOFT dose'nt seem to give a rat's a** about supporting it further :fuk: I'm willing to wait so long as the product's good. Hopefully, Lucas won't go completely console.

  4. Well guys I think this has ran its course and I think we know where everyone stands. So let it be, go fly and have fun. If you are getting too hung up on this payware vs freeware thing then you are no longer having fun. Think about it.


    Hey MTL why not just lock/delete this thread ? I don't like payware, said that twice, but to go on and on about the pro's and con's four page's later like some here.***sigh*** :boredom:

  5. To me, it is the whole idea of payware I have a problem. The bottom line is this is a user made mod. This isn't something that I can go down to the software shop and buy in a box, that was made by a professional company. Why should I bust my ass making mods and give them away for free while Joe Schmoe down the street is making 15 bucks per? It doesn't make sense. In my opinion, payware has no place in a community like this. You mod it because you want to...because you want to improve it.


    I have been into modding for 10 years now, starting painting cars for Grand Prix 2 and then mapping Unreal Tournament and making full blown mods in EA's F1 series before making WoE my home. The thought never once crossed my mind to sell my mods. The day I sell a mod is the day I stop modding.



    Here Here :clapping:

  6. Easy answer to that is.... the good guys play by the rules a.k.a. the Geneva Accords. It's a war crime to shoot down any pilot who has bailed out of his A/C, unless the guy in the parachute is either a paratrooper (soilders that deploy to the combat area via parachute) or is shooting at you first.


    That's looking at it from a pretty black and white perspective isn't it ? As someone who served in the Canadian Forces (Infantry) for four year's I really don't think it would be that clear cut, suppose said pilot had dropped ordnance resulting in the death's of your buddie's and was shot down a few minute's later, treating him "well" would'nt be the first thing to cross my mind. :dntknw:


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