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Posts posted by Atreides

  1. The MKI version is equipped with Canards and TVC Nozzles.


    Su-30MKI :

    Canard Foreplanes:Canards are installed to increase lifting effectiveness and enhance manoeuvrability of the aircraft, They are deflected automatically to ensure controllable flight at high angles-of-attack.

    Thrust Vectoring Control: The 2D TVC makes an aircraft highly maneuverable. The aircraft is capable of near-zero airspeed at high angles of attack and dynamic aerobatics in negative speeds up to 200 km/h. Su-30MKI becomes the worlds first TVC equipped operational Fighter.

    The N011-M Bars phased array Radar is the most powerful Russian Radar on any exported Fighter.

    A multi-national Avionics complex sourced from Russia, France,Israel and India which include Display, Navigation, Targeting and Electronic warfare systems.

    The Su-30 MKI has a maximum range, with one in-flight refuelling, of 8000 km. The Su-30MK and Su-30MK-1 have a maximum range, with one in-flight refuelling, of 5200 km (35% less than MKI variant).

    More than 40 Su-30 MKI aircraft are currently serving in the IAF, and belong to different batches- Mk.1, Mk.2 and Mk.3.


    190 Su-30 MKIs, of Mk.3 standards and beyond, are expected to be in service by 2012.



    Su-30MKI aerodynamic configuration is an unstable longitudinal triplane. The canard increases the aircraft lifting and deflects automatically to allow high angle-of-attack flights.

    The integral aerodynamic configuration combined with thrust vectoring results in practically unlimited manoeuvrability and unique taking off and landing characteristics.

    The Su-30MKI has no level winged AoA limitations: it can fly at even 180 degree AOA (Angle of attack) and still recover. This high super-agility allows rapid deployment of weapons in any direction as desired by the crew.

    The canard notably assists in controlling the aircraft at large angles of attack (AoA) and bringing it to a level flight condition. The wing will have high-lift devices featured as deflecting leading edges and flaperons acting the flaps and ailerons.


    Seeeeee (@FUBAR) Told you. :tongue::biggrin:

  2. You can't "suppress" air defenses, if they don't exist, can you? :biggrin:


    You need to install fixed SAM sites for the NATO side. I've positioned hawk batteries around several military and civilian areas in West Germany (GermanyCE terrain), just for that purpose. Give me a while and I'll post the coordinates and necessary edits to keep the Hawks from salvoing all at once.


    :shout: Aaaargghhh, such a stooopid mistake. Thanks.

  3. Question 1)


    Just to be clear from the begining, my version of SFP1 has the right service pack installed and the right patch as well. All of my aircraft's work fine well aside from a minor radar issue with the SU-15, or so I thought. I've noticed that the MIG-21, MIG-25 and MIG-29 all top out at an approximate airspeed of 500+ knots, but never reaching 600 knots or more. Any insight ? The MIG-25 that I'm using is the Foxbat package made recently and the MIG-29 is the MIg29C version.


    I've checked the aircraft data.ini and compared it with other aircraft ex.SU-27 and the MIG-25's for example say's Mach 2.80 (if I'm not mistaken)...Any ideas as to why these aircraft's aren't able to attain their respective speed ?


    Question 2)


    EDIT: Crap, Instructor is kicking me out as i'm the last one in the lab, will ask this later.



  4. A number of 3rd Party radars were porked in a recent patch early last year. What you do, is convert the radar tga file/files to bmp files.


    The Su-15 has only a blank tga file, so any black painted bmp file will do. Other aircraft radars have green grids and stuff on the tga files, so require conversion of tga to bmp. This was Tristan's idea, and it works. Other aircraft that I recall are F-111 series, some say MiG-21 series, etc...


    Page 3 of Boopidoo's Su-15 releace thread ~> http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.p...sc&start=16


    Well, that seemed work just fine. :good: Thanks.

  5. The JSF is a going to be a damn good plane. One of our valued modders here works in the JSF program. He gives us good info about it from time to time {non classified stuff} and so far I am throughly impressed with it.


    All joking aside I'm sure it's great, no matter what it's sceptics think. But, is it really as survivable as the warthog ? Can it carry the same number of weapons as the hog ? It's just sucks that they're retiring the hog, just like the untimely reitrement of the Tomcat, I guess I'll always love the older battle proven warriors.

  6. Hokay, I've been running with an outdated service pack and the older weapons pack than the one available on this site, reason being that some aircraft's take the MIG-21 F13 for example would end up with no weapons at all :sorry: after what I "THINK" was the right installation of Service Pack and ofcourse the latest weapons pack. So I uninstalled and re-installed with the older pack and got everything working, or so I thought until I attempted to fly another favourite of mine, the F-15I but could not launch any LGB's which I suspect is clearly eith a service pack or me not having the latest weapons pack issue.


    I've accessed the knowlege base and read the patching order and keep on seeing SP4 being mentioned but when I go to thirdwire's website I don't see a clear SP4. Which one the patches is SP4 for SFP1 ?


    Here's the url



    Can anyone help this newb ? Please ! Thanks in advance.

  7. It would be a good get! It would have been the first aircraft to carry 8 medium range aams (even before the phantom!) plus, carry them internally. On paper it it was gold. Mach 2 capable, 55000ft ceiling, big weapons load... all in the early 1950's.


    Yes. Far superior than the P.O.S F-101 Voodoo (or any other aircraft in the U.S inventory at the time and in the following years)that the Canadian Air Force decided to settle for, Diefenbaker, I'd love to have been able to kick him and all the other who killed it in the B***S :angry:

  8. The best solution, by far, is to use Kreelin's "Sound3D" utility. It silences the external engine sound to a whisper inside the cockpit, or, from a forward external view on approach, but allows full volume when an aircraft is viewed from the rear quadrant.


    It's quite immersive to go head to head with an opponent in virtual silence, and then catch an earfull of a doppler shifted "boooom!" as he recedes into the distance, behind you.



    Could you possibly point me in the right direction, I'm having trouble finding it. :blush:

  9. Instead of going to attributes in the image sub menu, go to Stretch/Skew. Then according to what size bitmap you have apply, the appropriate percentage to get it to the desired resolution. For example, if you had a 2048 pixel square bitmap, you would enter 25% in both horizontal and vertical parameters if you wanted the bitmap resized to 512 pixels square. When you do this don't worry about having the bitmap selected with the selection tool.


    Thanks for the assist Bib :good:


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