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Posts posted by Atreides

  1. Well now, where are all the folks who said the US was vile and evil because of drone strikes in Yemen? Now the Saudis are  striking Yemen, and where are all the guys who condemned the US for aggression, hmm? Where are they who said the US attacks for no good reason?


    Oh right, probably drinking champagne and swallowing oysters in an ivory tower somewhere.

    Because it's trendy to talk crap about every American action and to demonise it.  And because when an oil rich Muslim kingdom does it no one wants to be critical of it for fear of being labelled an Islamaphobe.   

    • Like 1

  2. wipe the ones left after they finish each other off :P

    Well, if we're going to follow that train of thought we might as well nuke ALL the countries in the middle east.  Win-Win for the rest of us as nothing of any value will be lost.

    • Like 2

  3.  we'll wipe them out 

    Wipe whom out ?  All Arabs ?  You need to elaborate that sentence a bit otherwise you just sound like an angry shlomo who's just lost all his shekels ! :biggrin:  :biggrin:

     They are supposed to have MiG-29 and 21. Are they flight worhty? 

    They do and they are flight worthy one was involved in the recent bombing of the presidential palace.  The aircraft are most likely grounded due to the factious loyalties of their pilots. 

    • Like 1

  4. Saudis also hate Syrian gvmnt and Iranian gvmnt. 

    Yes and also because Iran is also Shia just like Syria.  Also, after Iraq was "taken care of "  :biggrin: the only credible threat to Saudi interests is Iran especially it's military, which regionally speaking is combat hardened in comparison to the soft Saudis who couldn't fart in the dark without Murica holding their hand.  They see Iran as a threat and with all of it's empty sabre rattling Iran does itself no favours and makes itself a convenient scape goat.  The only Shia military power in the region is Iran and that frightens the Saudis.  Good !

  5. Ha ha!  Saudis supporting owerthrow of government in Syria

    Preface: Having lived in the Mideast for two decades, I'm not ranting from a position of ignorance.


    Saudis are the vilest scum around they're Sunnis who support Wahhabism , the ideology that is the pillar of strength for ISIS' "Islamic caliphate" view, ISIS is Sunni, Boko Haram is Sunni, Al-Qaida is Sunni and Al-Nusra Front  is Sunni (see the trend ?).  The reason they dislike Assad is because he's Shiite and an Alawaite at that, which is absolute Haram to them.  The Alawaites and the Christians of Syria have an alliance that goes back centuries to protect themselves from religious persecution of the Sunnis.  There's a good reason that Assad has 100% support of Syrias Christian population.  What will happen to the Syrian Christians and other minorities if Assad is overthrown, wholesale massacre of Christians and non-Sunnis that's what.




    Hopefully the SAA with Iranian support will terminate all of these scum including the FSA aka Al-Qaida "freedum fighters" with extreme prejudice and great violence. Kicking out Assad will result in the same shit hole mess that is "free" Libya now  All the Syrian Christians that I've met here in Toronto down to the last adult and teen support Assad, and for good reason too.  Cant' Mossad the Assad.

    • Like 4

  6. I see a lot of tweets regarding goats in their future  :biggrin:

    Been done to their account to the extreme by a website which shall remain unnamed here.  Oh and lots of gay and tranny pr0n too.  But then again the website also trolled the Klan and Stormturd too with the two types of vids, which was just as much fun to see those two loose their neo con heads.

  7. Disinformation is everywhere. Anne Hidalgo, mayor of Paris, threatens to take legal action against Fox News for having repeatedly stated that several "no-go zones" exist in Paris, where non-Muslims are unofficially forbidden to go. Footages of the 2005 Riots were used to generalize about the Parisian everyday life. Same exaggerations regarding Birmingham, England, with swift reaction from David Cameron. Sensationalist Fox has already admitted the mistakes and apologized. Forget the sly old fox, enjoy Dumber Baby Fox.

    Best joke so far i.e putting Fox and news in the same sentence.  But, hey if someone dislikes  FOX news then they must hate Murica, Freedom and most likely Jesus too ! :biggrin:  :biggrin:  :biggrin:  :biggrin:

  8. Some Japanese have started to troll ISIS on twitter that being ISIS' @flames_of_war33 account following the kidnapping of the two Japanese.  Not making this up, I couldn't even if I tried.  


    Trust the Japanese to use anime to troll ISIS.  FTFW Japan !



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  9. Rick Astley recently released a new version of his hit single " Never gonna"  an instant hit with ISIS the west however is butt hurt over his PRO-ISIS lyrics...




    We're no strangers to god 
    You have the bomb, and so do I
    A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
    Say Jihad and set off all the bombs


    Never gonna go Ha-ram
    Never gonna mock Is-lam
    Never gonna run around
    And draw you
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