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Everything posted by vonOben

  1. Hi Thanks a lot for all your good ideas! I had another escort mission before I had read your suggestions. This time I tried to follow first flight. They circled the airfield and the Roland’s flew away and we didn’t see them until we were over no man’s land. Flight 1 ignored the Roland’s and continued flying in the same direction as previously. I followed the Roland’s and on the way back when we were about half way between no man’s land and our airfield the Roland’s started to circle over a town. We circled there for about ten minutes when I gave up and left them circling and flew back to my airfield. Shouldn’t first flight also escort the two-seaters? What was that circling about? Cheers vonOben
  2. Error when exiting QC

    Hi I had the same problem and changing from comma to point solved the problem! I think it would be a good idea adding this information to the FAQ. The solution is already in there but the "error advancing time" is not mentioned. Cheers vonOben
  3. Hi I have some minor problems/questions about OFF BHaH: 1. After a QC I often get "Error advancing time" message. If I want to fly a campaign mission after that the same error occurs. I have to shut down and restart the OFF Manager. 2. OFF Manager Workshop if the Campaign Mission frequency is set to low it disappears and I have to set it every time I start the OFF Manager. 3. I’ve been flying a Jasta 1 campaign in late 1915 early 1916 but there have not been any seasonal changes during that time and no sign of snow. Is that as it should? 4. In campaign the briefing says a flyer is wingman but when the mission starts the in game labels says flight leader. 5. Lone Wolf mission. The briefing give a short flying time about 15-20 minutes, but it’s not possible to follow the flight path on the mission map in such short time. 6. Is it possible to set the displayed units somewhere? I have to change it to metric in every mission. 7. Is it possible to get a rear view when using TrackIr2? The rear view is limited compared to the normal in game views when using TrackIr2. 8. Is it possible to enhance the graphic quality in OFF when using a Radeon video card? I have an ATI Radeon HD 5770 and all settings are at 5 in CFS3 Config. The game looks a bit pixelated IMHO and the colors were rather washed out first, but has improved slightly with the Bloom&HDR dll. I also get a shimmering in the terrain. I have AA 4x (Edge detect) and AF 8x. The shimmering goes away at higher altitude, about 3000m. Cheers vonOben
  4. Newbie problems/questions

    Hi I've found the answer to this problem: 1. After a QC I often get "Error advancing time" message. If I want to fly a campaign mission after that the same error occurs. I have to shut down and restart the OFF Manager. I found the answer here: http://forum.combata..._1entry332753 It was the regional & language Options in XP that needed to be changed from comma to point. Cheers vonOben
  5. Hi Those ground attack missions has been a certain death so far for my pilots, and that has been early 1916 flying as a German pilot. I usually start around 2-3000 m and build up a lot of speed on the dive against the target, trying to zigzag on the way down, but before I fire I stop zigzag to be able to aim. When I get close to the ground so my machine guns can do their job the AA fire is off-course also doing it’s job and is quite accurate and usually damage my aircraft so it gets uncontrollable so I crash and die. How do you guys attack ground objects like airfields and rail yards? I’ve read hear at the forum that ground attack missions are unhistorical for German fighter, is that true? S!
  6. Hi Creaghorn Thanks for the update patch! I'll test it ASAP! S! vonOben
  7. Hi guys Thanks a lot for all your advises! Much appreciated! S! vonOben
  8. Hi I’ve checked the dds files in the aircraft folders for the Fokker EIII, but I can’t find the cockpit textures in there. Where can I find the cockpit textures? Cheers vonOben
  9. Sorry for that Post corrected now Cheers
  10. Thanks RAF_Louvert I'll check the shared folder. Cheers vonOben
  11. Hi I’m new to OFF-BhaH and I’ve noticed in several occasions that members of my flight have been shot down by flak or enemy aircraft. After I’ve ended the mission the de-briefing doesn’t say that any of my flight members have been killed or haven’t returned from the flight. When I check the duty room the pilots that were shot down are still there and in service. None of those pilots were aces. Am I imagining things or does it work like that in OFF-BhaH? Cheers vonOben
  12. Hi rabu Immersion killer was perhaps a bit harsh, and it it's not my intention to drop OFF because of that. But I was quite astonished over the fact that what happened to other flight members during missions was totally unimportant and when your flight members are killed they come back and flies again the next mission. Zombie flyers perhaps? So any improvements in this area would be highly appreciated. Cheers vonOben
  13. Hi guys Thanks for the friendly welcome and for the information. That’s a bit of a disappointment and an immersion killer for me. Seems rather pointless to help and try to bring the members of your flight safe back to base when the outcome is not counted for. Cheers vonOben
  14. Newbie problems/questions

    Hi Weather mode was set to "AI Weather Generator", this happens when the Campaign Mission frequency is set to low. It’s not possible to have "Historical Weather mode" and a low campaign frequency setting. I’m uncertain what the "AI Weather Generator" is and how to use it. The OFF Manager Workshop said to check the readme file, but I couldn’t find any information about the "AI Weather Generator" in the readme file nor in this forum. I changed to "Historical weather mode" and the flights for the next few days were cancelled because of snow. The first day after that when we were allowed to fly again the snow had apparently already melted away, because no visible snow. Cheers vonOben
  15. Newbie problems/questions

    Hi My questions were not directed only to you. I hoped someone here knew if the seasonal changes were loaded automatically when flying a campaign and I also thought the developers dropped in to answer questions. Cheers vonOben
  16. Newbie problems/questions

    Yes I know that but it was not that I didn’t like the lone wolf mission. I thought it was confusing when the briefing and the flight plan was contradicting. I have tried, but I saw no difference in image quality. How about: 3. I’ve been flying a Jasta 1 campaign in late 1915 early 1916 but there have not been any seasonal changes during that time and no sign of snow. Is that as it should? Was there no snow in the winter 1915-1916? Should I select the seasonal changes manually when flying campaigns? Cheers vonOben
  17. Creaghorns Homebrew

    Hi Thanks for sharing your homebrew! There are some very nice improvements in there! I’ve problems understanding the German news, it would have been great if you could make a English version. There has been some distorted news pics also, I think it was the airfight.bmp in Jan 1916 Cheers vonOben
  18. Hi I've sent OFFManager.exe to Avira so they can correct the False positive virus warning. But they need to run the exe to be able to check the file. What is the minimum needed so they can run it? Cheers vonOben
  19. Hi I have sent false positive files in a number of occasions to both Avira and AVG and they usually fix the problem very quick. So is it possible to run the OFFManager.exe without a complete install of CFS3 and OFF? Which files are needed minimum? Cheers vonOben
  20. Finnish Air War (FAW) Main feautres: * FAW Manager Program (FAWMan.exe) which automatically changes the frontlines and other files according to the date. * 41 different aircraft types and variants with individual engine sounds are included. * Realistic flight- and damage models EAWrp2.6V10. * 3 different campaigns: Winter War 1939-1940 Continuation War 1941-1944 The Summer 1944 Soviet offensive: May 14, 1944 - September 4, 1944. * 44 careers are available: 25 Finnish, 3 German and 39 for The Soviet Union. * Careers with 56 historical missions. * 32 different frontlines cover the three campaigns. * A new world with airbases and targets accurately placed. * 4 terrain sets are included: summer, autumn, winter and hard winter. * Ground forces with trenches, artillery and bunkers that follow the frontline movements. * War damage will show after the heavy battles at the Karelian Isthmus. * Simple and easy set-up procedure. Improvements in the 1.28d version: * FAW updated to fully work with 1.28d. * New flyable planes in Finnish single missions: Blenheim IV, Ju 88A, Hurricane I. * New flyable planes in Soviet single missions: Douglas A-20. * New Ju 87 HR cockpit by Sera. * New Hard winter terrain with frozen sea. * New ground objects that were needed for 1.28d: Finnish fuel truck and Finnish open truck. * Ju 87 error in planes.dat corrected: The ammo count was zero, so the guns wouldn’t fire. * Many minor skin and 3dz improvements for the planes. * Individually engine sounds for all planes. * Improved FAW Manager that use the new folder system in EAW. Autumn terrain is now automatically loaded. * All needed files for German Career/Single missions are now included in FAW. * War damage will show up automatically at historically accurate places and will increase over time. * Battle area targets that will show up around the frontline to give more realism. * Improved campaign files to give better campaign play. * More Winter hangar screens included. * Some files were accidentally left out of FAW 1.02 and they are now included: Knug’s cardpack and a winter skin for the Castle. F19 Gladiator shot down while attacking TB-3 bombers near Taivalkoski. Fierce ground battle on the Karelian Isthmus during the Winter War. LLv26 Gladiators patrolling over the frontline. 5IAP KBF Hurricane II’s taking of from the Kasimovo airfield in the summer of 1942. MS 406 from LeLv 28 shooting down a Soviet Hurricane II in the winter 1942. LeLv26 Hurricane I’s on patrol over the Gulf of Finland in the winter 1943. It was a lot more work updating FAW than I originally thought. Whenever I was close to be finished a new EAW.exe was released and more work was needed, but since the new exe’s all had important improvements it was worth the extra work. A Big thanks goes to the guys in the EAW Code group that made the 1.28d FAW update possible, especially to: Knegel, MrJelly and Crashin' Jack. And the update had never been possible without the handy editors and the FAW Manager by MrJelly! I made the FAW update myself, but some other peoples work was included, please check the readme file for details. Thanks to all that have contributed! FAW is now available for download on the FAW page on my site. Cheers vonOben http://vonoben.free.fr/
  21. Hi I've been flying OFF2 for some time now and there are some issues that I would like some advice about. How am I supposed to aim since there are no gunsight on my EIII? My flight members don't keep formation and using the Regroup command doesn't seem to help much. Suddenly they are gone somewhere and I'm flying away on my own. How do I get accelerate time to work? I've added –time to my shortcut but that didn't help. I've checked the xca-file and I can't find any sign of time acceleration or Ctrl+Shift+E in there. I've been flying around in January – February 1916 but the terrain are green with yellow fields and the trees are also green, no traces of winter. Are there no seasonal changes in OFF2? After the campaign mission the briefing is rather sparse and I have no clue what has happened with the other pilots in my flight. Did they survive? Did they shoot down any enemies? How do I find the enemies out there? It would be nice to fly without using the target cone, TAC and labels, but I think it's very hard to detect the enemies without those aids. Any suggestions, please? I'm using a Trackir2 but I can't look straight back using it and the POV on my joystick doesn't work when I'm using Trackir2. Cheers vonOben
  22. Newbie questions

    Hi OK, I'll test the Tightest setting then. I found an instruction in the FAQ about how to enable the time function, which was not the same as the one I found on one of the OFF Forums. I'll test it ASAP. Do you mean that there are no seasonal changes in OFF2? I've got used to having a gunsight from RB3D and other flight sims and I prefer to aim instead of fireing in blindness. There are reticles in CFS3 so it ought to be possible to have them in OFF also - but how? It takes some time to getting used to a new game and understanding how it is supposed to work. Not easy to know if you are doing something wrong or if it’s a lacking feature. I’m grateful for your help! :yes: Cheers vonOben
  23. Newbie questions

    Hi Yes, the OFF Tips & Cheats has been a good help, thanks for writing them! I can't find anything there about time acceleration though, and I don't mean warp. So how do I get time acceleration to work? I haven't any snow on the ground and not in the air either, but I'm running most things on low settings 1-2, could it be that causing it? I have assigned the virtual cockpit to a joystick button and it works fine and also with Trackir2, but the machine gun is slightly angled so the crosshair is not good for aiming. So how am I supposed to aim? About Wingmen I saw this: OFF Gives you two choices: Tight and Tightest Where is that setting? Apart from that I couldn't find anything more than the commands and I've used the regroup command repeatedly but suddenly are they a few thousand meters away on their own or somewhere far a way so I can't see them at all. What's the trick keeping them in formation? Cheers vonOben
  24. Thank You MK2

    Thank you very much for your support, MK2 Much appreciated! Cheers vonOben

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