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Posts posted by Stretch32

  1. Mine was LucasFilm Games/Lawrence Holland's "Their Finest Hour : The Battle of Britain" (it was indeed, one of the first four games I owned, the other three being SimCity, M1 Tank Platoon and Zak McKracken), which I played, at first, in 1989 on a ridiculous 8088 with a CGA (4 colors, black, white, cyan and the dreaded magenta) display.

    Can't believe the time I spent playing at the time, anyway, that started a long, very long serie of simulators over the years.


    Same here, "Their Finest Hour" had to be one of the best sims of it's time. You could man the various realistic looking gunner positions (a first, contrary to one add I saw about a more recent flight sim) and the bombsights were farily accurate once you figured them out. I had a 2.86 computer and played on a CGA monitor as well so I know your pain when PINK Spitfires and Hurricanes came out to engage the black ME-109's. As a kid I could kill as many as 8 or 10 bandits on "full real" settings per mission. I spent hours playing that sim and didn't get rid of it until "Aces of the Pacific" when I was 12 or 13.



  2. Hey Laxboy,


    Nice personal picture you've got there, where did you find it? I ask because I actually know who the guy is in it. He holds the Navy record for most career traps aboard ship, something like 1,645 which is an unbelievable amount if you know anything about Naval aviation in general. He told me he a used a camera mounted at the base of his HUD and a remote button to take several pictures that day. Apparently this was the best one out of the bunch of his self portrait. I've seen one of the originals he took as well it occasionally showing up in books ("Naval Aviation" is one I remember). Anyway, nice pic I'd like to get a copy.



  3. Most pilots I know tend to view the terms exactly as Streched said...mach tuck and accelerated stall.


    That's because the Navy and Chairforce teach their SMA's the same aerodynamics curriculum essentially. We all come from the same school of thought :biggrin: For some reason though, Navy guys just end up making better pilots....... :rofl:


    @ HOOTER "Some aircraft needed aileron in the direction of the spin to stop a spin by use of adverse yaw from the ailerons. (P-38 as well?) The T-38 for example."


    T-45C Goshawk has the same recovery techniques in terms of aileron use. In an inverted spin you use aileron away from the spin and in an upright spin you apply pro-spin aileron. In each case you want the outboard aileron to be pointed at the ground. This generates the adverse yaw you mention. You leave the longitudinal stick neutral since the elevators in this case don't aid in recovery. It's very backward to what your taught early on where the ailerons remain neutral and you use rudder and elevator.



  4. A high speed stall is really just a different name for an accelerated stall. Like was mentioned above an aircraft can be stalled at any airspeed and in any attitude provided the AoA (angle of attack) is high enough for the given weight and wing design of the aircraft. When an accelerated stall occurs a pilot will normally unload the aircraft (normally just release elevator back stick pressures) and add power if available and the aircraft will resume normal flight. Things like critical mach and mach tuck don't normally refer to a stall. Older aircraft that flew into the ground during high speed dives normally did so because the pilot lacked the physical strength to overcome the aerodynamic forces acting on the control surfaces (compressibility is an exception and in this case the aircraft wasn't "stalled" but the aircraft's control surfaces weren't in the airstream because of airflow seperation caused by reaching critical mach, the wing was still producing lift). Also, it's not uncommon to pull like crazy near the ground when your pointed straight at it. This can very easily cause an accelerated stall with a resultant "smoking hole." The grinding noise one hears in TW's jet sims when manuevering and pulling hard turns at high AoA is the noise a jet makes when the pilot is approaching an accelerated stall, a high speed stall, normally beyond optimum AoA.



  5. One thing I noticed is that they don't have that problem in YAP2 (from the screen shots I've seen), but I have no idea how they accomplished that and I doubt it's information that will be shared.


    I'm running YAP2 with the default sky and I get it on Helo's all the time. I did add GH2 but didn't put in the widesky mod but it seems to be an issue though. I don't believe it has to do with GH2 but I'm not sure.



  6. I just bought YAP2 and was looking for old patches to bring WoV up to date. The ones that came on the YAP2 disk seem to update the game beyond where YAP2 is compatible and it won't run with them installed. I can't seem to find any of the older ones anywhere and for some reason I deleted my copies during my hard drive clean up. Does anybody know where I can get them? I need to up date to just before the Sept '08 patch to be current so I need whatever patches will do this (I'm not sure how many that is). Is it possible that they can be uploaded here so anybody else having problems can get the here? Without them a number of the later option aren't available like higher detail options etc. Thanks.



  7. It's the clouds rendering though trees nasty bug,

    I've been trying to get rid of it for NF4 4-seasons terrain without luck so far. It has something to do with the ZBufferOffset= in terrain data ini, but after trying several combinations for both alphaobjecttexture together with clouds material in environmentsystem I wasn't able to come with good, working solution yet.


    Okay, at least it's not a bad install on my part. No worries, it still looks awesome in my opinion even with the little bug. Good job on it and I can't I wait to see the new Vietnam terrian thats currently in the works. If you need somebody to test it out...... :biggrin: Thanks again.



  8. I've seen people add lines to their config files and make this work but I wasn't sure if the threads also applies to modding SF2V aircraft (their data.ini files seem different). I wanted to animate the wing folding, in-flight refueling probe and canopies of the stock Crusaders. I saw a mod that seemed to do this but it's for WoV1 and I didn't want to ruin my .INI files messing around with them. Has anybody preformed this mod and uploaded the modified .INI files or can somebody post the lines I need to add to make it work? Also, after modifying the .ini file do I just drop it into it's respective aircraft folder or does it have to go somewhere else to get it all working? Thanks.



  9. Several months ago there was discussion concerning adding static aircraft to the decks of default carriers. I'm not sure if this ever progressed very far but I remember seeing a few screen shots and it looked like it was very possible. I wanted to know how it was done and if it might be an "easy" task (copy and paste) or if it would be very involved. I've seen the YAP2 screen shots with the carrier decks full of aircraft and wondered if I could do it myself (I've ordered YAP2 so this is really just a project to play around with). Does anybody have any ideas?


    Also, where can I find a skin template in Paintshop format so I could do some painting and detailing to these carriers? I don't think I've ever seen one. I wanted to detail the flight decks and add some weathering so they look more realistic.


    Thanks Again,


  10. I was looking around the net tonight and found a pretty neat .wav file for my cannon sounds but after creating a "Sounds" folder and renaming the file "Cannon" I don't get any cannon sound. WoV2 obviously "sees" the file because its overiding the default cannon sound but I hear nothing at all when I fire cannons (F-8 Crusader). Any thoughts? Do I have to modify or edit a basic .wav in some way to make it work? I've never actually tried to install my own sounds only D/L a few that were available here. Thanks for the help.



  11. Anyone bring TMF Crusaders into this one or SF2? I like the vis from the stock F-8 pit a little better, but I do loves me my TMF 'Saders.


    I figured out the decal thing, but one little glitch remains. The position/nav lights all appear as white, instead of green and red. Not sure where to go on that one. Any ideas?


    I did this and it works well except for the cockpit swap. It appears your view point in the default WoV2 'pit is different than TMF's Crusader views so your Sidewinders look funny if you look over your shoulder and the refueling probe is a ghost image except for the very tip of it. Also, if you open your canopy it doesn't open in the cockpit view (maybe a default aircraft canopy mod would fix this?). Hard to explain but try it out and you'll see. If anyone has a fix for adding the new default Crusader 'pits to TMF Crusaders and sorting it all out it would be great if you could post it.


    I don't ever seem to fly night missions or turn on my NAV lights so I don't know about that issue.



  12. SF2 Vietnam, Brain32's tiles, GH2, Widesky, Thirdwire Spad and toasted Charlie.



    How are you getting everything to work? I tried loading in Widesky (into the flight folder as always) and I get nothing. Also, I can't seem to get the enhanced tiles or GH2 to work. The only thing I've been able to make work at this point is EE_3. Any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong?


    Also, how do you add cockpits? I couldn't find a tutorial and I've never tried to add them. Thanks for the help.



  13. After keeping an eye on it WOV2 has finally been released and I have some questions concerning the compatibility of the old version and the new. I run XP so I wouldn't buy it for Vista compatibility however there are several things I like about WOV2 graphics wise. I wanted to know if all the mods available for WOV can also be added to WOV2? Things like "Widesky", "Green Hell", "Enhanced Explosions 3" and Brian_32's great hi-res Vietnam Terrian. Also, can all the Mirage Factory F8 Crusaders be added as well? The reason I ask is because one of the biggest complaints for me about WOV without all these mods is iti's unrealistic enviroment and the cockpits of the default aircraft. These addon's make this sim look absolutely great (which in all honestly it really is). Also, I love the Crusader but its cockpit looks very crude compared to alot of the newer addons. Even Mirage Factory's cockpit doesn't look any better. WoV2's Crusader cockpit appears to have gotten a face lift and looks really good so I'd like to buy it and put in my favorite addon's if I could. I'd also like to add MF's Crusaders and add TW's new cockpits to them (if this can be done). Any thoughts on all this would be great since I'm not a modder, merely an addon adder :)


    Lastly, after seeing a few reviews I plan on getting YAP2 and wanted to know if it could be added to WOV2 or just WOV. Does anybody know? Thanks again.



  14. The Navy has a messed up rank structure. The other Branches all match except the Navy. What bugs me is that not all Captains are really Captains.


    The Coast Guard also uses the Navy rank structure. It's actually pretty easy to get used to. As a matter of fact I have problems with the enlisted ranks of the other services with all the Staff Sgts, First Sgts, Sgt First Class etc....



  15. The "bobbing" is only partially realistic. In parade formation (which is basically where wing flies in game),especially in straight and level flight, wing should be pretty stable. If wing was "opened up" on lead in cruise position he would have to manuever a little more aggressively to stay in position but lead would also be manuevering and not straight and level hence bobbing around a bit to maintain step down and spacing would be ok. The biggest problem is that wing bobs above lead and gets "stepped up" which is no good. If there was a way to lower wing's step down on lead and lessen some of the PIO it would actually be alot more realistic. In primary we weren't allowed to get stepped up on lead the way it works in game. Also, even though we were far from being any good at formation flying if you were bobbing around like that you'd probably catch a knee-board in the head from the IP in the back seat. Although it wasn't easy it wasn't so hard that you couldn't be fairly smooth after a few flights. I've heard jets are actually a little smoother and easier to fly in parade formation as well.


    The "bobbing" should be toned down a bit if there is a mod for it. Also a position fix for wing to put him a little lower on lead's wing would be a good idea.



  16. After 7 years I've decided it's time to finally replace my old Compaq and buy a new computer. My current rig is beyond economical upgrade anymore due to it's AGP and Pentium 4 design so I've decided to order a new custom computer that will actually run my flight sims. I've done alot of research and picked out the components I want and shopped between several companies both in store and online. I've decided I can get the best deal for what I'm looking for online at Cyberpower. I wanted to know if anybody here has had any dealings with this company or have computers bought from them. I've read reviews and they appear overall to be a fairly good company (like any retail business there are some negative reviews as well). I've never purchased a computer online but after looking in stores at Alienware, Dell, HP and Gateway I really feel I can get a much more capable computer for alot less by ordering online.


    Any thoughts or comments on the topic would appreciated. Thanks in advance.



  17. I've been looking to finally buy a new computer after 7 yrs and countless upgrades with the old one. My rig just can't handle the sims I play anymore and it's not cost effective to upgrade any further since the technology is so old and expensive. I've been computer shopping for the last week or so and haven't really decided what I want in terms of performance versus price. I have however come to a problem in that I'm not sure which OS to get with this new computer.


    I play LockonFC, IL2:1946, SF/WOV and would like to get FSX so I'm worried about being able to run these titles if I get Vista (which comes on nearly every computer whether you want it or not). I know FSX will run fine but the other titles I'm not so sure about. I wanted input from people who play these sims and have XP and/or Vista so I can make a good choice. I think I would almost prefer XP but with some of the newest Video Cards only being compatible with Vista (the Nividia 280 series for example) I don't want to run into early problems with being able to upgrade because of my OS. Any help with this would be great.


    Additionally, for the technical types, is it better to get 1 video card that has 1GB or run 2 512MB's in an SLI format. I would rather buy one solid card (maybe a 9800GTX 1MB) that could run just as fast (and play sims very well) and use less power than going to 2 and needing more power. I'm far from knowledgable on this so maybe some insight from somebody in the know would help.


    I'm looking at an inexpensive computer ($1200-$1500) that has a Quad Core, maybe 4Gigs of RAM, a descent power supply and a solid Vidcard. I've even looked into buying a less expensive one off the shelf and maybe just upgrade the video card (hence the Vidcard question). Thanks again for the help.



  18. Just my .02.


    I went the Navy OCS route. My story is long, but suffice it to say that my Marine PLC flying slot suddenly disappeared right before I reported to PLC jr, and NROTC was leading right to a ship.


    Since you appear to be set on doing ROTC, here's my advice: skip that aero engineering stuff and find a major that 1) provides a decent fall-back and 2) you can get as close to a 4.0 in as possible.


    NROTC for me was a long time ago, but I doubt it has changed significantly. ROTC (and the Academies I think) rank you based upon your GRADES. The highest ranked guys get their first choice on down until that choice isn't available anymore. Then you get what's left. You can probably imagine that things like pilot, NFO, and special forces go pretty quick.


    By all means go engineering and load up your courses if that's what you have burning inside of you. But if you get an aero engineering degree with a 3.2 GPA, and some other guy has a Political Science degree with a 3.3, the Poly Sci guy is going to get his choice before you.


    I had a 3.0 my first year of college. I talked to my NROTC advisor. He said "What do you want to do in the Navy?" I said, "Fly jets." He said, "Well, with your grades, you're going to be driving ships."


    Last thought: it is good to strive for what you want to fly. But the needs of the service come first. I aced flight school, but got Orions because the Navy simply wasn't hiring jet pilots the week I selected. It could have been worse- a month later the Navy was only hiring helo pilots and even Orions were gone. So, keep in mind that you can control some things, like what you major in and what your GPA is, but ultimately alot of things will be beyond your control.


    Not trying to get off topic and by no means am I implying GPA isn't important so please don't come to that conclusion. However, GPA isn't everything when it comes to a selection board and I'm pretty sure ROTC and Academy routes are fairly similar. The selection boards are looking for well rounded individuals who will make good military officers first and foremost.


    The guy with a 4.0 engineering degree who's never played a sport in his life and doesn't know what an airplane looks like will probably loose out to the 3.2 business major who was an athlete in H.S. and has a few hours in the cockpit under his belt.


    Like was previously mentioned, find a major that you can use as a fall back and will be happy with not just one that you hope will impress the board. From there study hard to get a good GPA in that major but also work to make yourself a more rounded candidate. Selection boards are going to pick you based on a pile of paperwork in many cases so it needs to be a good read for them. Some boards will require an interview but many won't ever see you personally just the selection package you and a thousand other people sent in.


    If you want to fly try meeting like minded people who have already been where you want to go (military aviators). They can often provide very good insight as well as solid letters of recomendation (LOR's) which are normally required in a selection package. Also, show them your motivated by working on your pilot's license. You don't have to actually get one but often times if you do it shows the boards responsible for selections your not totally untrainable as a pilot. It also shows them you have enough smarts to learn the material thats important to be successful in aviation at a basic level. This can help when your going for that pilot slot.


    This is just my two cents as well. I had an average GPA in business (very average) and was "old" (26 at selection) but managed to get selected to go to Navy OCS with a pilot slot. I had alot of other things going for me to offset those issues though. Very good LOR's, played alot of sports in H.S. and intermurals in college, a pilot's license with a few hundred hours and solid ASTB scores (the Navy's AFOQT). It confirmed (from previous discussions with friends who had sat on selection boards) they wanted people who appeared to be well rounded and not just people who were A++++ students in a classroom with nothing else to offer. Again, just my two cents.




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