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Everything posted by MK2

  1. This a is quick preview of the upcoming Iran Iraq war campaign. It will include, Iran Iraq terrain,new planes, skins, main screen and even music. Full seperate install add on. Campaign Contributors: USAFMTL -Project lead + Terrain (the best feature of the mod) MK2-campaign and music Sundowner's skins for the F-5A, Mirage, F-14A and the F-4D and E Bpao's Mirage, F-5A and F-14A aircraft. Marcfighters excellent Mig skins Crab_02's F-4D pre block 27, so yes there is a new plane in this add on. Kouts' excellent Main screen Mago-Mig-21MF cockpit Spectre-USA- lead beta tester 82nd tactical Fighter squadron F-14A (Iranian) getting ready for take off from Ghale Morghi Air base Iranian F-4E 31st tactical Fighter Squadron prepares for an intercept mission Mountainous terrain F-4E dueling iraqi Mig-21MF (inverted after head on firing pass) Iranian F-5 gets a face full of Mirage and a face full of mountain at the same time, narrowly escapes doom. Iranian F-5 cockpit view over looking terrain Iraqi 92nd squadron Mirage gettting ready at Jalibah air base. Iraqi Mig-21MF hunting over the desert (Magic Missle capable Mig-21MF) Wanted to show the amazing terrain in this quick update. The missions are only half the fun. Landing when you get back to base can test your skill as well. Here is an 81st Tactitical Fighter Squadron F-14A on approach to Masjed Suleyman Air Base: Notice the altitude reading 14,000+ feet The situation changes rapidly as your approach drops dramatically in seconds to under 2,000 feet. Also be careful with the mountains all around you (that you can almost reach out and touch). Here is an Iraqi 9th Squadron Mig-21MF about to lose lock on a hard maneuvering Iranian F-5. The F-5 is about to use the mountain to his advantage. This is a new plane recently added to the campaign. An Iraqi SU-17, at Hejef Air base, getting ready for a strike . F1-EQ 92SQd sporting new camo SU-17 69SQD sporting new camo 003533;p=1
  2. Hello everyone it’s been a while :) purchased the all in one download for $99 from Thirdwire’s site and never got the link and never got any answers from third wire when i contacted them several times weeks ago . Is Tk still around ? Any ideas ?
  3. Well I can’t get anyone to respond at thirdwire . I have proof of purchase if anyone wants to share the download . I’m out of ideas :)
  4. Thanks I did try it but have not heard back.
  5. You can get it here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=5290 This updates the Iran Iraq campaign for SF1 to the latest patches: SP051506a and P083006. Both patches can be found at the Thirdwire site www.thirdwire.com simply place into your fully patched and installed Iran Iraq folder. If you do not have the Iran Iraq War all inclusive mod installed: 1. You must have a seperate SF1 installation for this campaign. 2. Make sure you patch the SF1 install to the latest released patches mentioned above. 3. Then install the all inclusive Iran Iraq campaign (102 MB file) found at www.combatace.com ( follow installation instructions carefully including the seperate F-14a(IAF) and MIg-25PD install) 4. Install the latest weapons pack. 5. Then install this quick update. Enjoy! MK2 I include the original Iran Iraq War read me file below: This campaign is based on the Iran Iraq war that lasted from 1980-1988. It includes New terrain,, Persian music, photos, new screens, new sound files, new planes, new skins, and campaign files, heavily researched air units for Iran Iraq, historical air bases and locations. This needs to be a separate install. STEP 1 Please make sure your sf1 game installation follows this path (or the medals will not work): C:\IranIraq\Strike Fighters\Flight etc. OR You may go into the MedalsIRAQ.ini AND MedalIran.ini files (located in the "flight" folder of this zip) and change the path if you so desire (AS AN Example ADDING d:\ drive instead of C:\ ). STEP 2 Please install the contents of the folders to their respective locations (not the folders themselves but what is located inside). STEP 3 You must have the following additional planes(and weapons pack) installed. Mig-25PD F-14a(iaf) Latest Weapons pack (can be found at www.combatace.com) There is also an optional skin pack that adds even more skins to the Iraqi side created by Phamtuan called : Phamtuan_Skinpack_Iraq that can be used to enhance the game. it may be found at wwww.combatace.com Step 4 Go to the terrain folder in your SF1 directory. Locate the desert folder. Locate the Desert cat file. Copy file over into the IR folder located in the terrain folder (if you followed the instructions outlined above). Rename the Desert cat file in your IR folder from : Desert to : IR IMPORTANT NOTES***** #1 There is a known issue while flying from some of the bases that will occur when there is a heavily overcast day with low cloud cover. You will not see the runway due to the clouds, your plane will be positioned above them on the runway. You may take off as normal and it does not affect game play. This is a visual glitch probably due to the terrain elevations and it is relatively rare. #2 In order to properly simulate a protracted ground war (after all this war ended in a stalemate after 8 years!) we have frozen the ground offensives and they will not start for approximately 9 months of game time. If you play the entire campaign through, it will start before the campaign ends. This method is probably more historical. If you would like to change this setting, it is very easy to do. You need to open the IranIraq_data.ini file and find the following file: StartGroundOffensive=270 For both Force 1 (Iran) and Force 2 (Iraq) you may then change the value. Be warned that changing these settings may result in strange results (the war ending after several months as an example). Credit for this campaign goes to: USAFMTL: Project lead & Terrain MK2 : Project Coordinator, Campaign files, Music , Pilot Photos, hangar sound files Kouts: excellent Main screen and in game screens Sundowner: skins for the F-5A, Mirage, F-14A and the F-4D and E Sony Tuckson: Mirage skins Charles Gunst: Medals Bpao: Mirage, F-5A and F-14A aircraft (needs download). Marcfighters: Mig skins ArmourDave: SU-17 Crab_02: F-4D pre block 27, so yes there is a new plane in this add on. Mago: Mig-21MF cockpit
  6. I'm back :) perfect mod to install and try out first , it's been a while .
  7. Thank You MK2

    My deepest apologies for missing this thread the first time posted. It was brought to my attention today by my son who is messing around with Thirdwire flight sims. The incredible thing is that based on events that just happened, this is the thing I most needed to see today more than anything you guys could ever imagine. i am touched and humbled and though my reply is 6 years late, I truly , really, deeply...appreciate it.
  8. I looked back at my old campaign mod that I had done way back for version 4.03 and installed it and it worked just fine in the 1946 4.12.1 patched version. This campaign was included in EnjoyR's patch (I believe it is the first one the list). Anyway since I am messing around with it before I finalize it I can take request to add specific aircraft to all ready existing DGEN campaigns . Just post it here. as an example this is what I have so far (some are historical, some are almost historical and some are not historical) . Added P-38J USAAF land based career to the New Guinea campaign Added F-4U Corsair land based career to the Guadacanal campaign Added Ki-61 Tony Career to the New Guinea campaign Added F65F Navy Career to the Marianas Added ki-61 Tony career to the JAAF in Tarawa Added Spitfire Vb Career to the RAF in Singapore 1942
  9. LOL , very true . I had been away or a few years from IL2 and modding in general and it's mind bogging how much stuff I have been exploring in IL2 since I got back , I installed the HSFX up to 4.11 and got my old install to work with 4.12 and last but not least installed the Solomon campaign! Wow flying corsairs in the slot is a dream come true :) It's amazing how this game now feels brand new again .
  10. File Name: Vietnam 1984 1.1 File Submitter: MK2 File Submitted: 5 Feb 2006 File Updated: 5 Feb 2006 File Category: SF Missions/Campaigns Everything you need is in this 215MB file. *******YOU MUST INSTALL EACH FOLDER INDIVIDUALLY. BE SURE TO CHECK THAT THE OBJECTS FOLDER INSTALLED PROPERLY WITH THE SUB FOLDERS and files. THE OBJECTS FOLDER INCLUDES THE AIRCRAFT FOLDER, WEAPONS FOLDER AND 5 OTHER FILES. SOME AIRCRAFT MIGHT NOT SHOW UP IF YOU SIMPLY SLIDE IN THE OBJECTS FOLDER, BE SURE TO CHECK THE ZIP FILE IF YOU HAVE ISSUES, THEY ARE ALL THERE, INSTALL EACH AIRCRAFT INDIVIDUALLY IF YOU ECOUNTER ISSUES. ******* *******Make sure to double check all aircraft installed (as an exmaple the MIG-21MF can fool you as it is already part of the regular WOV install, make sure the MIG-21MF inlcuded in the zip file installs properly ETC)******* Vietnam 1984: The Vietnam War ended in a stalemate a decade ago. North Vietnam has taken the opportunity, of the prolonged cease fire, to build up its ground and air forces. The Soviet Union has recently taken an active role in mobilizing fighter regiments for the VPAF and the potential of the Soviet union adding actual ground troops to the area is now a reality. The uneasy temporary peace comes to an end. The Reagan administration Withdraws the United States from the decade long diplomatic process. On December 18th 1984 the coalition starts a 2 week air offensive against North Vietnamese targets. To install the mod simply place the folders that are inside the zip file in your WOV directory and say yes to overwrite the files. Campaign Contributors: MK2:campaign mod designer ,Pilot Photos, Music and sound file, cockpit repaints. Kout : In game screens Wrench: Hangar screens Fubar512 : specific MIg FM tweaks Ghostrider883: Mig-19S skins for the 925th. ATR-Driver: Supply and flight size suggestions. Roolnloop: Vietnam target file A big special thanks to the following campaign testers and researchers, this campaign would not have happened without them: Spectre-USA (Blitzpig) Viper29_CA A very special thanks to all the teams that created the planes (including the skins and cockpits). Wihtout them , this campaign mod would not be possible: USAFMTL, C5, Marcelo,WPNSSGT,Moonjumper,331 Killerbee, deacon 211, Kreelin, Mirage Factory,Sony Tuckson, Flying V,Manetsim, Tom Venom,Swede, BPAO,Fuba_512, Badger, Howling,Boopidoo,OKB MIG, Rafael,Armourdave,Sal, Gramps, Phantuam,Crab_02,LoLOgrames, Oxitom,Kovy, Paul Nortress Anthony Beardmore,Amwarr,Corktip14,Deuces,Actarus,Thomas,Axel,Sundowner,F-15 Team, Vark team, Tiwaz,Flying Toaster,Diego,Camflouge,Kesselbrut, Polaski and anyone else that worked on the following planes. A-6E_TRAM A-7E AV-8C F-4SL F-4J_RAF1 F-5E Tiger II F-14A F-15C F-16C_B30 F-111F FA-18a MIG-19(IRM) MIG-21MF Mig-23M Mig-29A MIrageIIIC SU-15F. Also a thanks to Ronald Regan and the movie Top Gun which both served as inspiration. This Vietnam 1984 campaign mod requires a separate install of WOV. It Includes over 20 different flyable planes and units for the following (proper skins included when possible): USAF 94th TFS 'Hat in the Ring' F-15C 53rd TFS 'NATO Tigers' F-15C 4th TFS 'Fightin' Fujins'F-16A 34th TFS 'Fighting Rams' F-16A 561st TFS 'Wild Weasels' F-4E 77th TFS 'Gamblers' F-111F USN VF-2 'Bounty Hunters' F-14A VA-75 'Sunday Punchers' A-6E VA-87 'Golden Warriors' A-7E VFA-113 'Stingers' F-18A VF-301 'Devil's Disciples' F-4SL VF-143 'Pukin Dogs' F-14A USMC VMFA-542 'Tigers' AV-8C VMFA-314 "Black Knights" F-18A RAF NO 74 Squadron 'Tigers' F-4J RAAF 3rd Squadron RAAF Mirage III VNAF 522nd Fighter Squadron F-5E Tiger II Soviet 238th IAP Mig-29A 241st IAP Mig-23M 243rd IAP SU-15F VPAF 1/921st "Sao Do" FR Mig-21MF 1/925th "Lam Son"FR Mig-19 (IRM) 1/923rd "Yen The"FR Mig-17F This campaign was tested using NORMAL settings for campaign difficulty. Single misisons should work but all of them are not guaranteed as the campaign is what has been tested. Click here to download this file
  11. Version


    Everything you need is in this 215MB file. *******YOU MUST INSTALL EACH FOLDER INDIVIDUALLY. BE SURE TO CHECK THAT THE OBJECTS FOLDER INSTALLED PROPERLY WITH THE SUB FOLDERS and files. THE OBJECTS FOLDER INCLUDES THE AIRCRAFT FOLDER, WEAPONS FOLDER AND 5 OTHER FILES. SOME AIRCRAFT MIGHT NOT SHOW UP IF YOU SIMPLY SLIDE IN THE OBJECTS FOLDER, BE SURE TO CHECK THE ZIP FILE IF YOU HAVE ISSUES, THEY ARE ALL THERE, INSTALL EACH AIRCRAFT INDIVIDUALLY IF YOU ECOUNTER ISSUES. ******* *******Make sure to double check all aircraft installed (as an exmaple the MIG-21MF can fool you as it is already part of the regular WOV install, make sure the MIG-21MF inlcuded in the zip file installs properly ETC)******* Vietnam 1984: The Vietnam War ended in a stalemate a decade ago. North Vietnam has taken the opportunity, of the prolonged cease fire, to build up its ground and air forces. The Soviet Union has recently taken an active role in mobilizing fighter regiments for the VPAF and the potential of the Soviet union adding actual ground troops to the area is now a reality. The uneasy temporary peace comes to an end. The Reagan administration Withdraws the United States from the decade long diplomatic process. On December 18th 1984 the coalition starts a 2 week air offensive against North Vietnamese targets. To install the mod simply place the folders that are inside the zip file in your WOV directory and say yes to overwrite the files. Campaign Contributors: MK2:campaign mod designer ,Pilot Photos, Music and sound file, cockpit repaints. Kout : In game screens Wrench: Hangar screens Fubar512 : specific MIg FM tweaks Ghostrider883: Mig-19S skins for the 925th. ATR-Driver: Supply and flight size suggestions. Roolnloop: Vietnam target file A big special thanks to the following campaign testers and researchers, this campaign would not have happened without them: Spectre-USA (Blitzpig) Viper29_CA A very special thanks to all the teams that created the planes (including the skins and cockpits). Wihtout them , this campaign mod would not be possible: USAFMTL, C5, Marcelo,WPNSSGT,Moonjumper,331 Killerbee, deacon 211, Kreelin, Mirage Factory,Sony Tuckson, Flying V,Manetsim, Tom Venom,Swede, BPAO,Fuba_512, Badger, Howling,Boopidoo,OKB MIG, Rafael,Armourdave,Sal, Gramps, Phantuam,Crab_02,LoLOgrames, Oxitom,Kovy, Paul Nortress Anthony Beardmore,Amwarr,Corktip14,Deuces,Actarus,Thomas,Axel,Sundowner,F-15 Team, Vark team, Tiwaz,Flying Toaster,Diego,Camflouge,Kesselbrut, Polaski and anyone else that worked on the following planes. A-6E_TRAM A-7E AV-8C F-4SL F-4J_RAF1 F-5E Tiger II F-14A F-15C F-16C_B30 F-111F FA-18a MIG-19(IRM) MIG-21MF Mig-23M Mig-29A MIrageIIIC SU-15F. Also a thanks to Ronald Regan and the movie Top Gun which both served as inspiration. This Vietnam 1984 campaign mod requires a separate install of WOV. It Includes over 20 different flyable planes and units for the following (proper skins included when possible): USAF 94th TFS 'Hat in the Ring' F-15C 53rd TFS 'NATO Tigers' F-15C 4th TFS 'Fightin' Fujins'F-16A 34th TFS 'Fighting Rams' F-16A 561st TFS 'Wild Weasels' F-4E 77th TFS 'Gamblers' F-111F USN VF-2 'Bounty Hunters' F-14A VA-75 'Sunday Punchers' A-6E VA-87 'Golden Warriors' A-7E VFA-113 'Stingers' F-18A VF-301 'Devil's Disciples' F-4SL VF-143 'Pukin Dogs' F-14A USMC VMFA-542 'Tigers' AV-8C VMFA-314 "Black Knights" F-18A RAF NO 74 Squadron 'Tigers' F-4J RAAF 3rd Squadron RAAF Mirage III VNAF 522nd Fighter Squadron F-5E Tiger II Soviet 238th IAP Mig-29A 241st IAP Mig-23M 243rd IAP SU-15F VPAF 1/921st "Sao Do" FR Mig-21MF 1/925th "Lam Son"FR Mig-19 (IRM) 1/923rd "Yen The"FR Mig-17F This campaign was tested using NORMAL settings for campaign difficulty. Single misisons should work but all of them are not guaranteed as the campaign is what has been tested.
  12. Guys , I love the passion ! And again I am truly sorry about what occured. Regardless this forum is not going anywhere so feel free to kick back and continue to make it your own. It's not really a competition between us and anyone else. It's really about making sure we all collectively promote a great product like OFF. At the end of the day this forum provides a service that few others do on this level , which is to preserve the work of skinners and modders . The files are here, download and enjoy them . No one else can claim that, so there will always be a place for Combat Ace regardless of any circumstance .
  13. 10 Years with Combat Ace

    I want to thank Dave , my mentor in modding, together we created some of the greatest and most detailed campaign mods for SF ( at the time) and also for being a founding member of the site. Erik deserves a huge thank you , without Erik this site simply would not exist , thanks Erik for being a good friend and the man that makes everything go . Also Fates who was instrumental in making the site what it is today. And all the other mods as well as members that make this a great community . Happy anniversary to us!

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