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Posts posted by Piecemeal

  1. Rebuilding my SF2 install to the way I had it is proving to be a very long but (ultimately, I hope) worthwhile affair. At the moment I'm reinstalling the stock F-14A to my taste, I've been unable to find much, especially lo-viz grey skins. To cut a long story short,; does anyone know where I can find some? 

    And YES, I here you screaming at the monitor; I do know of the many skins and mods for TMF Tomcats, but in reinstalling all my mods I'd rather if at all possible to keep the mods folders as small as possible in order to help the game run a little faster.

    Cheers in advance!

  2. I've been checking out my install and doing some checking out and have come to the conclusion that this problem has got to be terrain based. I just flew four full missions on another terrain without any problems.

    Would this have anything to do with the fact that I've got 545 objects in the _Types.ini? That seems to have been the only file that's been edited on the terrain. And if so; does anybody know if there's a max limit for objects on that file?

  3. 13 minutes ago, russouk2004 said:

    Ive had odd stuff like that...seems like game has hiccup...restart then its ok...weird...ghost in the machine ?...lol

    Indeed! Before I go to all the trouble of reinstalling I thought I'd pass the issue around here in case it's something minor that could be solved in a couple of minutes. I've checked all the key commands in the Controls.INI in case there's been some kind of overwrite - nope; everything as it should be 

  4. I encountered this first last night when I went to fly a mission. 

    I started up SF2 as per the norm and went to fly a mission, but when I started on the runway there was NO HUD info available at all. No matter how many times I pressed ALT+D there was still no change. Never encountered this before at all. Never even touched the Controls.ini. Even stranger; I started a mission earlier and it was all back to the way I like it, only to have the problem reassert itself on the following mission

    Ideas, anyone? :dntknw:

  5. Hi Krfge. I can't understand why this crane and all the other cranes you uploaded won't appear on the terrain when I'm flying a mission. They appear no problem on the Terrain editor, I've double checked and triple checked the _Types.ini file to make sure everything's correct - I just CAN'T for the life of me understand why they don't appear in the game. I'm at my wits end here at this stage from trying!!

  6. 21 hours ago, yakarov79 said:

    Thanks for your answers. Anyway. Myself not playing campaign anymore...but will try to look into it..(hope with some help)  to do some specific middle-east warfare. BUt later...along with some new userlist.ini, datas, etc...before testing.



    Meanwhile somewhere in Borne Sulinowo


    That model looks FANTASTIC!! However, the only way I could see it working practically is if it's used in either the mobile or static AAA role.

    If used in the APC or Tank role you'd find it damn near impossible to pass a formation on the move! :stars:

  7. 19 hours ago, yakarov79 said:


    Also, I think we disused this already ( but i can not find that thread)  I am interested in making 'era'  ground objects appearance.  So for example old Zil-157 wil not appear as fuel truck let say in 1995 anymore.  And in 1954 it place will be taken by some older soviet truck etc, etc. 













    I had a working system in place on a terrain where objects would be automatically replaced when they were supposed to: 


    For the _TYPES.INI file, "SovietTruck" would (of course) be the ZIL-157; "SovietTruck2" would be the GAZ-66; and "SovietTruck3" would be the UAZ-375. 

    I also had a similar system in place with "SovietAAATruck", "SovietSupplyTruck", "SovietFuelTruck", etc. 

    Actually, just out of curiosity, but have you done any Soviet jeeps like the GAZ-69 or UAZ-469?

    • Like 2
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  8. 2 hours ago, tiopilotos said:

    Interesting project but as far as I know game engine does not support ground artillery. Snailman had made an interesting modification and he had made a video of a group of BM-21s firing against a target some kilometers away.

    Artillery guns only fire in a straight trajectory, like with Tank guns; HOWEVER, rocket artillery can be implemented and is already in use on a number of terrains. As for vehicles, I believe there is a US MLRS somewhere in the d/l section as well as the BM-14-16 - the precursor to the BM-21: 


    GKABS, you might want to check out that model when it comes to seeing exactly how the system itself is implemented in the SF2 game engine

    • Thanks 1

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