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Posts posted by Piecemeal

  1. 13 hours ago, Wrench said:

    Something wrong with WhiteBoySamauri's Tico's we should be aware of???

    Sorry, bud, I was referring to the SCB-125A modernisation uprgade with the angled deck. 



    I went to the trouble of buying YAP with the express purpouse of using them in SF2, but the aircraft keep flying through the deck.

  2. Speaking as a self-confessed bookaholic, I can only hope someday it's published in English. Regardless of which, I hope your publication becomes a successful one. :drinks: 


    Sidenote: Must start learning German....

    • Like 4

  3. 2 hours ago, Happy308 said:


    Hello Piecemeal,

    I am working on a FPS friendly stock desert terrain.

    Using JSF_Aggie highres desert tiles combined with new created tiles an lod files.

    A lot of nice maps  like Desert4, Rends Germany rework.  Make my frame rates drop below 60 FPS (stuttering).

    That's why I wanted to make a map that looks nice, and runs smooth on modest PC's

    I also did not like the amount of agriculture in a "desert" terrain and the lack of roads.

    I am using mostly Third Wire low poly objects to keep everything smooth.


    Looking good. Keep up the good work! 


    Obligatory screenshoot:



    • Like 1

  4. I thought I'd let all the hype quieten down before I went to see it; And I have to say it was definitely worth the wait. Would've enjoyed it a lot more if it wasn't for a large group of unaccompanied brats in front of me acting the fupping maggot all the time :aggressive: 


    The EU is not dictating anything.


    Oh really? Then why were the Irish electorate TOLD by Brussels to run the Nice and Lisbon treaties a second time after the public rejected them????

    That's not democracy mate, that's dictatorship.

    • Like 1

  6. I hear you Captain V.


    The most laughable part of this is that it's been the actions of the Commision that have caused all this in the first place, and they can't even see that.

    It stands to reason that if you continuously ignore the concerns of the people, and ram policies down their throats, under the guise of progressive liberalism (or any movement), eventually they will revolt. People can call what I've said racist or bigoted if that makes them feel better, but what's happened in the UK yesterday is democracy in action.


    • Like 1

  7. That is exactly what I hate to see. If he really had to do something to the EU flag, he should have washed it, not burnt it. That flag once symbolized unity and peace. Nowadays the EU is/might be something else, but that gives no right to burn the flag that was brought to light at a cost of two world conflicts.


    But have you stopped to wonder the reason as to WHY he burned it? He hasn't been the first person to do so and by no means will he be the last. Ordinary citizens are not feeling the benefits of EU membership. The EU is a great club for big business, banks, etc, but that's about as far as it goes. Here in Ireland we've been listening to our Europhile government bleating about how times are starting to get good again, yet we're in the middle of the biggest housing crisis this country's faced since the 1930s. When you look at countries like Spain, Portugal and Greece, who are still on very shaky ground.

    The EU has become a little too federalised at this stage now and ordinary folk are just tired of it. It was fit for purpouse when it was the EEC - and like a knackered old motor - it's fit for the scrapyard.

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