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Posts posted by Piecemeal

  1. That sucks DMT; I know EXACTLY how you feel, having lost my desktop as well as a household appliance in a power surge. F**king water meter installers working in the street not only ruptured the water mains pipe, but also the power mains cables which were (stupidly) placed next to it. Also (stupidly :blush: ) it just so happened that my backup drive was plugged in at the time. After an examination by my brother I was given the news that it's a total wipeout of everything. Years worth of mods, photos, videos and MP3s. The only recyclable part being the drive unit frame which I might use to rebuild a new one.

    Currently borrowing by nephew in-law's laptop (when he's not using it ). The rest of the time it's my android mobile :rolleyes:

  2. So we've got through another silly season - which is more than I can say for my gaming rig, which became victim to a local power surge (along with half of the other electrical appliances in the house).

    Anyways; here was me thinking the missus would be delighted with a new refrigerator for Xmas - "pahhh", says she. A new, bigger, 52" TV smoothed things a little bit, but I still only got no gravy on my dinner with small portions and a small glass of wine with it.

    Sooooo, ehmmmm, with my birthday coming up next month and as I type this yuletide message from the awkwardness of my android mobile, I wonder - what are my chances of getting a new gaming rig? Something tells me as she sits next to me watching a re-run of 'Law & Order', that maybe I'm being a little too optimistic. Hmmmmmm indeed.

    Anyways, as I think of my gaming rig in IT heaven, allow me to wish all of you a merry Christmas and hope you all have a prosperous new year.

  3. Well if the Rep of Ireland is anything to go by prepare for an air force consisting of Helicopters and Cessnas


    Don't you mean former republic, MB? Ireland is at this stage no more than a subservient province of the EU empire (politically, at least).

    The Scottish people need to ensure that if independence is voted for, to make sure they don't allow themselves to fall into the same trap as we did with the EU.

    • Like 1

  4. I was talking about going here for a looong time. And there was no excuse not to, since this place is practically round the corner from me.

    Anyway; it's Saturday and I finally walked over to take a closer look at these erstwhile beasts and take a couple of snaps......



    Buccaneer S.2B XX897 (Former testbed aircraft for the Tornado ADV Foxhunter radar):







    Front section of a Jaguar GR.1:







    Front section of a former 74Sqn Lightning F.1:




    De Havilland Venom FB.50 WR410 in RAF markings:









    • Like 4

  5. Apologies for sounding a little sharp. My wife complains about that sometimes as well! :blush:


    I've just tried out Desert 4 on a clean install without any problems. Got to the OPTIONS.ini file, then scroll down to the bottom.


    <- - - - - - - - - make sure that it says true.


    The only other option I can offer is to go to the main DESERT4.ini folder and delete this line: NavalMap=TRUE.


    This may or may not work for you. I'm just guessing here, since you don't have SF2NA.

  6. First of all; for the life of me I can't understand why you changed the terrain name to "Desert". :dntknw:

    It was called DESERT4 for a reason, and it's because you changed the terrain name that it won't work. The mod in question was tailored for a terrain called "DESERT4".


    My advice would be to re-install the terrain and leave the terrain name as it is. You should have less problems then. As the old saying goes; some things are best left as they are.


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