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Posts posted by macelena

  1. You don't need to be married. Young brothers can make the same effect. Of course, instead of "Oh, you know, i didn't think they were so delicate, but clening goes first..." you will get something like "oh I didn't see it" (Like they didn't know the kit had been sitting in the same place for several months). And, of course it had to happen to the best kit I had ever done (A hasegawa 1/72 F-4E)


    Let alone mothers. My mom destroys my models, the same way my grandma destroys those of my dad. Once,

    she even attacked me with a 1/72 Italian Tornado ADV



    If it's ever is going to happen again. Here is a good trick to retrieve small parts lost on the floor. A vacuum cleaner with an old Nylon stocking on the mouth of the hose. Acts as great filter.


    Vacuum cleaners are also a powerful weapons in mother´s inventory. Beware of the moms, fellows

  2. Chubens, la velocidad esta bien. Los aviones rinden a velocidades tan altas a gran altitud. ¿No te has

    fijado en que cuando vuelas a 60000 pies puede marcarte 200 nudos, y encenderse el indicador Mach,

    aun cuando llevas post-combustión? Eso es porque es la velocidad "indicada", y el instrumento depende

    de la presión atmosférica. Puede que el avión a esas altitudes se comporte como si fuera bajo y lento, pero

    es la falta de aire. Fijate en el mapa cuando vueles a gran altitud, veras que esta bien. Los aviones, a

    altitudes tan bajas como suelen ser en el juego, apenas superan Mach1, pero arriba van a Mach2 aunque

    el indicador diga que no, tu padre lo sabra

  3. "Why don´t you shut up" The best advise he ever got.


    As you yankees are the Evil Empire, you, who are able to do it, should get a SDB through

    his dickphone (Verga is far from the formality of penis)

  4. Depends on what you consider low level.


    I've been using the Deuce in WOE a lot recently and have been operating below 1500 ft frequently. Provided the target stays straight and level, you shouldn't that much hassle getting a lock but those Vietnam era AIM-4s are pretty much the pits!


    One thing i think you should also look into is also doing night intruder missions up North to hopefully catch either "bedchecks" or some stray transport (Yes i know, not really historically viable but it might be fun) using the dark to make supply runs.



    As low level, i mean as low as a beagle could go nightly. If the 102 fails with its Weapons System, that of the 106 should do better. I would use

    AIM-4Gs and Fs.


    I´m not sure about how to make my SEA terrain (from check6 megapack) would work with the campaigns for WOV so i could

    use them as a base, then get the attacks on night air supply you say

  5. I always wanted to see my Dart (yes, mine) into Vietnam. I thought of an scenario, in wich NVAF would have

    sent "Bedcheck" like operations with An-2 or Il-28 into the USAF airbases. This way, interceptors would

    have got a role.


    I know that this was the event in wich the F-102 were first sent into Vietnam, but i would like to know

    what do you think about this issue, such as the Dart capability to engage low level intruders, and any other thing you may consider

    • Like 1

  6. I would bet it is neither Coldplay, Keane, Muse, Oasis, Take That, Wilco, Travis, NickelBack, Second, Mana, MClan,

    Van Gogh´s Ear,Paramore, Eminem, Pussycat Dolls, Destiny´s Child,Usher, Creedence,The Trashmen,The Troggs,

    Jefferson Airplane,The Kinks, Rammstein, David Bowie, Village People, BeeGees, Limp "Biscuit", Katy Hazard Perry,

    Sonata Artica, Nelly, Back Street Gays, Spice Bit... well, none of those


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