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Posts posted by macelena

  1. i'm pretty sure the A-10 isn't one of cheaper and easier USAF planes to maintence.


    In fact, it is, as far as it is not giving many maintenance troubles while the aircraft is no longer in production

    and the USAF manages to get spares almost as handicraft. As for the runways, Eisenhower´s Interstate Highways

    and the whole amount of airfileds could do, the hog is not quite demanding about it. As for the ammo...these are the US!!

  2. Are the take offs broadcasted in CNN International or something?


    Perhaps they want the Shuttles to stay in service a bit longer if crisis prevents NASA

    to find a replacement




    Btw: Syrinx and Column5, now that i see your sigs, Isn´t there a what if documentary about US civil war in wich

    UK helped the Confederation so the USA becomes the CSA?

  3. Hola Macelena

    Me puse con los numeros que necesitabas y ya los tengo listos. Por las fotos que tengo el tipo de fuente es la misma para todos y creo que es bastante real la que he usado. He hecho también los numeros que van en la cola de cada avión. Te pongo unas imágenes para que veas el resultado y si te sirven tienes los ficheros en www.4shared.com

    También he puesto algún piloto más.


    Sniff, como se nota que semos aspañoles, Wildcat. Un inútil que no sabe hacer la O con un canuto (yo) tiene una idea estúpida,

    un currante como se rompe los cuernos haciendo un trabajo espléndido, solo falta que yo la cage y quedemos mal con todo el


  4. I´ve seen it since first aired in 2006. By now in Spain we´ve been waiting for

    the 4th season for a year, i got some chapters by other means. I don´t care its

    melodramatism, i find it way better than E-Ring.

  5. Well, this is not exactly related to the film. The VE thread by Emp_Palpatine gave me an idea to conmemorate

    the second world war: Get a history of some survivor you knew or ever met and post it here. You know, the debt of the

    world with the veterans and so :biggrin:


    Here goes mine: I could once met a veteran from the Spanish Civil War. He fought on several fronts from Madrid to the Ebro river

    (wich is a lot of war) and escaped to France after the war. Anyway, the republic was after him because of the death of a political



    Along with many other republican veterans he joined the french forces after

    the invasion of France. While almost 40.000 veterans in the era mounted the paramilitary branch of the french resistance in the early

    days of the occupation, he was deployed overseas with the 2nd Free French Armoured Division, in a spanish republican recon company

    known as "the Ninth"


    With this outfit he fought through Africa, and in Europe, they were the first troops from the 2nd Free French AD to enter Paris, their storu would betold

    in "Is Paris Burning?". He was about to participate in the invasion of Spain, wich was eventually cancelled. They stood as the spearhead of Leclerc´s Division. Do you remember

    the Easy Co. racing french troops to the Eagle nest? He was there.


    After the war,the incident of the commie comissar helped him not to be considered communist, wich would have caused him trouble with

    the new order. A Spanish captain on the other side (he fought in Leningrad along the Blue Division but that´s another story) gave his word

    to the regime that he was relyable, so he could get back to his hometown (Cartagena, my home also) where he made his living on a

    food shop. He married and had three children. I had the honor to meet him before his death in summer 2007






    PS: The first photo, reenactors in Normandy. The second, the "Ninth" entering Paris

  6. A couple of days ago, a skiff was rammed by our fleet tanker. I´m concerned about the real purpose

    of those who try to get aside warships, as far as it is not a good deal. Reports indicate that they use to learn about the ships they are about to

    attack. I see two options


    1:Al-Qaeda was already present in Somalia in 1992, and they worked with the warlords against the UN troops. Perhaps this time they are

    using their influence again to bitch around


    2: The pirates arrested will live better imprisoned in the west than free in somalia. Here in Spain, some inmigrants used to do something

    easy to get to jail, live well for a term, and be dispatched back home.

  7. AleDucat alcalde? o intendente, o como lo llamen alla


    Madre mia, que peligro. Ahora se dedicara a sus electores, que solo lo votaron, y algun dia lo botaran,

    en vez de a sus amigos de CombatAce... me cago en la puta


    :clapping: En serio, felicidades.


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