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Posts posted by macelena

  1. Si participara, UK tendría que ser aliado:







    Esta foto, de hecho, es de harriers españoles que operan del Illustrious dado que a la Royal Navy no le quedan cazas

    y la primera foto es del Ski Jump con el que se entrenaban antes nuestros pilotos,en Gran Bretaña

  2. Bueno, magníficas noticias: tenemos autorización de Bpao para usar modelos de Mirage Factory :yahoo:


    Para algunos aviones necesitamos nuevos numeros, que no sabría hacer yo solo. Seria preferible usar unos ficticios

    pero plausibles a dejarlos incompletos:


    Mirage F-1:




    (cambiar XX por números del 01 al 24)


    (cambiar XX por número del 01 al 48)


    Mirage IIIE:



    (cambiar XX por números del 01 al 15)


    Northrop F-5A


    (cambiar XX por números del 01 al 47, solo impares, creo)

  3. Past friday my university PMd all students, asking not to get to the campus if we had been in mexico

    until 10 days after our arrival back to Europe


    I made my part today in front of the Law School, everyone gathered around


    -"Cough! WTF, how could i get cold in Mexico, it was damn hot"


    PS none gave a s**t

  4. 54. Ride da Bomb like in "Dr Strangelove"

    55. Sweep the courts from MFs

    56. "Tourism invading a country"

    57. See a united Korea

    58. So for Europe

    59. Free Western Sahara

    60. Mad Laugh in a killzone before killed (this is about things to do before dying, huh??)

  5. To learn how far are the targets, look at the SAM launchers around the radar. Estimated range may be obtained by lookking at the map and see

    where may they be in the direction of RWR signal (cities, airfields, known lines of air defence such as the channel...)


    Btw, did you notice that when using ECM being not tracked they find you?

    If what you mean is to engage, not to avoid SAM, use ECM, set them on some away from the area for 10-15 seconds. The noise will call their attention, as they track you (signal in the second circle of RWR), deactivate them and let them illuminate you for a shot (when the signal is in the inner circle of RWR) loose the ARM and break diving into the SAM site. The signal of a radar illuminating a target is the best for ARMs to find and destroy

  6. hasta hay bien pero lo que no entiendo es lo de la secuencia :dntknw:






    Por ponertelo lo más sencillo posible: cada arma tiene un numero que ayuda a identificarla. Cada nueva arma debe

    recibir un nuevo número, le corresponde el siguiente. Asegurate de que el weapons editor esta en modo compatible

    (mira en propiedades)


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