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Posts posted by macelena

  1. One can't fear them too much... They are dreadfuls, those EMOs!!

    This summer i worked as Kid-for-all in a friend´s discotheque for EMOs, moving alcohol inside crates and bottles,

    alcohol inside people... and i can tell you somethings:


    1- I´m 1.82cm tall (approx 6 feet) and never met anyone taller-NEVER

    2-The EMOgirls and HOMOEMOs could try to rape you in a dark place. If you deny, they will threaten with suicide. If you

    say "Go on" they threaten with crying. They cry, really. I´m ugly as Moe

    3-They all believe to be vampires

    4-before that i was against death penalty


    EDIT: That´s the most stupid post i made for long. Sorry

  2. A marvel of this forums is that you can talk about a war you lived with people from the other side. Here are serbians, croatians, albanians,

    and people from NATO members. Now you vote each other in Eurovision (or is it possible tovote in a foreign tv?)


    I don´t know, but despite that we think about war more than in sex (or almost) we

    are the most peaceful people on the internet... i´m even more afraid from EMOs

  3. I see that Gnats and MB-339 are very similar to jastrebs and galebs... Would you like to share those models with us, so we can ask their authors if we can change their models so that they look exactly like oraos and galebs? (off course, if we find willing modelers...)

    I think because they look similiar, there should be less trouble in changing the model than making it from scrap...



    Gnats from the serbian air force are in Marcfighters, trouble is that i don´t know whasup with its page. MB is over here, i got one

    from a falklands pack (i suggest to use this mod carefully, broke my SFP1 install)

  4. I think that making it realistic shouldn´t be took as far as killing

    the campaign per lack of oposition. A fulcrum serbian squadron with up to 16 a/c,

    would fit, but making it less would make them be a Eagle Sweep long


    About other aircraft, i suggest to give decoys to all of them, by the same reasons. Perhaps

    making it a high density in AAA would give the campaign a strong personality, and be more realistic,

    but improving the air opforce within some reasonable limits would avoid killing the campaign. The other

    option i see would be to decrease the enemy air activity. Tell what you rather, but i´m not meaning to give serbians

    half hundred fulcrums and two hundred fishbeds


    i.e: If you were playing with Eagles, wouldn´t you like to have something more serious to do

    after the first dogfights than chasing Galebs?


    EDIT: s**t, gunnar already got this kind of idea as i wrote

  5. Sooooo false !



    The person below me couldn't be bothered to walk their dog this morning...and it pooped indoors.



    True. I have no dog


    The person below me rathers the film Dambusters(remake) to Halo

  6. I'm looking forward to the new Dam Busters film. I was an electrical fitter on 617 Squadron at RAF Binbrook in the fifties. I worked on Lincolns and Canberras.


    Lecky (ken)


    How long did the Lincoln remain in RAF service? Guess it was replaced by Canberras during your servicetime... Indeed, such film, even

    a remake, sounds a better way to spend money, effort and time than Halo.


    It would be good if it included several missions, such as the attack on Tirpitz. Anyway, as there is only

    a Lincoln ("Manchester City", i think) remaining in flight conditions, the scenes would be computer generated...

    got enough of that with my videogames.


    EDIT By the way, welcome to the forum, sir. You must be from my grandad generation, it´s good to see that you stay in front of a computer at your age.

  7. Indeed, you can´t say that USAF would loose the air superiority just because aircraft such as the Su-30 or J-10 are

    so powerful. MiG-29s were expected to be better than Eagles, and post-cold-war exercises confirmed it, but as

    far as you can out-think, out-act the enemy, it´s as valuable as out-turning them. Ask Saddam if you doubt it


    A significant part of it are the red flags, for keeping your own and allied units with some experience fighting together,

    and for I+D. You better learn the lessons there and make the appropiate changes there. In 1988, in NATO exercises,

    a RAF Tornado flight was meant to destroy a dam, wich was in a mountain terrain, defended by a conscript, Mistral equiped

    SAM battery, in a low level strike. They couldn´t drop the LGBs. Perhaps they weren´t 617 Sqn, but learning about it would

    have saved some italian and british crews in Gulf War.


    If you can learn about a fighter likely to be used by Iran and who knows else, you better do it. I meant with all this: Buy more Raptors!!!

  8. Me acabo de bajar el Mod, voy a probarlo ahora a ver si rompo algo, pero tiene muuuuuu buena pinta


    Ademas, si alguno leyó la novela "Tormenta Roja", la mejor parte de la trama, en Islandia, se inspira en lo de Malvinas,

    así que voy a usar el terreno par hacer el animal un poco. Saludos a todo el mundo

  9. Fact: Las Vegas, Nevada, is the only major city in North America that's "defended" by an S-300 (SA-10) SAM battery :biggrin:



    What :blink: ?


    Ok, Cartagena, eastern Spain, is the only city defended by a regiment of NASAMS in the Mediterranean. Is it the

    kind of useless factoid you mean´t? Put all my effort on it


    EDIT: Yes I´m from there. What does it matter? I´ve got a good air defence

  10. About Red Flag Alaska, I heard in commentaries (unconcerned to uphold national pride, not even an optimistic guy) that spanish

    hornets, upgraded to a new indigenous standard, meaning new datalink,iff,ecm and radar upgrades based on Typhoon´s one,

    achieved a kill rate superior 1 against agressors.


    Does anybody know anything, how could it happen? Even JASDF flew as enemies with their F-15s , and all pilots we sent there

    were at least captains, but an interdictor against an Eagle...

  11. Well, i got SFP1, and i got every spanish aircraft avaible since f-86f (just replaced my own tunning for wrench´s mod) but i

    fly them depending on the terrain. In Germany, my Starfigher gets German; in Vietnam, my Phantom gets Yankee.


    EDIT:Anyway, i remember a sim called Royal Flying Corps, and german planes were better (but Dr.I, don´t ask me why)

  12. The game allows to load weapons if compatible with the aircraft AND if the nation is from the same

    side of the Cold War.


    In some scenarios bothsides have equipment from the same half of the world, even the same country

    (Arab-Israeli, Iran-US, Desert Storm, India-Pak, Greek-Turk, Belkan Wars). Shouldn´t we have the capability of

    carrying any weapons fit for the aircraft flown, and the nation of the aircraft mean only in wich side does the aircraft fight?

    Is there any way to fix that?


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