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Posts posted by macelena

  1. Wait...there's a F-5A wingtip tank mod? Dang, wasn't aware of that. Are they at all like the tear shaped tanks that were used on the CF-5A?



    Well, i didn´t download the CF-5A, but i´ll download and see if tanks fit. The wingtip drop tanks look like two eggs(no kidding) stuck by the base

    ( the center of the fuselage of this tank is thiner than its points due to the rule of area, i guess)

  2. Cruel bar-stewards.


    You should all be ashamed.



    Wait a minute, if i wasn´t sober IT (leave SHE for nice ships) wouldn´t turn my stomach,

    and i wouldn´t feel ashamed but just drunk and happy.

  3. It´s always good to see people happy with their phantoms. I expend all time

    with Yo-yos, up & down like an elevator


    About the ini edits, is there something useful for the low speed turn

    in EF2000? drives me mad


    EDIT: edited caseu there was an error on message

  4. Happy birthday, Mannie, USMC.

    Hope that the whole USMC remembers my birthday in return... no, better forget it

    if they came to visit home.... :shok:


    #happy birthday to montezuuuuuuma and the bitches of tripoliiii#


    EDIT: How didn´t censorship cover the lyrics of the Hymn-birthday song?

  5. That article didn't mention their rules of engagement. Are they going to be allowed to kill these scum bags or will they have to go through some ROE designed by some politician that will not be effective and not deter any piracy? The only thing people like that understand is force.



    Truly. The spanish P-3 Orion got a s**t of ROEs, and when they were called by a tanker for help, they couldn´t fire their AGM-65s

    because the pirates had not made a shot yet. This was meant to avoid sinking fishermen, but there were FLIR pictures in wich the

    pirates appeared clearly wielding the RPGs.


    Finally, the Orion scared the scummies with smoke grenades, but i don´t think it is working anymore

  6. not sure about what yu mean with "doesn't recognize decals" for F-18


    decals are an option for skins, it's not compulsary to make use of them, some skinners might prefer to avoid them for any reason....


    F-18 does support decals like any other plane in the game


    I mean that there is a decals file, wich work with the standard, poor HUD hornet mod. Used an spanish and a marines skin, but the only one in wich

    the decals worked was the default, Blue Angels skin

  7. Here is a couple bugs getting me mad since I downloaded a SFP1megapack from cheksix, suggested to get F-18 better HUD:


    :blink: The wingtip droptanks at F-5A (Mirage Factory)... the portside tank doesn´t appear!


    :blink: The F-18 doesn´t recognize decals (not even Nationname nor Insignia, didn´t mistake the adress), just paints BMPs


    Please someone help me fix this


    But :





    I forgot the link to the patch, but it shall be easy to find here http://www.checksix-fr.com/

  8. RIP. My dad once told me about Navy:

    "A ship fit for combat duty may sink or not, but a ship unfit for combat will allways sink"


    You will allways keep making the job the best you know how to, no matter the lack of armour in your Humvee,

    or if your NBQ suit is as effective in Chernobyl as being naked, or the main gun of your ship shot down a kamikaze

  9. Two spanish military KIA and 5 wounded in Afghanistan, suicide bombimg .

    The ambush was much like the one wich killed two german troops recently. At least no childrens were killed this time. RIP


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