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Posts posted by macelena

  1. About the first, i heard that the spanish army would get some surplus MRAPs for afghanistan. We already got a brand new

    things made in the same way, but i heard it from dependable people. ¿know anything about export?


    About the second... :blink: kind of freak

  2. True! No way I'm picking that stuff up with my clean hands!


    The person below me doesn't believe in the powers of Chuck Norris

    and his ways to command eels!



    Wait a minute, i´m a believer. :notworthy: I saw it when young :grandpa:


    About my list, any news about t-38 / f-5b ?


    The person below me has nightmares with sunflowers

  3. True, no False... I don't know what's prog.


    The person below me knows what prog metal is.

    Nope, neither do i know. Gotta be a quite strange thing


    Btw, as i don´t know were is the topic "wich aircraft you miss in game", i´ll give my list:

    T-38 Talon

    F-5B Freedom Fighter



    The person below me knows something about my list in work. Please say you do :yes:

  4. I don't think so. i haven't fly the Hawker Hunter yet.


    The person below me doesn't care who is becoming the new president of the United States.



    False, perhaps i´m next


    The person below me would be afraid if i was the next POTUS.

  5. True. They are very lame, though I heard they're a big hit with the mentally challenged.


    The person below me suffers from irregular bowel movement at the most inopportune time.



    True, but i would say that those around me suffe it.


    Btw, we would be impressed of the waste of time we make on this topic :blink:


    The person below me thinks and acts the same i do

  6. Read the good old book of Carl von Clausewitz "Von Kriege" and you may know how to win such wars. But how our politicians rules this war we will face sensless losses again and again.


    The trouble is that people picks ideas like clothes... for fashion.


    The weekend before this attack, an spanish PRT was ambushed. No allies were injured, but at least two talibans died. The next

    day, a commision in my law school from all european countries condemned- the assasination of two partisans by our fascist army!!

  7. pues mi computadora no es muy potente, y juego con los detalles a medio, y aun asi esos aviones no me funcionan, el que si me funciona es el f-35, aunque no a la perfeccion, solo le falla el cañon, pero por lo demas esta bien.

    Lo del cañon es que el que viene no esta en el juego ni ningun pack de armas. Metete en F-35A_DATA y busca al apartado

    donde pone el nombre del cañon y pon "20MM_M61A1"


    Por cierto dru, menudos pantallazos para el tiempo de carga, casi da pena cuando por fin empieza la mision


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