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Posts posted by macelena

  1. I got a paratrooper-friend, corporal, deployed in Afghanistan, who was URO (like humvee)leader, and once got hit by an IED. The car

    resisted the shock damage, but started to burn. When they got out from it just noticed that one was missing, and was trapped inside

    he got burned and scarred trying to save him, but they couldn´t. The KIA was a PFC (or equivalent) in Spain, but years before served

    against FARC guerrilla as SGT in the Colombian Army.


    My friend told me that his friend was different, that they respected him a lot for fighting beside us, his gallantry, and experience

    But when i see a man taller than me crying, scarred, and such humble, i feel that same for him.


    THANK YOU is rather short for what the military do out there

  2. Interesting topic, man. As far as i´m more done to air defense, i´ll talk about my two favs- apart of some you mentioned


    F-104G. Pros: Excellent performance and visibility, nice maneuvering, good armament. Cons:Rather unstable, hard on its first flights

    Never tried USAF versions, but i think that it´s more "dream" than "widowmaker". It only needs comprehensive pilots. If you can use its unstable flight,

    and learn how to recover-avoid stall, it becomes a flying marvel."Be water, my friend"


    F-106 Pros: Stability, good amount of ammo, easy handling. Cons: I don´t like its armament, lack of guns and poor missiles. Visibility is

    rather... you better watch for yourself.

    I don´t appreciate its performance, can´t climb and get speed at the same time satisfactorily. If flown for SCRAMBLE needs so much time to be airborne and at proper altitude. If in CAP, you better fight on BVR, as its armament is for bombers, in its role is wonderful, a bomber downer.

  3. Imagine the face of my dad (navy) when i told him i would join the air force :blink::no::rofl:

    I´m sure he will talk to me again someday


    Something deeply impresses me about the new usn CVL photo:

    I know that the crisis, subprime bailout and all this mess is causing

    budget to fall short, but this... you still keep tomcats in service? :biggrin:

  4. Ya esta. Esta tarde, hablando aqui con gente que sabe, me he enterado que Mirage Factory trabaja en nuestro Mirage y la cosa saldra pronto,

    por lo que aqui un menda tira con su modelo hasta que salga el nuevo

  5. Happy new year 5768 everyone. Let´s party hard, pals. Somethig good of a multicultural civilization is

    that you can celebrate parties for everybody. I feel that i missed the last 3760 New Year parties :blink:


    Peace for everybody!! :biggrin:

  6. Estoy con un Mirage F-1, al que he puesto nueva skin y ajustes en loadout y data, para representar los Mirage F-1 tal y como sirven hoy

    en dia en el Ala 14 de Los Llanos. Esta basado en el Mirage F-1CH marroqui, incluyendo dispensadores de señuelos y todo :biggrin: .

    Lo que necesito saber es si realmente llevan misiles AMRAAM, si alguien esta interesado en este avión, cualquier sugerencia.

  7. I started flying an OTC campaign flying a Scooter, my first mission was to destroy an MRBM Launcher, I fly to the target, order my flight to attack ground targets and start a rocket attack on my target. Out of nowhere, one of the members of my flight streaks into my line of fire from left to right and a rocket hits him center mass and he explodes into a fireball. It took a minute to sink in that that had actually happened. That is a one in a million event I think. Has anyone else had something like this occur?



    In fact what i use to see is how my line of fire crosses the scooters when im bored of escorting them, "ensign hawkins", but seriously, i had seen a lot

    of times, thought never killed him. what is more usual is that when you´re intercepting a bomber formation, one of yours hits you with an AIM9

    when close to incoming raid

  8. as i post this, an aviojet c.101 (spanish basic jet trainer) and a propeller trainer are doing fly-bys and some kind of DCT or something like that over my home.

    that rocks no matter their speed, seems Mustangs Vs Me262 :-), flying 60 ft above roofs

  9. Por cierto espectro, ¿nuestro F-1M tiran con AMRAAM? como poder creo que podrian, y es una modernizacion que me

    mencionó uno del Ejercito del Aire (un instructor de la AGA) como interesante junto a las ECM nuevas

  10. Because of the urricanes the Wright Patterson's flight line is full of Seymour Johnson's F-15E's, F-18 from VFA-143. C-17's, Harriers. F-15A's from the FL ANG. I mean it is amazing the amount of planes here. I got a crappy pic I will post later.



    I saw once F-15Es from LN, F-16CGs from AV (including the one of a LtGen, guess USAFE co), Mirage 2000 and F1, Hornet, Harriers, Typhoons, AWACS,

    C-130, Tornado ECR, the tiger meet, Canadair Hidros, lots of choppers including a Mi-24, et cetera.


    So tell me... WHY AM I ENVYING YOU SUCH WAY NOW????!!!!

  11. Lo ideal seria tener las versiones biplaza de dichos aviones , el mirage III B , el T-38 talon y el Mirage F-1B para hacer pareja con las versiones monoplaza que ya existen habitualmente y que quedarian bien para hacer misiones con formaciones mixtas de unidades monoplazas y biplazas juntas pero por desgracia ni del F-18 ni del MIRAGE III NI DEL MIRAGE F-1 y mucho menos del F-5 . Una lastima la verdad.



    Hoy mismo he visto algo de uno que iba a hacer un t-38, pero del mirage f-1 lo que me ------- de ------- es que no tenga sus dispensadores de

    señuelos de forma interna, pues el unico disponible es el ALE-37, que se retira en 1990 y queda chungo para meterte con Mig-29

  12. La verdad que seria bonito tener unos skines del Mirage III junto a unos de los F-5 para hacer una campaña con el Ejercito del Aire!!



    Yo me hice un par para el F-5, pintando la cruz y con decals-insignia del skoshi y del turco, pero me pasa igual, sin numeros ni el

    escudo del Ala 22.


    Para SFP1 me hice una campaña con Phantom, MirageIII y esos F-5, ambientada en 1972, pero lo suyo seria hacernos el Estrecho, como hicieron los griegos hace poco con el Egeo

  13. Claro esos son digamos que esos eran los que iniciaron ya lo que fue su ultimo vuelo ya como unidad del ala 11 hasta que los desguazasen y dejasen unos cuantos en un museo y el resto como chatarra , actualmente el ala 11 de manises se traslado a la base de Moron de la frontera y usan en la actualidad como bien dices tu el EF-2000 o eurofighter que de no haber cesado la base de Manises actualmente hoy en dia estarian sobrevolando los cielos de la costa Levantina :).


    Un saludete de EsPeKTr0



    Saludos, ya arreglare mi skin y la subire, a ver si me dejan los de Mirage Factory.

  14. :ok: Los mios son mas chapuceros; esta basado en el "ardennes", y el tono es mas frio, y con "calcas" antiguas, basadas en una maqueta de como

    estaban en 1970, pero me hice una skin igual, con la cruz de S. Andres "mini" y los decals del EF2000 "11-08" , segun vi en YouTube:




    En cuanto sepa cuelgo las fotos del mio. En este foro el que no corre, vuela

  15. No hay ninguna skin del mirage III español, y creo que, aunque eclipsado por los c.12 y 14 muy pronto,

    es un caza precioso y no se justifica que no este.

    Yo me tunee un mirage III, pero los numerales y la insignia del Ala los puse con el paint, porque no controlo archivos TGA

    Oí que se trabajaba en ello... hara un año

  16. No matter who comes to power, Pakistan will always be the same old "Pakistan".


    Shame that good old Sam the brave, your marshall, died before seeing this happen, he could have told it really loud and clear

    btw, i saw few ago a TV prog about the border joint closing before dawn...amazing ceremony, man


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