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Posts posted by macelena

  1. Well, the Spanish Army has endured my shortcomings long enough that as of this morning, I made Sargeant (E6 here, it works differently than in the US) Just bragging to be honest.

    • Like 13

  2. I've been looking a bit into them, not being very knowledgeable on their specifics, and I don't know what difference, if any, they had in terms of their role within Soviet/Warsaw Pact doctrine. They seem to have have more or less equivalent capabilities and seem redundant to a certain extent

  3. 1 hour ago, pvince said:

    If no business interest any longer, if we could at least get the source released….


    This has been wished for since even when it seemed like new content was coming, however i guess SF2 sits right where TK can still get some moderate revenue and wants to keep it safe from, say, having a potentially improved competing option, but not enough to spend any more time/money (the same when you think of it) on the original PC SF/WoX series.

    • Like 4

  4. 2 hours ago, Menrva said:

    I wouldn't care about this arcade-ish mobile game ported to PC if I were you. Unfortunately, there's more demand for these mobile games rather than for a proper update of the original Strike Fighters series we all love. Our best hope is that this mediocre (yet unique in its kind) game brings money to TK. Maybe and just maybe we can get news on the Win10 (Win11?) patch for SF2.

    I'm not very optimistic. If i were him, and the full arcade games are what brings him money, instead of SF2, I wouldn't invest much if anything on SF2. I don't like it or agree on how it is handled, but I understand it. 

    • Like 1

  5. Something i feel kind of "split" regarding how ET life could be is what would they be like. Our definition, or rather our concept of life is based on what we've seen on Earth, so whatever we might eventually encounter, and I feel it is quite unlikely we get to meet them, could be too different...too "alien" to even identify it.

    What i mean is, life developed under such a different environment could be quite detached from what we might expect, and I still feel like it could be an spectrum of beings that might fit an open minded definition of sentient life.

    Taking SciFi works for reference, I think it could go from "Solaris" like stuff to humanoid species we might see in "light" science fiction (Star Trek, Star Wars, Mass Effect) through convergent/parallel evolution, and in between something like the aliens from "Starship Troopers", "Forever War" or "Ender's Game" with so many differences we could barely reach any understanding or communication with before we start slugging it out. 

    Think of the different takes on warfare of different cultures here on Earth, and how different does it evolve. Some might go for kill counts, others for gaining ground, showing off, putting up a good fight according to their concept of honor...you name it. But if warfare is hardly understood the same way by, say, Spanish vs Aztecs, US vs Imperial Japan, Afghans and everybody else and so on, imagine that with alien species. And i would apply that to society, trade, religion, science, language, trade and economy, diplomacy...

  6. 20 hours ago, streakeagle said:

    Overall, in SF series games,  I never found it necessary to mod the AI enemies. I understood how the AI was flying and could generally beat them. It was actually pleasant to see the AI do something unexpected and beat me every now and then. I wouldn't spend a lot of time trying to make the MiG-19 FM better, because the AI doesn't really use the full FM. Learn the vulnerability of the AI's tactics and exploit it, then the FM won't matter as much. SF AI is predominately horizontal turning tactics. Creative use of the vertical, rolling scissors, and "Top Gun" movie style sudden slow down tactics can beat just about any AI no matter how good their flight model is.


    The thing is, while they are challenging, they never felt like they spoil anything, on the contrary. If anything, it is more about flying with them against the blue side. I could try flying them in 1982 against Israel, though. Not even Tomcats do that well there.

  7. 8 hours ago, daddyairplanes said:

    you really need to check out the WorldWar series by Harry Turtledove

    first four books cover an alien invasion during World War 2. per the recon drones they sent and had radio back, they were expecting mediaval knights.

    second part covers the peace in the 1960s, just as the colonization ships start arriving. and yes, its amazing to see what people do with the alien tech they had captured two decades ago or bought/stolen/traded for in the years since

    final book sees humanity matching then overtaking the aliens within the same book (technically 20 year span, though only a couple are really covered)

    only distinct spoiler is the alien races shock to see a human spacecraft over their homeworld.  armed with nukes "for self defense"

    Will try, although lately i can't get into books as much as i wish i could. Not long ago found some short stories about the trope "Humans are Space Orcs" and to be honest I got interested. 

  8. 2 hours ago, daddyairplanes said:


    i have subscribed to the belief for years that we are not in fact alone

    we are just the neighborhood the aliens roll the windows up and lock the doors as they pass through

    Smug green/grey wimps...we don't have that many wars, pandemics, or nuclear incidents. What's the worst we could do with their tech, ram a planet at relativistic velocity, or tear space-time with a gravity powered drive? 

    • Haha 2

  9. 10 hours ago, streakeagle said:

    In the mean time, DCS World continues to be my primary flight sim with online PVE servers for Korea and Vietnam consuming most of my flight time. I just wish DCS had the F2H-2 Banshee for Korea and the F-4 for Vietnam, but the F-86, P-51, and MiG-15 are great for Korea and the UH-1, F-5, A-4E, MiG-19, and MiG-21 are great for Vietnam.

    Along with Crusaders and MiG-17s...As soon as i settle down and can afford the time and cash, I think I'm diving on to DCS. Still think i will keep going back to SF2

  10. 12 hours ago, Wrench said:

    almost all the AI aircraft are missing that engine data. I even check an old extracted WoE 08 level data ini, and it's not there either. I think it was assumed (!!oh that word!!!) that the AI birds would be left that way, as simple targets, and never would need them.

    If one REALLY wanted to finagle those statements in, I'd find an engine fairly close in thrust, and just use those (mystre IV, F-100A, etc) and see where it takes you

    Is it possible that these were dumbed down for the AI not to crash them? The stock F-104 FM is incredibly more forgiving than the modded ones, and still they go stupid sometimes. One of the things that frustrate me the most is how sometimes we get AI F-100s fly like they are in a MiG-17s against...MiG-17s,  turning and dumping speed until they are sitting ducks. 

    • Like 2

  11. 9 hours ago, Gepard said:

    The Brits evacuated over 800 with one plane. The Americans evacuated over 600 with one plane. The Germans evacuated 7 with one plane. Well done Luftwaffe! Outstanding job!

    We've sent 2 A-400Ms and a Security Forces detachment to bring back 25 Spanish citizens and 600 Afghans. I'm completely confident in our government's management, and have no doubts that the 25 Spanish already got out in another plane, and we are bringing back the wrong 600 Afghans along with a herd of goats to be granted refugee status out of concern for their sexual integrity. 

  12. It doesn't look pretty but you could see that comingimg00154.thumb.JPG.a10dc55891a54611965038334921080b.JPG

    They fire OK


    Those three, each looking for a different radar. 


    I think it would look better if i rearranged the attachment points so it looks like some kind of  WW conversion, carrying a few fewer missiles. Either way, I think the missile load is likely to be more expensive than the plane at this point.

    The culprit seemed to be the absurd amount of them they carry. The base quantity was 2, switched it to 999, and now i can load 25 (instead of the 28, i guess weight or something)



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