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Posts posted by macelena

  1. False, it was a cupcake.


    The person below me never failed a class in school.





    The person below me agrees that Novalogics Delta Force series are

    only worthy until Task Force Dagger


    PS. About the cake,do it twice again in California, and get prison for life. Thought you were better than this.

  2. Che la idea es buena...y tener un juguetillo asi me dan ganas de tocar.....ahora vuelvo.



    :no: No seas cerdo, pato, que si te pasas tse te va a secar la medula espinal


    La verdad es que si ese hubiese sido el Eurofighter, el universo se habria recomprimido

    y Maradona, en efecto, hubiera sido brasileño. No en serio, tendriamos que haberlo sacado

    adelante tambien


    El juego de Suicidal, es "Real War", no?

  3. Modifying the fuselage makes it sound like it's more trouble than it's worth. The USN never bothered to make Tomahawks air-launched.



    Indeed, the best would be the Taurus, wich can be lunched from Hornets, Typhoons and Gripen (in evaluation as India´s

    new lightfighter) but once India invested the money in the development of an indigenous weapon, it´s natural that they

    want to have this, and not any other wich would mean to buy out. If what India wants is to become a local superpower,

    they will have to rely in their own capability to build weaponry

  4. reminds me of the video where an early F/A-18 dropped some kind of bomb that got trapped in some kind of turbulance and slammed into an a-4 chaseplane proceeding to rip its wing off and send the sob spining and spewing fuel.




    By the shape and the unstable aerodynamic behaviour (denoting that it´s light or mis-equilibrated) it could be a half-empty drop tank.

  5. that happens to the IDF all the time

    those tank drivers... believe me, they are the worst :biggrin:


    I believe you, my friend. At least those merkavas are designed for safety





    Now our M-60s are in service only in the Infantry "Pimp my ride" Academy http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=HiOs12KpG5E



    Lt -Go tell the Major to come see if this pleases him

    Sgt -I think it looks just fine, Sir

    Lt -Go tell him anyway

  6. Bueno, ¿querían votación? aqui tienen. No incluí cual es mejor

    en aire-aire porque todos coincidimos en el Skyhawk, pero

    tenganlo en cuenta si es una ventaja importante en cualquier pregunta.


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